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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. Last Sept I applied about 8pm on a Thursday evening, visa came through about 10 pm on the Saturday, about 50 hours. Being a Thursday thought I wouldn't see it until middle of following week.
  2. You seem to be mistaken. You are supposed to get the visa from the country where you intend to spend the most time. I got it from Germany although the itinerary was to enter in Belgium. I wouldn't do that again even for the same itinerary, the German visa application is a bit different to the others and I would try and avoid that VFS office.
  3. Yes the 2 visas are separate entities, unfortunately now out of the EU Brits have to pay for family Schengen visas, I was about 4500 baht for the visa and VFS fees earlier this year. I would suggest getting the UK visa first, it is a bit more involved and takes longer. I have done 4 Schengen visas for my wife and they are relatively straightforward. In May we went to UK for a month and during that time had about 10 days in Europe. Went across on the Eurostar and on to Luxembourg. Spent 6 days going along the Mosel valley to Koblenz and then back to Brussels.
  4. People really ought to bear this in mind. Has it stopped visitors going to the US? There is an old saying about cake and eating. Why is it necessary to expand the amount of ESTA information being collected from VWP travelers? Since 9/11, the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) has evolved from a travel facilitation program concerned about the threat of economic migration to one with more robust security standards that are designed to prevent terrorists and other criminal actors from exploiting the Program. The requirement for all VWP travelers to complete an Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) prior to traveling to the United States was introduced by The Secure Travel and Counterterrorism Partnership Act of 2007 (part of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, also known as the "9/11 Act") (Pub. L. No. 110-53) to improve the screening of individual travelers from VWP countries. DHS must be agile and vigilant in continually adapting to evolving threats and hazards. DHS has not made a significant upgrade to the ESTA application in the six years that the system has been in operation, despite a significant evolution in the terrorist and criminal threats to the United States. DHS has determined that the additional data fields to the ESTA application will enhance DHS's ability to screen and more accurately and effectively identify travelers who pose a potential security risk to the homeland. https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/faq?lang=en&focusedTopic=About ESTA and The Visa Waiver Program&answerToDisplay=When should I submit an application through ESTA%3F
  5. Electronic Travel Authorisation schemes are about visa waiver arrangements, not visas. This is how the EU justified their scheme. "for the identification of security, irregular migration or high epidemic risks posed by visa-exempt visitors." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Travel_Information_and_Authorisation_System Every other country will have a similar justification. Some were in the pipeline pre covid which only served to reinforce the policy. Others will have been prompted into action as a result of the pandemic. Should there be another major outbreak and Thailand had no ETA in place, the forum would have a field day. Always a lose-lose situation.
  6. I think it is EKG in Europe and ECG in UK, Kardio as opposed to Cardio, and as you say quite different to an "Echo". When i registered at Bang Saen, first thing they wanted to do was an Echo, looking for leaky valves but all ok. Think it was about 5K, something like 8/9 years ago.
  7. Sorry for your difficulties, obviously got a few.
  8. Every question that needs an answer requires that an upload is made, if that is not done you cannot proceed to the next section. There is nothing to stop blank uploads being made but the poster was wrong to imply it was a standard practice. If a question cannot be answered then uploading a note as to why would be a better option.
  9. Why are people blaming Thailand. Why not blame the greatest advocates of Electronic Travel Authorisation like the US, EU and UK? Thailand is an emerging economy, would be strange if it didn't follow the lead.
  10. One has to assume that you are applying that statement to all countries that have, or intend to have, a similar scheme implemented. Or maybe you are just a bigot.
  11. You could always get a visa, Sorry, forgot, that is what you want to avoid.
  12. So why quote it in a post? If your sole concern is the Thai ETA, why not wait for the facts rather than posting unsubstantiated garbage. If you can't wait, the best indicator will lie in how other countries have implemented a similar scheme. Maybe you should research ESTA.
  13. Quite the opposite. ESTA, ETIAS, ETA etc etc are all schemes for those who do not need a visa, i.e. travelling on visa waiver, visa exempt etc.
  14. Your comment referred to an existing arrangement, ESTA, so you were obviously aware of how that is currently operating when making the post. Weren't you? Also you appear to be misinformed regarding denial of entry. If you read the conditions of carriage you will find that the airline has the right to reclaim ALL expenses regarding repatriation from the passenger.
  15. Some years ago a fairly senior doctor told me opioid based painkillers couldn't be prescribed to outpatients. Following your post I looked it up and see that Tramadol can be obtained from a pharmacist and quite happy to stand corrected on that point. I never said there was any restriction on Pregbalin, just suggested that it may not be easy to obtain based on my experience with similar medication over 25 years. You are out of order linking the same comment to both medications. I also said that not all medicines, meaning what the OP would see as normal, are not available in Thailand. Something you have chosen to ignore. The Nurofen Plus incident was a very long time ago and merely a highlight on how some Thai pharmacies view narcotic based medication compared to the UK.
  16. I would have thought you would have received a P60 from the pension provider, but maybe not if paid gross. If you did get a P60 then your code will be on there. I was under the impression that all pension providers, other than the government , are required to provide P60s. They not only indicate tax paid but also addressed Lifetime Allowance which was replaced this year by Lump Sum and Death Benefit Allowances. Hope your address is current with provider, a couple of years ago I got caught out when they sent out a proof of life certificate.
  17. There is always somewhere where the rules will be flouted and the OP may very well welcome that information. Some years ago I saw a pharmacy sellin Nurofen so I asked for a packet of Nurofen Plus, pharmacist just held his hands out in a handcuffs gesture.
  18. Are you claiming that all airlines aroud the world that fly in to the US have stopped self check in for those not requiring a visa. i must have missed that one.
  19. The US system ESTA has been in operation some time. Airlines say you can be refused boarding if not in possession of an ESTA. US immigration say you can be refused entry if not in possession. The Thais say "up to you".
  20. There was never any visa to be replaced. One can only assume English is not your first language.
  21. Indeed. There is a certain amount of international sharing, as opposed to domestic, but I do do not see anything in what you have posted that specifically states the international sharing of earned income. The overseas section of your link only lists your obligations.
  22. Not surprising, I believe tramadol is an opioid and you shouldn't be able to get that anywhere as an out patient. Not sure if pregabalin is restricted or not but anxiety medication has become more difficult to get in recent years. Not all medications are available in Thailand and you may well have to accept an alternative till you get back. Very unlikely you will get a different response from a clinic or pharmacy unless an under the counter option.
  23. If you consider the EU justification. According to the European Commission, it is planned to be implemented "for the identification of security, irregular migration or high epidemic risks posed by visa-exempt visitors." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Travel_Information_and_Authorisation_System It would appear that Thailand has the right approach. Single entry - FOC.
  24. You are wrong to say "all". I have seen it somewhere but not going looking again. The sharing of personal financial information is confined to unearned income. There is no international sharing of information on earned income.
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