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Maroon Watcher

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Posts posted by Maroon Watcher


    But my visa is until April


    Didn't I see on Tv that You Cannot!


    I may come back or may not be back in time... who knows, she may be OK.


    "So THB2,000 just to leave the country for a family visit!"

    You can leave for a visit and not have to get a re-entry permit.
    No charge for leaving.



    Then you better pay it just in case.  Yeah, its a rip off.  But its part of living here. We all do it when we want to leave and come back on the same Visa.  



  2. could you go to the Director directly:

    Explain, bow, scrape and Cheese grin...

    And Laos is a nice place to visit - take it easy...

    This new job is great.. but it's through a crappy agent. He dragging his arse with the paperwork for my new Non B. I told him I'm leaving for Laos this Sunday to get a Tourist visa as I am very nervous about my current situation. Then I would do another trip back to laos when he finally got it all together. (Just waiting on a signature from the school director .. but he's too gutless to hassle him about it)

    So this is my plan...

    Fly to Phnom Pehn on Saturday and fly back Sunday with a 30 day stamp. Go to Laos within 30 days with my paperwork for my new Non B.

    How does that sound?

  3. ...

    thanks for the back-up.


    I have "accrued" holidays but If I decide on a Quick exit - I don't want to mess up a future holiday...




    WP and "visa" or what ever...
    I need to know If I can just leave the country, without a "payment" - legal or otherwise [Phuket style] - cos I already feel bled dry...
    I have to go to the visa office next week, (90 day report) I will ask them, if I need "permission to leave" and the usual question... How much, this time...

    Op. I'm guessing it's an extension of stay rather than visa. Surely if your leaving you job = work permit, extension of stay will be canceled

    As I said unless you are just having a leave of absence, keeping the job (doesn't sound like it) then your question is moot, as on leaving your job the employer will cancel your work permit and hence the visa. So if that's the case you will have 24hours from cancellation to exit the country or get a 7 day extension at immigration (1,900b)

    If your not coming back to Thailand on that extension then you DON'T need to get a re-entry permit.



  4. WP and "visa" or what ever...


    I need to know If I can just leave the country, without a "payment" - legal or otherwise [Phuket style] - cos I already feel bled dry...


    I have to go to the visa office next week, (90 day report) I will ask them, if I need "permission to leave" and the usual question... How much, this time...





    Op. I'm guessing it's an extension of stay rather than visa. Surely if your leaving you job = work permit, extension of stay will be canceled


  5. .... It seems most people are here for the weather and cheap food/booze/girls or whatever.


    I built a house for cash - because of my life outside Thailand, no chance of saving here.


    BUT think again at the first sentence - would you really be here if it wasn't "for the above"


    Yes, from time to time but a trip back there and I remember I'm better off here. 


    It does get irritating every now and then when some little kid sees me doing my gardening and shout some obscenities but I then remember that I believe in karma and that;s exactly what I did as a kid -  shouted obscenities at grumpy old men.


    Australia mind you I like and go there regularly to visit my sis. never noticed everyone with the same skin colour but.


    I don't miss the cold dark rainy/snowy days where I come from.


    I do miss the mountains and camping, and going down to the country pubs and picking up the local wenches. Well maybe past that now.


    I miss the golf courses and the trees, cycle tracks and white puddings.




  6. We are begining the process of leaving Thailand to visit my sick mother.


    We are filling in "Re-entry" permit and noticed the Fee of THB1,000 each!

    (my wife does not work and is not Thai)


    So THB2,000 just to leave the country for a family visit!


    Oh and If I want a holiday abroad later in the year - I need a multi-entry


    Total cost THB 7,600!! (per year)


    They cannot be serious...


  7. Let them have a section of the beach 1/3 from the HWM to entrance of beach - Mark out what they can use.

    Charge them regulated rent -

    Small business Inititative...

    (Freephone anonymous calls for Maffia threats)

    Also have a section "public beach" -

    NO squatters

    Then for the "quality tourists"

    Private section with charged entrance - free modern sun loungers and waiter service

    (as you get in the Med. )

    • Like 1
  8. But there has to be better rules/punishment on ALL crime.


    57% of sexual crimes are commited by students on students.


    There needs to be Education!


    I asked a large group of students if they thought soaps were true

    they all said "No" but at the same time all bowed their heads in shame...


    Children cannot abuse children, because they will become adults

    and use the same society rules, in the future...

    that's how we learn - there IS a boundry of behaviour!.


    Public Humiliation fits in Thailand - including Family.

    Perhaps a "Rapist" list outside every village/area, with photo.

    Perhaps outside Supermarkets?


    Then the law has to be seen to work for all "classes" NO exceptions

    with set "minimum" terms.

  9. There should be a section of say 1/3 of the road side/entrance to the beach, set aside for sun chairs -

    with a small (REGULATED) license.

    Any restaurants hotels wanting to set up an extension of their business in front of their licenced properties/ restaurant/snack box,

    should pay a higher license, agai Only 1/3 of the beach (At high tide)

    Anyone sectioning off the shore for say jetskies should also be licensed.

    This License should pay for facilities on the beach, such as life guards, free standing showers, beach patrol, or what ever

    All licenses must be complete with building permits, Insurance, tax, etc.

    All this information should be on display as an open account of money IN/OUT

    No curruption

  10. It's a flat concrete roof that will form part of a smaller 2nd floor building -

    meaning the 1.2 m X 2m skylight would form part of the roof terrace on the next floor

    Visitors could stand right next to it - hence the saftey aspect.


    I have thought of building a small fence around it But that would probably/should be 1m high.

    Perhaps balustrades..


    I would prefer just to have glass perhaps in the shape of an angled, all glass  "cold frame" (4 small sides and a top, with a vent)
    - again, if this was flat and strong enough to walk on,

    it would be too expensive?


    The whole idea is to see the stars from our sofa, and increased light in the day



    I think you misunderstood about the metal. They are talking about a holding frame, and not a plate. Similar to a window frame.

    What kind of roof cover are you using and what is the size of the opening?


  11. AND a connecting flight through SAMUI -

    to give Bangkok airways a shock!


    WHY is there a Monopoly for Samui anyway - who paid who...?


    There must be enough numbers in high season...


    But then again, forget it - the place would be over run with "jet skies"


    We've used them several times on CNX-DMK, they're good so far.


    Hopefully once they have routes from DMK to places like Phuket & Krabi, they may then start to link direct between Thailand's major secondary-cities ?


    THAI used to force us to go via Bangkok, then Thai Air Asia demonstrated that routes bypassing there could work, now the newbie can help push that trend.


    It will also be interesting to see how quickly they start international-links from Phuket or Chiang Mai, to their traditional bases, or the growing market to China ?


    And their business-model, ultra-low-cost with-basic-luggage, can they undercut Air Asia and still make money ?


    Happy times for consumers ! smile.png


    • Like 1
  12. My extension has a big hole for a Skylight. What glass do I need -

    as people will walk around it  on the 2nd floor.


    I was told that even with safety glass I would have to have 10cm2 (4" X 4") metal frame under the glass...


    defeats the object


    Any ideas?

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