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Posts posted by PepperMe

  1. A void election.

    A uninterrupted re-run and another win for the PTP?

    Very wishful thinking.

    More like voided and a new election with the Dems contesting it.

    It won't be interrupted this time.

    But there could be several outcomes for a few reasons and the red shirts could be at the heart of it.

    The PTP and YL may not be involved in the new election once the campaigning starts, there are many swords of Damocles hanging over them that can have most of them removed and banned at any given time. Then the reds will rise up and disrupt the elections Especially if the PTP are dissolved.

    If they are able to see another election through. It will be tightened up and they will be monitored very closely for any sign of breech of election rules. However, they won't win it. They only managed 8 million votes the last time and where I live used to be pure red, and now they hate this government and they also hate the red shirts... It is highly likely that the Dems will pick up most of the PTP's lost votes giving them almost certain landslide.

    Then the reds will rise up and refuse to accept the result, bringing about a campaign f terrorism.

    The PTP may also lose even more votes and get only 5 to 6 million because they have clearly not spoken out against the UDD and red threats of violence, civil war or secession, they have in fact by their very silence backed up all the threats. That will lose them a lot of votes.

    Also, the rice farmers have still to be paid, and people are now sick of their lying.

    The PTP have almost no chance of winning, but if they did by a miracle and because of the makeup of the massive amount of constituencies in the north and only had the popular vote of abot 10 to 15% of the electorate, not only would the masses refuse to accept it, but the constitutional courts will reject that as not being a mandate especially if the Dems had about 15 million votes and still lost.

    So a new election will still not guarantee a parliament.

    That is why election reforms are needed and the constituency map adjusted so that a party with a minute mandate can not possibly end up winning.

    If YL and PTP denounced the way the UDD and red mob threaten and intimidate everyone... They may actually pick up a lot more votes.... But I doubt that.

    But a government that aligns itself with terrorist in a hope to keep them in power is going to be their downfall if the courts don't do it already.

    • Like 1
  2. He said he expected that within this week farmers who hold their rice vouchers prior to December 9 last year.

    That isn't even going to pay the debts up to October..... But I suppose 'up to Dec 9' sounds better and technically October is before Dec 9.

    But they really have to twist everything and take the piss out of the farmers.

    Now I hope all the farmers not paid out of this cash and hold receipts prior to Dec 9 will rise up in extreme anger.

    With a bit of luck anyway.

    • Like 1
  3. I've experienced racism as a white westerner in Asia. In the supermarket Bangkok a till woman shouted FARANG! at me, followed by a stream of Thai, because I was queueing a few inches from what she deemed to be the correct queueing point. It wasn't very nice. Ipso facto, it's probably more not nice when ethnic minorities in the West are, oh I don't know, discriminated against in the classroom by their teacher, physically detained by the police when they haven't committed a crime, apprehended on suspicion of shoplifting when they've legitimately paid for their items, or beaten to death in police custody.

    But do you know what has been by FAR the most common experience I've had as a Westerner in Asia? Adorable kids running up to me on the street so they can say hello to me. But then I don't have decades of bile and ignorance etched into my flabby sunburned face.

    Better to be called Farang than her turning round and saying "Hey Knobhead, you're in the wrong queue"

    All the kids in the village where I live call me farang, it's not derogatory at all, the lads in work call me a "Porridge <deleted>" .. water off a ducks Back too, as it's done in humour.

    Clarkson is an a-hole, but he's a funny a-hole, and the fact he hates Peirs Morgan with a passion makes him alright in my book.

    Pepper Me.. I was down in the Falkands during the "Stills and Bennies" , that made me chuckle when you reminded me of that time.

    Yeah, but WHY isn't it derogatory to you? It's not because it's done it humour, but because YOU'RE in the position of power. White western men are the most privileged and least oppressed people on the planet. There is no reservoir of atrocity and oppression under the surface to which the terms refer. Unlike other racial slurs against peoples who have suffered terrible atrocities, slurs like slope and gook and the n word and all its variants.

    And if any of the soldiers you served with (I'm assuming you were serving in the Falklands) had, say, a brother or sister or close relative with some form of learning difficulties (as, and I think this is correct but feel free to check, roughly 20% of people in the UK do or will at some point) then you might not be so quick to chuckle at those terms.

    I can take it on the chin when leveled at me, so I feel justified in giving it out also.

    When things are clearly meant in humour, then in my book. It is totally fine.

    With your reference to 'white men' that could also be seen as a racial slur.

    Also your 20% with learning difficulties in the UK is laughable.... But then again, I didn't go through the Scottish education system so I can't really comment. But in England, in our school of 1000 there were about 20 kids in the special class.

    So maybe it is something to do with being north of the border where that may represent 20% But in my school it was 2%.

  4. Being an Asian American I can tell you that the term "slope" is extremely derogatory. It is the equivalent of "slant" and refers to the supposed angle of an Asian person's eyes. "Chink" and "Chinaman" are bad ones but I get more of a visceral feeling hearing this one. It is never used in a neutral manner and is always used in the negative. For those white people who have never heard this term it is because no one has ever used it with you out of a hatred for your race. I am guessing but I believe that Clarkson was not aware of how strong this racist word is. So I will forgive him for this. But it is no joke. Try it on me and I will verify that.

    I doubt Clarkeson gives a whether you forgive him or not.

    Get a life, who cares if you see every use of the word no matter what context as a hate slur.

    You have to be pretty dumb if you can't work out context that is so obvious and in your face.

    By the way..... stop referring to us as 'white people' we are Caucasian and not even white..... you offensive, racist person.

    Oh the irony.

  5. Jeeze didn't we come here to get away from PC crap?


    waiting for resident yellow fellows to say this is Thaksins fault lol

    They won't.

    But it doesn't remove the fact that every non political thread on here, you always seem to make an anti-Suthep comment.

    Just like you have hijacked this thread also trying to troll it into a political thread.... yet again.

    You more than anyone need to get a life.

    One thing worse than PC is PO 'politically obsessed'.

  6. sorry, am i missing something, this is the 21st century isnt it

    Yup.... I think light-hearted humour should really just be accepted.

    I personally think most things are a target for humour if not maliciously meant and clearly for innocent fun, then political correctness should not be allowed to get in the way.

    If people's feelings get hurt over a harmless quip, who cares?.... get over it is what I say... People need to turn their objections to those who start wars etc and get other people killed or cause massive sufferings rather than dwelling on stupid little things like this.

  7. Hahahaha...... great joke.

    Keep it up Clarky....

    BTW 'slope' is not derogatory... It comes from the Vietnam war and was used by US troops to refer to Vietnamese Communist troops.

    Gooks, slopes, Cong, VC, Charlies ..... etc.

    Not for defaming reasons, but more a casual military designation.

    When the Brits liberated the Falkland Islands. The British Squadies referred to the island locals as 'Bennies'.... If you are a Brit you should know what I mean. For those who don't... Benny was the name of a popular 70s soap opera character, who happened to be mildly retarded.

    The military put out a communique to all squaddies and contractors not to refer to the locals as 'Bennies'... So after that everyone referred to them as 'stills'.

    They're 'still' Bennies........ lol.

  8. Fines?

    They will go ahead and sell the boxes and will be happy to pay those fines, considering the potential hundreds of millions they will make if they force the games exclusively through their boxes.

    I wonder how much RS have had to pay for these rights in the first place?

    Obviously they need to make a return... But surely they can make money selling to the various channels and then a massive amount on all the advertising and Thai sponsorship deals which are much more expensive for advertisers when broadcast to a much wider audience.

  9. Ridiculous!!!

    So you think people would want to go on their honeymoon and volunteer for activities - like cleaning up the city? How many of you would plan a romantic honeymoon that included volunteering to help sweep up Sukhumvit and plant flowers under the skytrain in Bangkok? I think not... there is a time and place for everything...

    Volunteering is a great idea, but unless you compensate the honeymooners, why in God's name would they mix up one of the most special events in their lives with volunteer work?

    Maybe they should volunteer to guard the CMPO office for a week...... so moronic.....

    They need to constantly dream up these pet schemes to get a budget.

    We all know what they will do with a budget don't we.

    Then when that budget has gone, they will come up with another ridiculous campaign to attract the next budget, and we all know what they will do that THAT budget.... don't we.

    • Like 2
  10. Another waste of time.

    YL and the PTP will never agree on 10 of Suthep's nominees, and vice versa.

    Pointless waste of energy and these independent agencies need to get back to their real work.

    Do your jobs and get this shambles out of power, you easily have enough ammunition and then some.

    Stop attempting to get the job done by sweeping all the dubious crap under the carpet by trying to get this government out clean. The PDRC and the vast majority of 'the people' want justice.

    Are you frightened of the reds and the UDD or what?

    • Like 2
  11. How does Sid the Sloth know the motive for the bombs??

    Sent from my GT-S7270 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Obviously because he is heavily involved.

    Not rocket science.... YL probably also knows the bombs were there and who planted them.

    Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors and with almost a trillion baht embezzled, this administration will go to any and every length to keep power and the eyes off the books.

    They know it will be like hiding an elephant under a postage stamp.

    • Like 2
  12. Obviously they will find that the perpetrators are red UDD terrorists and the case will be filed in the appropriate place.... the waste paper basket.......... same place as the child murders etc.....

    Ko Tee may yet turn into a very powerful person with all this police and government backing.

    Or is this the first stages of the Jatuporn led UDD that we are seeing???

    He promised escalation and we are now seeing what he meant.

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