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Posts posted by PepperMe

  1. There should not be abstentions allowed. Any NLA member who abstains is failing to do their duty and should be replaced by someone who has an interest in pushing this country forward.

    Normally abstentions are only tolerated for reasons of personal ethics and morality. This case affects neither, and would be just for personal protection from future negative impacts on career prospects..... If you put your political career before the rule of law, you should play no part in politics, because you are supposed to be working for the country and the people..... not yourself.

  2. It is not so important this impeachment verdict, that only gives her the 5 year ban... She would come back in 2020 anyway and the idiots will vote her back in having totally forgotten how rotten to the core and how much a danger to the country she and her cronies are.

    The defining moment will be a criminal prosecution. Even if she escapes a prison sentence and just gets a huge fine, that will be the end of her politically. Because you can NOT stand as an MP if you have a criminal conviction.

    • Like 1
  3. As long as the police are going to be found not guilty of any wrongdoing, this is going to occur all the time in the USA.

    The police there have full immunity, this encourages these extra judicial executions.

    Eventually it is going to be one too many and that country is going to erupt. In a country with as many guns as there are over there..... It is NOT going to be a pretty sight when it all kicks off.

    • Like 1
  4. If western countries would end their belligerent actions in the Middle-East, their Muslim populations would likely be more peaceful.

    and if pigs could fly backwards.

    Not so preposterous as that.

    History is full of examples of aggressors who have disengaged in conflicts because the costs became too high.

    The western foreig policy of interfering in the middle east has not sparked off Islamification of the west..... It has been on the agenda for over 1000 years and has been ongoing and yet held back by many wars. But now it has a real momentum that will see Europe a majority Islamic region within the next 40 to 50 years, and 100% by the end of this century.

    So there is little surprise that there is a very strong emergence of right wing groups springing up all over Europe.

    This will end up in a Europe-wide cultural and religious civil war that will make the last 2 world wars look like a playground scrap. Sweden is the one to watch, followed by Denmark and the Netherlands...... T-minus 10 years and counting.

    Pat Condell tells it like it is in this video.

    • Like 1
  5. One can have some sympathy for those caught up in this scam because at the time the only way to retain your job with the PTP was to be a yes man , just how many would be in this boat who knows with all the nepotism and baggage the PTP carried, however unless there are memos or recordings stating their opposition to this scam they haven't a leg to stand on, coffee1.gif

    But when you look at the billions they will have in their offshore bank accounts, it is difficult to summon up any sympathy.

    • Like 1
  6. I fail to see the need for using a paid dating website.... Just open a tagged.com account and send out multiple "meet me" requests, there are much more women on their than on any paid for dating site.

    I had over 1000 Thai girls on my tagged friend list and ended up marrying one 5 years ago and am happily married and living over here now.

    Also tagged does not have as many bar girls as you get with the dating sites.

  7. Simple to address...

    Remove the drivers license..... If driver is caught driving a taxi without a license, remover the taxi number plate from the vehicle and ban it from being a taxi, if a taxi is caught operating as an illegal taxi, take the car and crush it.

    To get something to work, you need to put the pressure on the owner and operators of the cars, and they will enforce anything regarding their drivers.

  8. Interesting situation.

    Be dammed if you do act and be dammed if you don't act.

    The road to reconciliation is ion reality a minefield with those mines being placed in position by all political parties and hues.

    However it is somewhat disturbing that the Rothschild seem to involved in Thailand's matters.

    One is led to wonder just what inducements may have been or were offered to these international banker bandits to be so interested in Yingluck or Thailand itself or the Shinwatra clan.

    Probably because they are sitting on the trillion baht that is missing from the coffers.

  9. whistling.gif As unfair as it may be, I admit I'm hoping for some disruption, including street protests, to be started by a decision to impeach and remove them from politics.

    That will cause a further slide in the Thai Baht against foreign currencies, especially the U.S. Dollar.

    And that Baht slide will help my monthly dollar pension, and get me more Baht every month for my Dollars.

    That may be unfair, but what has Thailand done for me lately?

    And yes, I don't mind getting a little "payback" now for the years of (29.x) Baht to the dollar now that the Baht to Dollar rate is above 32 Baht to a dollar.

    Any protest coming from this is nothing more than a badly veiled threat that simply will never happen.

    Everyone knows that ANY disorder will be dealt with almost immediately.

    We are still under martial law you know.

    In the meantime.

    Members of Pheu Thai Party said an invisible hand was pulling the strings from behind to lobby some moderate members of NLA to impeach former premier Yingluck.

    Meaning those who are quite relaxed with massive corruption in the politisphere.

  10. The display of such aggressive defiance that Yingluck was neglegent in this scheme suggests one thing..... Thaksin is aiming to keep Yingluck in Thai politics.

    If there was any intention for her to move away from politics, then an impeachment would be of little consequence to her, Thaksin and PTP. Why would they care about a 5 year ban if she has declared herself free from politics?

    This is the thing the NLA and the Junta need to recognise as a threat to future political stability, because time is a great healer, and in say 18 months when the country goes back to the polls and Yingluck pops up to stand with PTP...... Then there is a real possibility all the negativity of the past government will be forgotten and the brain dead masses will once again vote themselves into oblivion.

    The country then will be cast backwards instead of forwards..... So Yingluck MUST be banned, becase she WAS neglegent.

    • Like 1
  11. If Suthep had not gone on the streets, this rice scam would stioll be running, stockpiles would be approaching 30 million tonnes and a few more years of the scheme hand in hand with the serious drop in tourism, this country would be on the verge of economic collapse by 2017.

    Even PTs most ardent supporters know this scam was a complete disaster. If anything, this defence will lose these idiots a hell of a lot of future votes.

  12. The army will never stage a coup. If they ever had any intention of doing so, it would have been during that very dark week where police and their terrorists were killing people on Phan pha bridge and children were murdered by Thaksin's militia.

    The courts will annul this election and another won't be called until the election process can be reinforced to make them free and fair and devoid of Thaksin's interference... won't take long, maybe a week or two.

    In the meantime the courts will almost certainly remove Yingluck and probably the rest of the PTP party and a few of their 'owned senators'.

    Nice house cleaning and new elections held. But hopefully any party suspected of being under the influence of Thaksin will be immediately removed from running in the election. (How it should be).

    Declare Thaksin an outlaw and official terrorist.

    The reds rise up against any of this, martial law declared nationwide and the head cut off the snake. Taking out all the red leaders and basically outlawing the movement and anarchical secessionists as an official terrorist organization.

    That;s what I would do anyway.

  13. Yingluck.... Take a look at this picture.

    These are your exterminators.

    Time is up for these old dinosaurs.

    The interconnected, multimedia, smart phone owning, internet savvy younger generations cannot be kept in the dark and fed the same BS their grandparents were raised on.

    Access to information abounds, no more secrets for anyone - not even the CIA can keep its dirty laundry hidden anymore.

    This diaper wearing geriatric generation of appointed civil servants should do the country a favour and shuffle off to spend their remaining years on earth enjoying the vast quantities of "brown paper bag" money they've accumulated over their decades of malfeasant service.

    Yingluck has nothing to worry about from these old plodders.

    Seek help.......

    Now on my ignore list along with probably everyone else's


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