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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher

  1. ... I was thinking of a Private enterprise - to re-launch asap. (maybe with an adjusted name)


    I see from the next post, it should be nationalised - nice thought, but not airlines...


    they are International and even the the best government controlled airlines fail -


    without disasters...



    SAD This airline had a good reputaion in the travel trade built up over many years.


    I hope a buyer can be found to save the jobs...


    What's happening is a renationalisation and restructuring. Some jobs may go, but it's not a full closure.



  2. Nothin - I used to be one too...

    If they stay for Uni holidays/ summer they spend as much as "quality" tourists do in 2 weeks -

    they also use smaller hotes run by families or acorn businesses.

    I took my wife to Khao san to see some foreigners - No trouble, just fun

    easy going

    I love to watch the girls arriving, who seem to have no trouble with back packs - front and back!

    (funny how that changes, when they are older... Ha, ha)

  3. 3 things a women asks when they meet you


    Where do you live (big enough for 2?)


    Where do you work (money for 2?)


    Have you got sperm in your balls (Male interpretation)




    you reap what you sow,  my dad always said to me Son,don't shit on your own doorstep,you took her back to your home so she knows where you live,  big mistake just be honest with your girlfriend and tell her the truth,Grow some balls if not this other girl will own your balls forever.



  4. I also was informed that Korea could be "armchair" teaching.


    There was also a guy on Youtube that broadcast that
    "he was not actually expected to teach [professionally], just to keep the students happy and let them enjoy themselves"


    I was given similar instructions here...but I actually 'force' (push) them to learn basic English (They are aged 16-20)


    I try to help them construct basic sentences, give them an insight to grammar and tenses -


    without just spouting text for them to copy into their text books.


    If you have no experience, a TEFL is somewhat useful.



    A bachelors degree doesn't cut it anymore? I have a bachelors in special education with certs in kindergarten. Do all teachers need master degrees?

    In Korea any degree will do as long as you have your TEFL. It doesn't have to be in education. Obviously if you have a degree in education you're going to stand out and be in a much better position. Its not a requirement unless you want yo go the international route. Heck, I have a buddy in South Korea and he landed a position at a Christian International School and he doesn't even have a teachers license. His degree is in photography.


  5. Can I have some of your info Please


    My university is going full on CEFR.

    Right now I'm making an online language learning course based on CEFR. I'm using the EdX platform. Students (teachers) will take the online course and then spend a couple of weeks at our campus.

    Thousands and thousands of people in Thailand are going to be doing this, as teachers must obtain an A2 level to keep their jobs! We see it as a huge opportunity!

    I have tons of information about CEFR. If you need anything, just let me know!



  6. Same with me. I look after my wife ONLY with the money I earn here.

    When she works she can send the lot home if she wants - no problem.

    I moved from a small town to many cities to get money for my future.

    (When I didn't have a job, I applied for a gabbage collectors position...)

    I then started a business working 16 hours a day...

    I don't give my money to people who sit on their ***** !

    It's hard to know who's the moving/instigating party here, the lady or her Mom...

    But, I would say, there are lots of places in Isaan where farang guys are attached to former or current bar girls, and end up paying (stupidly in my opinion) big money per month (20, 30 or 50K or more) and/or paying for (in local terms) fancy new houses for the lady and extended family. The guys may be living here, but also instead, may be living abroad with future plans to move and for now earning farang salaries in their home country.

    I say this because, I've run into personal experience situations in the past where there becomes a lot of pressure felt by the girl herself, or imposed on the girl by her Mom or family, to not lose face/keep up with other families/girls in their village/area who may have a generous farang sponsor. The girl herself may be greedy, but the family may also be piling on since the girl may also be the main source of support for the entire family group.

    And, if other girls in the village have hit the farang jackpot, then there's kind of the expectation that your girl and her family ought to be able to do equally well with her farang. And it may be hard for you to figure out whether your girl is simply greedy, or, perhaps her Mom/parents/family are pressuring her, and many Thai women have a hard time saying NO to their Moms about almost anything.

    That's not the kind of relationship/arrangement I'd ever want to put myself into, and I haven't, fortunately. I did have an ex-GF with whom I thought I was building a good relationship bail on me after we met her parents for the first time in their home city, and I refused to commit to building a new house for them (this after having known her but a few months, and certainly not married or even talking about it, at that point).

    But, I didn't have any children to be responsible for as part of the equation, and that changes the dynamics a bit.

    I'm happily married now, my wife works at a full time job, and she sends 10K a month to support her Mom and Dad, who are elderly and have a very simple life, out of her own salary. Our basic agreement is, I support her, and it's up to her how she wants to support her parents and anyone else in her immediate family.

  7. But he was a Doctor! A Thai Doctor...


    Doctors don't do that sort of thing... because the are Doctors.


    So it's now official, you can murder someone and chop them into small pieces, not necessarily in that order and spend less time in prison than someone who gets caught with an empty bag which once contained some drugs.


    Thailand truly is the laughing stock of the world when it comes to their disproportionate prison sentences.


    Are the judges who make these decisions ever named alongside the sentences they hand down ?


  8. "quality tourists" - should be "quality money belts"


    i hope the gamble pays off...for me all i see is Chinese tourists abusing thailand with their loudness, dirty manners and dis-respect of thais


    I have stopped using the restaurants in terminal 21 as I am so sick of the Chinese groups that come in and basically turn the place into a shouting and selfie irritation




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