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Posts posted by gyrosman

  1. As a ex teacher older of course. Over the past year the transit holiday teachers have been talking about what: the murders, rapes, visa issues, robberies, lower salaries as schools go private, increase cost of living in Thailand, political unrest and the list goes on. Don't expect a lot of NES coming here, safer countries to go too.

    Want a teachers job, work in the South and hope you don't get shot or blown-up. Go diving and get ran over by the dive boat. Take a bus and crash because the brakes fail at 160km an hour, take your pick. Go bungee jumping and smash into the ground. Get beat up on walking street by ladyboys.

  2. Its the same problem in the USA, how about spending that money in an agreement to build a better infrastructure of the country where they come from and produce food, farming, training etc... The billions spent to just feed them on foreign soil is a waste. They have no skills, so crime grows etc..

    A man in the USA EDDIE ALBERT a WWll General/Movie star took his fortune and sent farm equipment to Africa no weapons or build refugee camps.

    Sometimes old school is right.

  3. Well, one of these days I may be a victim of Thai face saving as I sit reading my newspaper and see young dumb tourist, wantabe teachers, retirees fresh off the boat it will be my proud responsible to inform these people of the danger they are in for, And yes, Some smart ass reading my post is saying go home Yank. No, let's make Thailand better after all we <removed> it up so we share a responsibility, over paying bar girls, building homes, businesses and after being screwed we bitch.

    Are we part of the problem with our money or solution.

  4. 40 seat bus with 50 people? Funny since 1950 there is a thing called the ' HAND BRAKE', flying through 6:30am in the morning at about 130kh. Funny, its like when 1 Thai opens a cell phone store the neighbor opens one next store. So, the nation way rule for drivers is " My Brakes Failed ", If there start placing them in prison for manslaughter, then maybe just maybe the word would be " Slow the <deleted> Down or go to prison "

    Thai Face, your killers.

  5. Hanged on a mini fridge

    how tall was he ?

    no need to hang from a high place. This happens all the time... people hang themselves from a doorknob, etc. Apparently they just pass out before they die.

    From a solid door knob makes sense, but a mini frig, was it F*&@#@! bolted to floor what hotel is that? Check the DNA and she how many finger prints from the wife and was the body moved. I hope his Embassy checks into this. Another story of a Thai lover gone wrong.

  6. Well, to start with not every Frang can teach but your correct about the students And example when I taught for 3 years here I caught a student cheating on a Mid-term and gave her a zero. The Thai teacher ask me to re-test and I refused. I taught what they call special classes which their Mother and Father spend extra money for this service and I taught English, Math, Science, Chemistry, Social Studies, Health, and O.T.

    I was borne in the slums of South Phila. and I succeeded in many levels. The point is you compromise principle for a pay check, I did not. I've been a professional educator for 28 years around the world.

    Thailand will pay the price. My best opinion would be to fire 50% of the old Thai teachers with more than ten years working. The world is changing but these old teachers are a hamper.

    Teach your child at home.

  7. Well, many of the reply's when you take them apart are correct.

    1. Open a food joint at your age is crazy, you will be 60. enjoy what time you have left.

    2, Restaurants here are copy-cats and a dime a dozen.

    3. She, in her dreams wants this. But I understand she has a government job.

    4. 21 year kid still at home, he'll bleed the cash flow.

    5. The relatives will bleed the cash flow.

    6. She has coin, let her spent her money, if she wants you, it's for you not the ATM.

    Enjoy life and take her to the beach and let the kid waste her money.

  8. "after an argument with youngsters on two motorcycles who cut in front of his motorcycle early Saturday morning."

    Nothing good happens after 9pm, 555.

    1. Why was he out in the early morning hours? One guess: Using hard drugs (alcohol).

    2. Why was he argueing with Thai people?

    One guess: Using hard drugs (alcohol) makes you beligerant.


    Defending these &lt;deleted&gt; kids. Assume aka; Ass -u-me. 9pm, early morning are you a freaking Idiot? I hope to read about you getting your ass stabbed.

  9. Instead of throwing people in jail for years in case something bad happens, there should be a serious enforcement of revoking driving licenses in case of endangering other road users. If people then keep on driving without license, then its time to throw them in jail.

    Something bad happen because the driver was careless and in the west that would be vehicle homicide, jail time! You would not feel the same if it happen to you.

  10. Very simple Dude, I married a Russian woman while working in Saudi Arabia therefore; does your spouse have a passport of your country or other? Secondly, if you are retired here and income but does she have proof of income.

    From your ?, this person is not Thai and other people can help on this but I think there are many other HOOPS you will need to jump through. Good Luck!

  11. It must take real skill to eat pizza while driving and she is trying to help. But you might be European and eat pizza with a knife and fork And if so, while driving I suggest plastic wear not sharp utensils.

    Hey, how about blending your food and use a straw while driving?

    And if you every been to a RED LOBSTER RESTAURANT in the USA , get one of those really cool bibs to keep you clean, you know like when you were a baby.

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