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Everything posted by sandyf

  1. We have about 60 cats and about a dozen dogs, it was the dogs that sounded the alarm on this python a month ago. My wife and her sister bagged it up then set it free on some waste ground. Python 060724.mp4
  2. I wouldn't put much store in an artists impression. When get the BTS from Kheha into Bangkok I get the lift from the carpark up to the ticket area. There is another lift up to the platforms but I just use the elevator.
  3. In previous schemes when there was still money in the kitty, the schemes were extended. I think the WTT scheme had 4 phases and the 50/50 scheme had 5 phases.
  4. Absolute rubbish. Which planet were you on when the 50/50 scheme was running.
  5. The poster I responded to had indicated the interest rate meeting, but I had already seen movement before then going back to the 17th. Her speech came to mind and I did say "probably", no dispute that other financial events on the same day may have had more of an impact. I got my pension on the 19th and had intended a transfer, missed the boat.
  6. Another Devils Advocate could ask how a UK State Pension paid on the basis of NI credits could be seen as a pension from employment. How would that reconcile with Art 41 of the revenue code? Bit strange that people always want to refer to the UK state pension in the singular, when it is anything but.
  7. Currency is in pairs, and if a pair moves you cannot state which currency in the pair is responsible for the move without reference to other information or currency pairs. The post I responded to had considered another pair and offered a possible reason. I offered an alternative reason, remaining within the context of the post I had responded to. The OP had indicated 3 pairs USD/THB, EUR/THB and GBP/THB so my reference to USD/GBP was still within the context of the OP. If the pound had declined against both dollar and baht then chances are the pound caused the move. If you didn't understand what RR stood for, then why not say so. Rachel Reeves, the new UK Chancellor of the Exchequer made her first major speech on the UK economy on the 17th July. Telling everyone there was a £20 billion hole in the accounts would have done little to strengthen the pound. Also as has been said, cutting interest rates tends to weaken a currency, so the the THB may well look stronger against currencies that have been weakened in one way or another.
  8. Would appear that personal attacks are now allowed on the forum, I must have missed the change on that. However, some of us have no desire to paddle in the gutter.
  9. Obviously you find context an alien concept.
  10. Probably more to do with the £20 billion black hole. The recent decline against the USD started on 17th July, the day of RRs Mansion House speech.
  11. Last Oct I applied about 8pm on a Thursday evening, thinking it would be the following week. Came about 10 pm on the Saturday, about 50 hours. The year before took 3 days but that had request for add info. They are quite good but it shouldn't be taken for granted.
  12. I did acknowledge an alternative interpretation which you would have seen on my 2nd post. However I don't see why anyone would feel compelled to try and prove a worst case scenario, unless of course they had a vested interest. Taxation is a personal issue and I for one am not going to volunteer may state pension as taxable income unless someone with the authority to do so says otherwise. By the same token others are free to take any action they feel appropriate. if it came to pass I never had to pay any tax I wouldn't assume vindication, just that you don't have to be a Lemming.
  13. It is against the rules to alter a post.
  14. Further to my previous post I would suggest that the statement in your document "Also, no relief for State Pension or ‘trivial commutation lump sum’." may possibly be misinterpreted. The same statement appears against many other DTAs. According to this document, if UK has exclusive taxing rights then there is no relief. "The notes to the foreign pages (SA106) explains DTAs. Essentially, if a DTA gives exclusive taxing rights to the UK, no foreign tax is payable and so there is no question of relief." https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/calculating-foreign-tax-credit-relief-on-income-hs263-self-assessment-helpsheet/relief-for-foreign-tax-paid-2023-hs263 Comes back to the question, does the UK have exclusive taxing rights on the state pension? The wording of the DTA would suggest it has. I had "trivial commutation" at one time and if I remember right it was tax free.
  15. Read the 5th post on this thread.
  16. The state pension would be covered by the statement before the first OR. Unless of course you think it is not a pension or paid by the government.
  17. Apologies, I missed the reference to the RH side in your previous post. Thanks, it is the first serious response on the thread rather than conjecture. You say it has appeared many times but first I have seen. The opening statement is a bit ambigous but on the basis your interpretation is right it may mean assessable income. At the end of the day I am not going to get particularly bothered until they actually come and ask for money. Could well be pushing up daisies by then.
  18. The DTA states "Any pension paid by the Contracting State or a political subdivision or a local authority thereof to any individual in respect of services of a governmental nature rendered to that State or subdivision or local authority thereof shall be taxable only in that State." The term "Any pension" appears fairly clear to me and I fail to understand why so many are looking for reasons why they should be taxed..
  19. Your are wrong. The state pension is taxable, not at source but lumped with other income to determine liability. Why haven't you backed up this claim. " but as things stand it is considered Assessable Income in Thailand." Many seem to think they know the answers, but reluctant to substantiate.
  20. Be careful posting, your post appears as a misquote. I accept it is easily done.
  21. I never said it was a government pension, I said it was a pension paid by the government. Obviously you never bothered to read that. The DTA does not say " the pension must be paid for services rendered to the govt." That statement comes after the word "or".
  22. Why not read the 2nd post on this thread.
  23. This statement from your link is fairly clear, "It" being the state pension. " It is based on National Insurance contributions (NICs) and relief from UK income tax is available under the terms of many, but not all, double taxation treaties. " Why didn't you post the link that states Thailand is not one of the "many"?
  24. You need to understand the difference between " not taxed at source" and "not taxable".
  25. The statement "Any pension paid by the Contracting State" is followed by the word "or" Are we to take it that you are stating quite categorically that the UK state pension is not a pension or not paid by the state.
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