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Posts posted by PepperMe

  1. Who cares?

    Not a single one will ever be prosecuted.... and rightly so.

    Strange isn't it how they clamp down with the full power of the law the courts and then turn a blind eye to secession attempts, mass corruption and child murder.... all because it was orchestrated by supporters of their Thaksin god.

    What a funny country we live in.

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  2. what people seem to not realize is that this was a pro team, one spotting and one shooting. Pros dont miss so where were all the dead people supposedly shot by these two. If the red supporters had half a brain they would realize that these two were simply returning fire at the red shooters to stop them killing the protesters and not shooting discriminantly like the reds were, if they were there to kill they would have done so but they didnt. What is amazing is that the police can chase this shooter up but not get any of the reds that were right next to them shooting at the protesters and with pics of them as well, does seem to be very one sided of the rtp but then what else can we expect. They know the calibre of his rifle so they should be able to match up victims but where are they, they simply dont exist hence the attempted murder as they did not kill anyone, pretty p*ss poor for a pro shooterblink.png and the ones they possibly shot would have been red shooters and the police simply will not approach them in case they have to arrest them as well.

    The biggest pile of pap I've had the misfortune to read for a long time. Are you his lawyer?!

    Huh.... You can talk hypocrite.

  3. To copy red sympathizers who always say the protestors are throwing grenades at themselves.

    This is the work of red shirts. They're shooting at themselves to gain sympathy. rolleyes.gif

    You are probably not far off the mark.

    Seems to have been set up so that Jatuporn could release this ass kissing statement to take the military heat off him.

    Strange statement to be coming from such a rabid criminal don't you think?

    More to this than meets the eye.

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  4. mmmmm . . . almost daily shootings, grenade attacks, and most recently those two huge bombs they "defused" . . . and she's worried about the image of the country . . . how about worrying about catching some of these terrorists first of all . . . get the Police to do their <deleted> jobs for once.

    If she was so seriously worried about the image of BKK/Thailand. Then she would insist the army stay and keep peace. Knowing the moment they were removed the world will get its fill of watching a mini civil war going on in the streets, that;s for sure.

    This just highlights YL's stupidity yet again.

  5. Interesting to see all these attempts at a "judicial coup" unfold.

    This is what Suthep and his handlers are waiting for, while hunkered down in Lumpini......They have passed the baton to their buddies in the judiciary.

    Here, yawn, yawn...is another peel to this unfolding onion.

    The electoral majority is on to this Elitist, anti-democratic game, and watching....watching....... preparing.....preparing.

    There was a media hiccup in this headline however.....Where was the "caretaker" thing they have inserted at every opportunity....I don't recall ever seeing that in the media of other Electoral democracies, between when a Govt. calls an election and the election itself.........Just PAD-Dem folderol.


    But who cares what it takes to get this bunch of idiots out.

    If it takes a judicial coup and suthep and his elite backers etc etc..... I don't really care.

    Complain all you like, you ar on the wrong side of the fence and for your blatant ignorance of what is good for the country, then I am so glad to see you suffer and squirm at almost every political news report.

    I am happy that you are unhappy.

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  6. Fantastic article and in my opinion 100% accurate.

    I knew this would fan the flames of the anti-suthep fire.

    I am now convinced that these people actually want nothing good for Thailand. The type of people who criticize everything and anything Thai.

    The last thing they want is progress. They are so blinded by hatred of certain people that they would be quite happy to watch this country retard into another Laos, so that they can sit and poke fun at it all day long with their feelings of self importance against all that surrounds them.

    This OP has explained everything in a totally transparent and undeniable way.

    Yet still they come to pour their derision..... I really do not know why Thailand entertains idiots like this.

    Move to Africa if you want to feel culturally important in your surroundings, or seek help for treatment of your personal narcissistic disorders.

    Suthep and the 'so called' elites you bang on about constantly actually have brought Thailand to this junction, nobody else has... Thailand has an opportunity it never had before for total eradication of all the things in this society that you lot have been bitching about for years, and this chance has not been handed to the people by Thaksin or Yingluck.

    And before you say it... NO. The elites are not trying to grab power for themselves to abuse, they would not be trying to bring about political reforms, decentralization etc... making it impossible for them to have that ability to abuse their positions would they?

    Onwards and upwards for Thailand.... Thaksin supporters, there is no place for you here.

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  7. Mediation is not conducive to Suthep's plans for a dictatorship backed by the elitists and wealthy. Why do people keep pursuing the idea. Hope springs eternal I suppose.

    There is a parallel thread running on this issue and on which I have just posted. For what it is worth, I will repeat, those six organisations were naive if they thought giving the government an ultimatum would achieve anything. How many ultimatums has Suthep issued? Look how far he has got! The group of six organisations set themselves up to fail and they have failed because of their obvious lack of diplomatic skills.

    How many ultimatums has Suthep issued? Look how far he has got!

    Yes, Suthep has achieved so much. An amazing amount actually.

    He got rid of the amnesty bill.

    He has caused dissolution of a corrupted parliament.

    He has shown up so much fraud and crime in the rice scheme and the government itself.

    He has killed off the 2.2 Tn loan bill.

    He has brought the convicted criminal almost to his knees along with his regime.

    He has brought much needed reforms to the forefront of Thai politics.

    He has revealed the corruption, bias and ineptness of the police.

    He has exposed UDD and PTP intentions of secession.

    I could go on and on.

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  8. Chickens coming home to roost

    Chickens coming home to roost.

    As soon as PTP are declared winnner of the election and get back in the drivers seat of this nation they better get their hands on some of that infrastructure money and build a new jail or two for all the street thugs that are about to pay the price for their actions over the last 4 months.


    Holy cow.

    What a totally child like rant and completely retarded of any facts.

    So the police say they know who popcorn man is without any real evidence and all of a sudden the PTP have won the elections?????


    We can be childish too.

  9. Prior to 2007 the predessors to the Constitutional Court repeatedly ruled in favor of the Thaksin political parties. In 2007 when the Democrats grabbed power through the military coup and rewrote the Constitution, it re-established the Constitutional Court with partisan judges aligned with or sympathetic to the Democratic party through their appointments by a government lacking any significant opposition party with the removal of Thaksin's party.

    The Constitutional Court members know where their allegiance lies and has become de facto a powerful tool of the Democrat party as evidenced by its consistent rulings against the PTP with minimal, flawed, or lacking evidence coming largely from the Democrats/PDRC. And so PTP's perceived partisan discrimination by the Court is real and its frustration is a natural response to the corruption of the Court's intended judicial fairness.

    The Dems did not come to power until 2008 so get it right.

  10. really seems like the ptp are setting up everything for kotee to do his work, he declares he will start shooting if the ptp are removed and the ptp declare they will no abide by the decision, definitely see who is pulling all the strings here. The sooner the courts judge this mob of rodents the better.

    I agree.

    The courts should not be intimidated by the daily threats of terrorism and anarchy from the PTP militia wing.

    The army is more than capable of sorting them out..... more than capable.

    Who cares what the interfering a-holes in the western countries say about it... they are already too busy pulling strings and backing terrorists in Syria and Ukraine.

    The a-holes from the west can shut down the national economy more or less overnight.

    So even if the army came out and seized power on behalf of the Yellow movement - it would only be a pyrrhic victory as they would be left ruling over a bankrupt nation and have to deal with daily guerrilla attacks from their own population - including the watermelon troops.

    The big brass know this (even if you don't) and it is why all they are doing is popping up for the odd interview and tending to their bunker flowers.

    So keep dreaming <snip>, your wishes shan't be coming true any time soon

    This is where you have displayed your lack of knowledge.

    The western countries will bankrupt Thailand if they topple a corrupt government for going against the constitution and the army subsequently crushing and armed terrorist uprising???

    Is that what you really think?

    So the west totally financially support Thailand does it?

    CHINA and JAPAN hold the most financial stakes in Thailand mate.


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  11. Prior to 2007 the predessors to the Constitutional Court repeatedly ruled in favor of the Thaksin political parties. In 2007 when the Democrats grabbed power through the military coup and rewrote the Constitution, it re-established the Constitutional Court with partisan judges aligned with or sympathetic to the Democratic party through their appointments by a government lacking any significant opposition party with the removal of Thaksin's party.

    The Constitutional Court members know where their allegiance lies and has become de facto a powerful tool of the Democrat party as evidenced by its consistent rulings against the PTP with minimal, flawed, or lacking evidence coming largely from the Democrats/PDRC. And so PTP's perceived partisan discrimination by the Court is real and its frustration is a natural response to the corruption of the Court's intended judicial fairness.

    So another words, screw the courts and get on with raping the country?

    PS. PTP has had years to change the judges , any reason why they have not? And if they have, any reason why new judges do not support them ? Besides the obvious of course

    You may want to do a little research into the incestuous nature of how the appointed senators and judges come to be appointed.

    How so?

    Would you care to expand on this short and substance-less post?

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  12. really seems like the ptp are setting up everything for kotee to do his work, he declares he will start shooting if the ptp are removed and the ptp declare they will no abide by the decision, definitely see who is pulling all the strings here. The sooner the courts judge this mob of rodents the better.

    I agree.

    The courts should not be intimidated by the daily threats of terrorism and anarchy from the PTP militia wing.

    The army is more than capable of sorting them out..... more than capable.

    Who cares what the interfering a-holes in the western countries say about it... they are already too busy pulling strings and backing terrorists in Syria and Ukraine.

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  13. And to think some people thought Jataporn had a screw loose. sad.png

    if they really had the group why did they use Cambodian to do the dirty work

    Bloody hell.

    That is the easiest question in the world to answer.

    Thaksin is creating all this havoc. Thaksin is in full control of all the attacks so far over this mess, he was in total control in 2010 and he is today.

    He has very good connections with the worst of Cambodia, he has plenty of money they want.

    When you are in Thaksin's situation, it does you no good to stand up and declare that you are responsible for the particularly despicable act of deliberately targeting local children alongside the rallies in an attempt to turn local opinion against the PDRC.... It didn't work. The locals knew exactly who was to blame and did not turn on the protesters. He failed.

    Not only would it be very difficult to get even the vilest of red shirts to carry out these acts, it would be easy to get Cambodians to carry it out. Many hold a grudge against Thais.

    But the most important thing is, that once his puppet show gets cancelled and he no longer has control, then investigations are going to start in earnest. He NEEDS that link in Cambodia to stop any investigation in its tracks and thus removing any links to HIMSELF.... Something he could never afford to happen, so knowing that as soon as an investigation moved towards Cambodia, that is where there will be absolutely NO help and the trails goes dead.

    That is why he would have used Cambodians.

    Thaksin almost certainly deliberately ordered the deaths of kids as a shocker to Thailand in the hope that would be the end of the PDRC when all the locals turned on them.


    I am totally convinced of this....... TOTALLY.

    Edited to add, that not only did he fail to shift local opinion against the PDRC, when his paramilitary wing (UDD) got up on stage while everyone were still puking up their lunch at the deaths of 4 kids.... And actually CELEBRATED it. Including PTP Cabinet Members.

    The public fallout from that was felt and condemned nationwide, even YL was forced to come out publicly and condemn the attacks, something she would never have done had the UDD not put her and bro in a tricky situation..... we all know that because it took days to come out and say it (as painful as it must have been).

    So I now expect the next election to produce way less votes for the PTP as the 8 million miserable votes they got last month.

    They are done.

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  14. <snip>

    BTW, on the Bangkok Post webpage, why is YL pictured in a wheelchair?

    It was a failed attempt on her life by the desperate yellow shirt Bangkok amart.

    Either that, or she tripped getting out of her van and twisted her ankle.

    Most definitely an attempt on her life by the anti-government fascist supporters of Suthep, a carefully planned trip out of the van - guess she was lucky and should have bought a lottery ticket ending in 404 just to round off the day's outing.

    I know I will get roasted on here by the pinkoes.

    But when my wife said to me, 'watch video'... I watched her get out of the van and fall straight over. The first thing was that my heart jumped and in my head was that she had been sniped, but then she got back up again.

    This is the sicko in me......... My heart sank.

    Why did it sink?

    Because she is (after her brother) an integral part of Thaksin's control over this country along with his other shin clan members.

    These are very bad people for this country as has been proven countless times in just over two years. They have done nothing for the people and everything for themselves.

    These people are expendable and totally valueless to me.

  15. From a MILLION FIGHTING FOR DEMOCRACY to several hundred still looking to be equipped.

    OK BOYS time to take your pills and go to bed.

    I said before, I live in Chiang Mai, red to the core a few years ago but RED now maybe but not RED SHIRT UDD or Yingluck.

    Wow..... So it is happening there as well?

    In Korat was the same.... very huge red support, but no longer... It is mostly Dem now. They hate Thaksin here, they hate Yingluck here and they hate the red shirt movement.

    They are a diminishing minority, and even 1000 baht would not get them a vote here now.

    So it is the same story in CM now?

    This government are all but over..... bring on the new election and when the Dems win, crush the red shirt movement once and for all.

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  16. this just confirms everything that we have been saying about the reds, if they do not get their own way they will start killing everyone. This is not about what is legal and democratic it is the reds declaring that they have to be given whatever they want, the fact that the ptp/yl have committed/ been involved in corruption doesnt even come into it, if yl is charged and removed they are going to start shooting. Where in the hell are the police/tarit in all this, this man has openly declared himself and his red shirt followers as terrorists and he is still walking around, why isnt he in jail. Anyone now supporting these crettins is declaring their support for terrorism, this is totally pathetic but I bet the red squad will try to paper over it..

    The real problem is that the PTP/YL fools actually support these people and their threats. If they didn't they would have come out already, but have they come out to denounce any of these threats yet?...... NO.

    That means they support them.

    If the student network came out with things that the UDD and Ko Tee do.... they would have all been condemned the same day by just about every member of the government and screams would rise to have the lot of them rounded up at any cost.

    That is the glaring difference.

    Ko Tee is clearly trying ro extract cash from Thaksin with these threats, and I would not be surprised if he did a runner with it once he got his hands on it.

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  17. So how much smack talk does it actually take to get locked up around here?

    Sent from somewhere in the Pacific

    I think the army don't really want police help, they know they won't get it anyway.

    I think the military have their own plan in mind to silence this buffalo and his calves. A method that will ensure he won't be making any more speeches, and that also goes for Jatuporn and a few others.

    Time for them to be discretely removed.

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