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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. Indeed, many seem to think it is an old age problem. I was first diagnosed just over 30 but think it was there before that. When I was discharged from the RAF at age 30 the MO made me wait half an hour and checked again, frowned a bit but signed the papers, never thought anything of it till I started seeing a GP.
  2. On a slightly related issue, does anyone know if generic apixaban can be sourced in Thailand.
  3. That was my experience in the UK. When first diagnosed, over 45 years ago now, I was prescribed a beta blocker, some years later that was changed to an ace inhibitor and it was some time after that the doctor added Amlodipine. Been the same prescription now for about 20 years.
  4. It wouldn't make any difference if you were on a one way ticket or the return leg of a 2 way ticket. If anyone was looking to check they would be looking for a journey out of Thailand. There shouldn't be any issue on a re-entry permit but I did encounter an uninformed Jobsworth who didn't understand that a re-entry permit was a pseudo visa. I just called a supervisor and issue immediately resolved.
  5. That was my first thought that for some reason the aircraft had stalled with insufficient height for recovery but it is reported that the pilot was very experienced and in good weather. With the damage to the aircraft may be difficult to establish mechanical failure in the control system. A lot may depend on any messages that may have been recorded but not yet mentioned.
  6. Not much different to fondue cooking which is quite popular with foreigners. Water is probably a lot healthier.
  7. The only plastic barrels I can see are a couple next to the fireman and I would doubt they contain anything flammable. Those on their side are steel drums and probably empty. A concerning incident however, there was a serious fire at a paint and thinner factory in Chonburi a couple of months ago.
  8. Just like other countries. I don't see the foreigners in the UK complaining about government handouts. Wait a minute, they get them as well.
  9. Think they mean 2021 rather than 2012. I think the outdoor places are more popular. We went to Bang Saen a couple of weeks ago we passed 3 hot pot type buffets nearby and all were mobbed.
  10. Digital wallet schemes have been seeing the light of day since covid. Only those that weren't around much seem to think it is something new.
  11. Pilot may have had little option and may and reports indicate he may have tried to go down in a muddy area. It should be borne in mind how close he was to the motorway which could have resulted in a much greater tragedy.
  12. Indeed, look at your posts, complete opposite of helpful. Won't hold my breath on an apology.
  13. Show me where I said that.
  14. It all depends on what your circumstances are. I only go for a month so get the PAYG. I move around quite a bit and have found that the wifi in some accommodation is not good enough to watch Kodi so i buy the 30GB to cover what may be necessary, bit like a first aid kit.
  15. The height of arrogance to think that you know better than I do what my needs are.
  16. You have never gone to Butterworth from Krung Thep Aphiwat central terminal. The Special Express No 35 that was axed run from Hua Lamphong to Butterworth. The Malaysian side may be faster now it is electrified but you need a lot more time at Bang Sue, absolutely huge.
  17. I used o have a Lebara sim but took my eye off the ball and lost the number. A friends suggested GiffGaff and I have been with them about 5 years now and not a problem. You only have to use it once in 6 months, as opposed to 3 with lebara, to keep the sim active. Been to the UK about 8 times since then, usually get the £15 package and never noticed anything untoward. They are all 30 days, just different allowances and conditions. When my wife goes I get her a new sim with a £10 package, she gets £5 credit on the sim and I get £5 cashback. Not all bad.
  18. Think it was about 24 hours when I went down to Butterworth on the train. Travel options are all about individual perspective, I don't have a problem travelling by train. In Feb 2020 I did a border bounce from Chonburi to Pedang Besar by train, In Malaysia for about 4 hours then back on the train, no big deal.
  19. Came to an end I think in 2016 when the Malaysian side was electrified. Word at the time was the diesel trains couldn't use the same line, nothing has changed in that respect. I have to assume that rather than getting off at immigration and back on the same train, they are proposing you get back on a Malaysian train.
  20. Flying should be ok but by land you need to check the border crossings, cannot be used at them all.
  21. Indeed, all about the office. My TM30 is from 2015 and last Oct I came back on new visa with new passport. I moved the TM30 into the new passport and no problem when I did the 12 month ext in Dec, did see the IO look at it. Yet to do a 90 day so see what happens when that comes up. The inconsistency is highlighted by the fact that I use Chonburi Immigration Dept, same as Jomtien, just a different office.
  22. You are wrong. The system is there to remind you and every other expat that they are only in Thailand on a temporary basis. Permanent residency is quite different and can be fairly expensive and problematic in most countries, almost impossible for a Thai in the UK. People should be thankful there is such a system in place, however frustrating it may be.
  23. I can vaguely remember staying in Diana Estates about that time, exchange rate made it very cheap. Had a large bar complex across the road at the time.
  24. Anything. A few years back a LPG HGV crashed into a gold shop not that far from us. A couple of chancers outside thought it a golden opportunity, rushed into the shop and started looting. The LPG tanks on the HGV blew up killing the looters and others, with some seriously injured. Of course gold shops outside Thailand would be immune from any such problem.
  25. Indeed, I only ever go to the bank once a year on my way to immigration. A single consolidated entry wouldn't tell them very much.
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