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Everything posted by itsari

  1. US dollar being bought from fear on the markets as well as the increase in interest rates
  2. Foreign oil companies are reluctant to invest in countries with unstable governments .
  3. Where have you been ? His wealth is made from the construction industry . Cheap labor and cement involved there
  4. Henry the 8th was the creator of the first lottery . Also known for getting rid of the Vatican control of the UK economy . Smart fellow Bought a few lottery tickets in 8 years in Thailand . Won nothing
  5. I realise what you meant . But there are better ways to make your point . Elucidations ! Had to Google that one
  6. Unintelligent not allowed ?
  7. I understand your meaning and your reasoning yet in todays world Thailand is considered a developing nation .
  8. Thailand is not considered a third world country .
  9. As it so happens I was around when Ferrari Joe was shopped by a person who recorded the killing of a suspected drug dealer. If the person that filmed the killing is a policeman nobody knows as that person's name has not been released .
  10. Perhaps if you had taken sinovac as you call it had saved you from contracting COVID .
  11. I am happy to of been offered the vaccinations.
  12. Sinovac is what I have been given courtesy from the Thai Government . So far in over two years I have not contracted COVID and if I did I would not be hospitalised. I would say millions of people around the world can say the same as my self and have prevented hospitalisation due to COVID vaccines that were made available well before the western vaccinations were available.
  13. Unless you drive a Ferrari
  14. Were they ever beautiful???
  15. Good you understood my meaning which is at the end of the day what language is all about. Good night to you .
  16. I beg to differ on your statement . It is rare occasion when a police officer reports on wrong doing of a comrade in Thailand . What is your big surprise stemming from???
  17. Mr Joke was too colorful when he decided to try and straighten Thai Immigration concerning fees from agents . Best the mentioned officer watch his back in his latest escaped .
  18. It is time to get serious with the companies that have irresponsible employees allowing hanging wires to kill or injure people . I have seen one example of where the hanging wire was looped at the bottom like a noose ready to snare someone . I do not see age as a contributing factor in this incident . I said incident as it is not a accident .
  19. Always thought in my few years in Thailand that a smash repair business would be a good business to invest in . Steady growth each day
  20. Seems like your concoction has disabled your memory and when to make humour from a dead woman murdered by a crazed jealous drunken loser.
  21. 24 hours for floor adhesive to dry before any weight placed on top of the tile . Many Thais lay floor tiles on cement . One reason why floor tiles lift up in Thailand . You do not specify what method was used . Cement needs time to dry as well . 3 hours is not recommended
  22. Windows open with a fan on all night . Sleep better knowing I will have a smaller electric bill from PEA.
  23. Thailand has not a tipping culture as in the United States for example . The waiters depend on tips to make a livable wage in the US . I have stopped having a beer at a local foreigners bar on this issue of tipping . I like to buy a beer as I order them and then the guy serving would throw a plate under my nose with the change . If I never left any change I was often accused of being a cheap charlie . I asked the guy to forget the tray when i order a beer , That fell on deaf ears . Now I forget to go there and have a beer in a Thai bar that is far cheaper and no tray thrust at me . Yes I do tip the bar person often at the Thai bar . Mostly received reluctantly , so i say now its for the ice .
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