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Everything posted by RuamRudy

  1. Yeah, I am still not convinced. My loathing of Morgan is based on the mountains is hurt he has dished out to innocent people. I don't see anyone actually hurt by Harry and Meghan other than a ridiculously archaic and corrupt money pit of an organisation that should be cancelled forthwith.
  2. Unless she was involved in his firing, I am not sure there is a connection other than tangential. Didn't he get fired from a previous job for his own lying? Personally, I think hacking a dead kid's phone and giving her parents false hope that she was still alive is much worse, but I am happy to see him suffer misfortune regardless of its provenance.
  3. The level of hatred that this couple attracts is truly baffling to me. I can understand why Piers Morgan hates them - Meghan rejected his advances many years ago and the sensitive little snowflake still feels slighted. But why do so many others feel equally as outraged by their existence? I can only assume that it's a similar sort of insecurity, but they see them as a threat to the ridiculously outdated institution that spawned Harry, and heaven forbid that this clownshow monarchy should ever end! I strongly suspect that the Venn diagram of Brexiteers and Harry haters shows significant overlap.
  4. It's somewhat ironic that the first name on your list is Warren Mitchell, that great humanitarian socialist and all-round top bloke. "I had a bloke come up to me one day and say, 'I love that show of yours Alf, especially when you have a go at the c**ns.' I said, 'Actually, we're having a go at b*****ds like you.'" https://www.thejc.com/culture/tv/i-fear-more-laughed-with-alf-garnett-than-at-him-1.62870?reloadTime=1674259200011
  5. He's dead, hanging him now would be a pointless exercise. Then again, I have never supported the death penalty, even for dead people. Were all rich people offensively arrogant and ignorant in the early 20th century? Is that a reasonable excuse? Not in my book, but I guess we all have our standards.
  6. When it comes to his paternal grandfather, no amount of ghost written words will roll back on his well publicised racism.
  7. The CofE doing it's damnedest to remain relevant in the eyes of the masses, I see. Source
  8. Of course she can. The fact that she is such a well known figure, instantly recognisable as the face of concerned youth, is testament to the fact that she inspires others. As for quantifying her appeal, I am not a marketer so I cannot give metrics, but she is undoubtedly recognisable as a media face of concerned youth.
  9. Why can her promotion of the climate emergency not be cited as a major accomplishment? Others have done so in the past, but now is her time. She has galvanised and inspired a generation of people around the world in a way that nobody else is currently managing to do. More power to her elbow!
  10. I only wish the Met were as keen to investigate corruption and collusion with foreign states in the UK government.
  11. When internal combustion engines are replaced with less polluting alternatives, there will be no single factor behind that transition, but a whole range of reasons. The actions of ballsy young people like GT will have played their part as they intend. See the likes of groups such as 38 Degrees, for example.
  12. What she managed to do is get lots of people talking about it. If she hadn't turned up and hadn't been arrested, it wouldn't be news and we wouldn't be discussing it. She amplifies the cause immensely, and she excels at it.
  13. I am pretty sure that she isn't overly thrilled by child slavery either - do you have evidence that she supports it?
  14. I would much rather the UK approach to gun laws than some sort of free for all where there are next to no controls over who gets guns, the government is beholden to the gun lobby and mass shootings are an almost daily occurrence the length and breadth of the country.
  15. Do you really want to live in a society where the decision on whether to support the most vulnerable is put to a plebiscite?
  16. Well it would be our republic so you have nothing to worry about there. But do you really think that the security detail on his family was limited prior to the book? Were there gaps which have had to be filled since the book came out? Surely he did them a favour then?
  17. The poor woman had more than her share of troubles over the years, all played out in the world's media like she was some commodity to be lapped up for our entertainment. Something definitely doesn't seem right here, but I could think of a hundred better candidates than covid vaccination.
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