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Everything posted by itsari

  1. Not a good way of using the word dissecting when there are fatalities involved .
  2. And what is your conclusion while we wait for the CSI team report ? One of the motorcycles looks heavily laden . Maybe that could be one contributing factor towards the unfortunate accident ?
  3. You are misquoting my statement . I never said I support the present Thai Government . I am putting out that whoever was running Thailand through the pandemic would have had similar problems due to the reliance on tourism . Even if Thailand opened its borders there would be few takers .
  4. Shortages where ever one turns there head at the present time all over the world .
  5. Pub is an abbreviation for a public house where it was expected to have a place to overnight . A bar never had that stipulation .
  6. How can you blame Prayuth or Anutin for the present situation . ? It would not matter who was in control of Thailand concerning the outcome of the covid 19 pandemic .
  7. Not much chance of you jerking your brain cell to realise that people on the truck need income to support there family .
  8. The link does not explain why my statement should be considered wrong . What is being found is that less people are being admitted to hospitals around the world because of covid 19 due to the vaccination programme's that have reached the majority of the population, Thailand has a long way to go . End result being less deaths as a bonus . Opening bars is a unnecessary addition to the fight against further infections while the vaccination of at least 70 percent of the population is carried out .
  9. I have a brain cell yet i do not agree with your comment . Keep the bars closed until they have 80 percent of the population vaccinated . Workers making a living for there families crammed on a truck is a better calculated risk than a bar full of hot air to put it politely.
  10. Fortunately that dance never caught on , as the death rate among the elderly could of risen in the present covid times .
  11. Sentence could well depend on the depth of the re enactment
  12. Living in Thailand with the possibility to take a quick photo to help a salesman understand what you are wanting to purchase is high on my list for a must have . No camera no sale
  13. Your right , but all transport needs energy that at the present moment is going through the roof.
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