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Everything posted by itsari

  1. It was not intentional comment can only make depositors feel far from secure if there money should go missing from there account .
  2. Because I was betting the pound would go down and the dollar would go up . That is exactly what happened.
  3. I used wise UK to transfer funds and they are to be trusted . I transfered pounds to dollars two months ago within the wise account . And now i have transfered us dollars to baht recently . I was pleased with the result .
  4. Sterling ok?
  5. The problem with your suggestion on raising interest rates here in Thailand at the same amount as the US are doing is that there are many in problems to pay there loans . Obvious repercussions would eventuate
  6. Parity with the euro is on the cards and the US dollar is a certainty . Take the inflation in account then the UK pensionists in Thailand will be hit hard .
  7. Minimum height of 90cm for balustrades on all balconies would be a very good start .
  8. The driver of the car was breaking the speed limit by at least 50 percent . For that reason the pedestrian has to be allowed some compensation for his irresponsible way of crossing the road . When you drive faster than the legal limit you take a huge risk if things go wrong . Pedestrians and drivers can learn from this unfortunate incident . My deepest sympathy to the family of the deceased
  9. Gossip is done with out your presence yet doing much harm to you . Therefore if a person who involves in gossip they are getting involved .
  10. Donating time is far more worth than giving money .
  11. In my opinion Thais have a problem to mind there own business . That has been my experience Biggest gossip mongerers I have come across after having lived in the UK , Australia and Norway before living in Thailand .
  12. The man is wanting to help the local community that he lives in . How is that difficult to understand ? I think you are the weird one .
  13. Strong dollar is not good for the US exporters either .
  14. I suggest you be quick at what ever the price for the exchange for pounds to baht . Parity with the US dollar is fast coming..
  15. Many countries are doing the same . The US dollar strength is causing big problems for many countries .
  16. By the way the strength of the US Dollar is causing many problems around the world and not just Thailand . The free market is creating problems . Intervention is needed before a collapse occurs . The cycle at the moment is a runaway train . Sri Lanka was just a beginning .
  17. I am frequenting bars often because I like the beer they sell rather than trying to regain my youth . What I drink the public view unlike the at home drinkers that nobody can see . Norwegians call them cupboard drinkers .
  18. Hard to understand how the driver can see through the glass , especially at night.
  19. Yes, I see there could be problems .I have thought to renew one more time with the agent and apply with Chiang Mai after the next 12 months .I have more than the 800000 now and I have a income of around 50000 a month that has been paid to a Thai bank account for over one year now. There could be a problem still with the TM30 showing Chiang Mai . Thank you again for sharing your knowledge.
  20. I have not asked them my self . I have just been going on what I have read . I will go in and ask . I used a agent for my last extension using a immigration office in the Bangkok area. Can that be a obstruction in a application in Chiang Mai? I thank you for your reply .
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