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Posts posted by hellohello123

  1. 10 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

    It's a myth that there's a Thai girl waiting for every foreign guy who hops on a plane and comes here. That's right: even when you look in all the right places, do your homework, and take your time, cultural differences and language barriers make it hard to know what you're getting into until it's too late. Some men are not temperamentally suited to transcend these barriers, and that's not necessarily a shortcoming on their part. Steering clear of romantic entanglements is oftentimes the wisest course of action. Counterintuitive in a country with a reputation for being a girlie mecca, but nevertheless true. Nothing to be ashamed about. Often quite liberating, actually.

    thats what happens when you leave your brain and both heads at Suvarnabhumi airprot

    • Confused 1
  2. 3 hours ago, 473geo said:

    I am staggered by the miseries now visiting Thailand, you go to a bar to be left alone......good grief what are you doing here?

    I've been to a few high end "normal" bars and they never shake the bottle. In fact only 50/50 do they offer another one. 



  3. 49 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

    All I can say............ IS...... 'You have a great way of 'shooting your own foot'.......

    You don't seem to have a 'clue' as to WHY those girls are in those bars doing what they are doing........ I know you don't care but I will try to help 'enlighten You'.........

    #1 This is Thailand (Think: - Poverty)

    #2  These girls came from Poverty and got very little schooling.... Even 7-11 don't want them...... But a neighbor girl tells them "come work in Pattaya (or Phukhet) and make big money" (EVEN MORE than 7-11)

    #3  These bars and girls are there to make money in a 'Povertish' country (Thailand) and have a number of customers daily who benefit them by spending money and paying for their pleasures ------ BUT then they have a few customers (cheap Charlies) daily who come in and want the same 'Great' treatment as those 'spenders' who will pay for their pleasures.........

    IT MAY TAKE SOME FOLKS LONGER TO 'GET THE PICTURE'...... but work on it and soon you will have the clear picture............

    A good example might be:  Buy the chepest airplane ticket and then try to 'sneak' up into a 'FIRST CLASS' seat............ ( I know a lot of these farangs in Thailand ---- Taking advantage of Thailands 'poverty')..................

    BUT...... as they say around the BARs......... "UP TO YOU".........

    Customers don't care whether the girl/manager/owner/land owner/the pope is making the money. 


    Shit service is shit service 

    • Like 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    No, I'm looking at it from a different perspective. Yes, I do have car insurance. I don't have house insurance because I don't own a house.

    My insurance consists of leaving 80% of my assets in Australia. I'm prepared to walk away from the other 20% here if it comes to a crunch. If you can explain on this forum how you cover your ass against a failed relationship in Thailand

    in terms of protecting property here, I'm sure there would be many interested readers. IMHO it's pissing into the wind.

    put it this way, the odds of a failed marriage/relationship are anything between 10-50% depending on which report or stat you look at,

    if you are happy to lose all your goods, and it means nothing to you, then go for it


    yes its unromantic but when the odds are so high, its just sensible, like i said unless it means nothing to you


    I dont insure or protect myself against getting abudcted by aliens because the chances are a billion to one


    others have mentioned a inbalance of power IF the property is being paid for by the guy in  a foregin country and if its under her name, and as we have seen and read before, this inbalance of power gets abused.


    im not saying covering your ass completely against a failed marriage, but if the consequences are devastating to you , its unromantic but smart to minimise the damage, and that includes what name to put the asset that YOU paid for


    putting it extremely if you are happy to lose a large chunk of your life assets over something that has 1 0-50% chance of happening, then thats up to you, but just dont come and complain after the event.

  5. 1 minute ago, Lacessit said:

    You can't insure against a relationship going sour. Does that explain it clearly enough for you?

    youve missed the point yet again, i will explain it in more basic terms so that you might understand it


    car insurance minimises the damage an accident does


    its called covering your ass,


    i suppose you dont have car insurnace or house insruance


  6. 2 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

    Since the OP says his investment consists of buying a "TV, washer, etc", then I believe the documents he needs to prove ownership are the bill of sale in his name for the items. Other that a legal document that entitles him to stay in the property is a "Rental Contract".

    Im sure your gf is "different" 


    But the first thing that gets sold/damaged/thrown/pawned  in the event of a fight is all your stuff! 

    • Haha 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Getting married after a week is just stupid I think we agree there.. and yes some people only reveal their true colors later. I met and married one of those long ago. I learned from it but it did not make me bitter, just a bit more careful. 

    Yes it is stupid. 

    But one (including me) may think that marrying a girl half your age in a foreign country and expecting it to be because of your charm is also stupid 

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    • Haha 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, robblok said:

    There are plenty of good Thai girls.. just takes a bit longer to find one and it takes more then money to get one.. 

    Of course. Same with every other culture. 


    Sure some people don't reveal their true colours until later or ever at all. 


    But essentially it was your choice. 


    For those people for example that get married after meeting for a week's and then complain that the marriage went down the toilet. You will Get no sympathy from me

  9. 3 minutes ago, robblok said:

    If you have to spend so much money on a woman to keep her with you.. you surely must realize your renting and there is no love in between. (not saying this is the case here as there are kids). But if you have to keep spending huge amounts of money on a woman to keep her with you.... then she has a different idea about the relationship than you do. 

    No, just remember


    "my one is different" 

  10. 13 hours ago, Marco777 said:

    I just read all the answers from OP.

     1) He does not want to throw her out brutally.


    2) He does not want to call the police (except as a last resort)


    3) He prefers not to give her money (but he may be willing to support her financially for a month or two).


    I think the optimal solution would be to find someone who can act as an intermediary, a woman ideally. And that intermediary helps to negotiate the separation.


    For example, they could meet in a public place all three: OP,  his girlfriend and the intermediary. And OP should help her financially for two months so she can rebuild her life.


    I think that would be an acceptable solution.

    If you are asked to leave, and you dont,

    there is nothing brutal about getting thrown out,


    do you think OP would get sympathy for brutally getting thrown out if he doesnt pay his rent???

  11. 9 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Sure but the problem begins when they think that everyone has a hooker gf or that all GF's are hookers. Its just not true two different kind of situations.


    I have no problem with people who have hookers as GF, my problems arise when they say all Thai woman are hookers or when they get cheated by said hooker and act like all woman are like that.

    of course, although I do believe that  generalizations may be unfair , but they exist because primarily they are true,


    but you may find a diamond in the rough, but if you think someone half your age is going to be with you without the incentive of money or visa or status in thai society, then you are playing a very low odds game,


    you just got to be realistic about it, and I wish the person all the best


    I just dont want to hear about how she is different and how you 2 exwives back home are cows, and your exwife here is a gold digger, and how fit and healthy you are and how hot your current wife is, and how thai people need to be taught manners

  12. 5 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Some people just need to justify their choices.


    If its just about sex sure you can take a hooker and pay her and be done with it


    For those of us who had real GF's know its different. There is a world of difference between a GF and a hooker. One stays with you because she likes you the other stays with you for money.

    That is unless you pay your GF money to stay with you but then its not really a GF.


    I search for people who like me and want to stay with me, but that is a bit hard to find if your 60 and want a 20 year old GF. Then its a money thing (in most of the cases) Now if your closer together in age its more often then not a mutual thing a girl that wants a companion and a lover. These guys just want girls that are normally out of their reach and use money to get them and then wonder why it turns out bad.

    Well said. 


    Thailand allows you to buy a girl way out of your league because your dollar is much more  powerful and you can also offer them a visa to paradise. 


    Back home if you offered a local girl half your age your pension and a visa they'd laugh you out 



    Unfortunately. Many people start thinking their buying power makes them superior and get delusional that the hooker are with you because you look like Brad Pitt with the charm of George clooney 


    Very common on these forums too

    • Like 2
  13. 1 minute ago, bkk6060 said:

    OMG man, seriously.  You just spelled out the scenario of just about every guy I know in California who got a divorce.

    Then, there is the coaching of children for false child abuse allegations.  The false domestic violence claims.

    It is all about lieing, cheating getting money, power and control. 

    Human beings surprisingly know matter where they came from, can react in similar ways. 

    It most certainly can be sickening and disgusting anywhere in the world.  


    surely, he either fought fire with fire, or just accepted it and took it up the backside,


    surely he didnt pay her to leave or rent her a house :post-4641-1156694606:

  14. 58 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


    And for every bad story about a Thai, there is equally one about a foreigner.


    What about those guys coming out underfunded that cannot even survive on that kind of money in their own country, that then take7-10,000 a month condos here and move a woman in because they think they are being smart and it's all just free sex without bar fines or paying the girl?

    well, if theyre hiring hookers, and gloating about how much money they wish they had, and they end up with a leech,

    then theyve only got themselves to blame,


    if the guy wants to hire a hooker everyday because its cheaper, than thats their choice, its quite smart, but if they think if the hooker is with them because he is so Hansum, then youre deluded

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