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Everything posted by edwardflory

  1. MIL should do a TM-30 for you. She SHOULD have done a TM-30 when you moved to her address. ( When a foreigner stays at a location a TM-30 is required -ALSO- if a foreigner MOVES from point "A" to point "B" a TM-30 IS required within 24 hours.) {{Why are you not wanting to be in your wife's house book - all Thai citizens are required to have a house book and ID card.}} Getting a Yellow house book is easy. I had one 3 months BEFORE I was married. GF ( at that time ) and I went to immigration, She did a TM-30 update, THEN we went to amphor for house book. All done in a few hours..
  2. A TM-30 IS REQUIRED for ALL foreigners in Thailand. 1) a hotel will file after you show and they copy your info. 2) if you MOVE from point A to point B a NEW TM-30 needs to be filed within 24 hours of your move. Usually filed by whom you rent from, BUT 'some' landlords do NOT or refuse to file. YOU can file as POSSESSOR - I have filed personally at 3 different offices ( to be on the safe side ). When I had friends ( 2 adults 1 minor child ) from US stay at our house, I filed a TM-30 for them at my local IO. Took around 15 minutes using MY Passport with UP TO DATE paperwork - MY TM-30, MY extension of stay and MY 90 day report, MY rental agreement, their passports with Tourist Visa.
  3. A TM-30 IS REQUIRED for a foreigner staying in Thailand. Also reguired, a NEW TM-30 within 24 hours, when you MOVE residence / where you are staying, from point A to point B. TM-30 and 90 day reports are a fact of life here. Depending if you OWN or RENT the condo, you can get a "HOUSE BOOK" either Blue or Yellow which IS proof of residence - the LOCAL amphor can give you the information THEY require. A house book is proof of residence. I am married now, and had a Yellow house book ( she filed TM-30 ) over a year BEFORE we were married. We were living in her condo. In Thailand, up to date paperwork is VERY important and opens many doors.
  4. Get your retirement visa 1st - can be done in 1 day DEPENDING on your LOCAL IO policy, THEN advise your bank(s) of change of status. You MUST have a bank account for a retirement visa and the yearly extensions of stay. I had to advise my bank of a NEW passport ( 10 years here same bank ) a teller caught that my passport numbers on my account and physical passport did not match. - just paperwork for me as i was known at the bank making basically the same deposit every month. It all goes to money laundering possibilities that conserns the bank
  5. As I understand it, You can own a house in Th, but not the land it sits on ( exception is if wife passes, you "own" the land for up to 1 year then you must sell - usually to a family member if possible? - you can still own the house ) If your Immigration paperwork is up to date, go to local amphor with her AND HER BLUE housbook - you can get added to HER house book and get a YELLOW house book, and, if wanted, a PINK Thai ID card. I got my YELLOW house book BEFORE I was married, it's a simple process.
  6. Renew 30 days in advance of expiring USUALLY. Some offices 45 days - check with your LOCAL IO for THEIR policy
  7. I checked my US BANK Ballance against international rate of exchange on XE CURRENCY CONVERTER
  8. I just transfered Thursday, via my US MASTER CARD DEBIT CARD, $643 - 21,000THB, to my Thai Bank account, total charges ( bank & exchange ) was $3.26USD ( Total of $646.26USD) I transfer ( DEPOSIT ) straight to my Thai Bank account - don't touch the money and use a TELLER....NOT SERVICE DESK. After transfer completed I go to banks ATM to withdraw monies. ( Thai bank is not Bangkok Bank ) NOTES: I have a ""senior checking account"" in US, and am only charged for NSF checks. I have a FREE to use VOIP US phone number that works in Thailand ( via WiFi or mobile data ) to do telephone banking and call / receive calls from the US
  9. General rule: If you have been in the kingdom 90 days without leaving, you must do a 90 day report - day 1 is the date you ENTERED the kingdom. You can usually do a 90 day report up to 5 days early in person. Make sure you ALSO have a TM-30 on file - you mentioned you just had a extension of stay, your IO usually checks your paperwork, but some people have "scated". When I doubt about ANY paperwork, check with your LOCAL IO. I'm here 10+ years without any "dings" at immigration
  10. Most foreign people do not know that you can use a Thai Military Hospital. Many of the doctors were trained in US or UK, thus speak good English. You have to register and get a hospital ID card ( free )- passport needed until registered, then use Hospital ID card at the hospital. Military hospitals are slightly more expensive than civilian government hospitals, WAY WAY WAY LESS expensive than private hospitals, you pay the same cost as Thai civilians using the hospital.
  11. Looking at my 11 year old passport stamps, my FIRST ""Retirement Visa'" was valid 7th Feb 2014 to 6th May 2015 ( 15 months ), after the "original stamp" my 'extension of stay'" ( commonly called a retirement visa '" ) are one year ( 12 months ).
  12. Most foreign people do not know that you can use a Thai Military Hospital. Many of the doctors were trained in US or UK, thus speak good English. You have to register and get a hospital ID card ( free )- passport needed until registered, then use Hospital ID card at the hospital. Military hospitals are slightly more expensive than civilian government hospitals, WAY WAY WAY LESS expensive than private hospitals, you pay the same cost as Thai civilians. You DO NOT have to be a military person, I am foreign and retired on retirement extension 10 years. I do not know about children using military hospitals I was in the Army hospital in Korat for 5 days and am very satisfied with care received. Entered via the ER for treatment. 4 hours under observation there, transfered to a 6 person ward, then 3 days of Xrays and 4 days of lab work. My hospital doctor was a English speaker, so were 2 nurses out of 5 assigned to the ward. At discharge ( 5 days ), given 4 months meds. - 1@3x's a day, 1@1x's a day. THE 1@1 a day ) IF bought in USA would have been 3,000THB ( $90+ USD ) WITH CO-PAY for ONE MONTH ONLY Total hospital bill was around 12,000THB. ( what a decent hotel would cost for 5 days ) I know of a expat that was having trouble finding his meds, he went to the Navy hospital in BKK and got his proper meds.
  13. Depending on your LOCAL IO POLICY you might have to file a TM-30. Find out FROM your LOCAL ( REPORTING TO ) IO 90 DAY REPORT is do 90 days ( 5 days early ok MOST IO's ) after entry into Thailand. As soon as you pass immigration, it is day 1 of 90.
  14. I use the TEXTNOW.COM apk for my US BANKING. They give you a FREE US number ( in your choice of states ) and FREE service. NOTE - Free on ANY WiFi, Thai provider data charges if you are NOT on WiFi and out running around in Thailand. Have been using for 2 years no problems inbound or outbound VOICE or TEXT. I just found out 2 weeks ago, 'call waiting' also works with the service - you will hear a beep every 3 seconds. NOTE: USE the service or LOOSE the service. I suggest at least 2 calls to the US a week. Also, you can port your US number to the service if still active and portable. They also have various paid and FREE programs in US including a FREE ( 1 time charge of $4.99 for sim ) SIM number and service in US.
  15. TM-28 is NOT "officially" required for 2+ years, BUT a few LOCAL offices require, check your LOCAL office POLICY With a TM-30, if you have not "moved", no "official" need to file, again check your LOCAL office POLICY - some require IF you leave Thailand.
  16. Many foreigners do NOT know that they can use a Thai Military Hospital once you are registered at THAT hospital. Many doctors are US or UK trained, English is usually not a problem. COST: you pay the SAME cost as Thai civilians using the military hospitals. It is slightly more expensive than govt civilian hospitals, way way less than a private hospital.
  17. IF you have a Windows based computer and know a little bit about HTML and also higher level programming - to modify, ANALOG X website has "simple server", you can host a private website on the home computer accessable by number, NOT domain name xxx.xxx.xxx
  18. If I am not mistaken, up to ..5.. days early. I saw a person ( in fron of me ) turned away IN BANGKOK several years ago, trying to do 6 days eary. Be sure, ask your LOCAL IO what their policy is.
  19. If you have a computer with a DVD BURNER and or a HDMI input ( You can download free copy and burning software ) you can copy to your hard drive, then burn to DVD. Or a VIDEO CARD or ADAPTOR that has 3 video inputs OR if you have a HDMI INPUT port on video card, you can get a video to HDMI adaptor and save to hard drive then burn to DVD. Adabtors usually cost under 500bt at LAZADA. There are other ways to do at home with a simple setup using a SD card.
  20. I have thought about MJ several times, BUT, I found a alternative TEXTNOW.COM offers FREE US phone number and FREE service anywhere your mobile has a DATA or WIFI connections. I use it for my banking as well as inbound / outbound calls - to USA NUMBER SYSTEM (XXX) XXX-XXX ONLY. In USA, they ALSO offer a FREE sim service
  21. I am a Yank, TWO reasons I live in Thailand: Rent- 2 BR House with Yard, garden in gated community $135-$140USD ( exchange rate ) a month,,,,in US my 1 BR apartment is now $800. Electric - ranged from $120 to $210 ( AC / Heat ) a month..most I have paid in Th with AC & TV,'s and etc around 12 hours a day $66USD. Seems very practical to get as much leasure / cost benifits as possible at 77 years old.
  22. My bank only requires a passport also. I have Thai iD's for other reasons - lived here 10+ years, they do come in handy at times
  23. Why not get a Thai ID. I have a Thai Military Hosital ID card ( Korat ) with name and photo, only passport need at no cost ( NOTE: some hospial ID cards do NOT have photos ) - yes a foreigner can use a Thai ( Army / Navy ) Military hospital, many doctors in military hospitals are US or UK trained and speak good English. Also I have a yellow house book and ID card
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