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Posts posted by PepperMe

  1. Peace talks will prove once again to be totally pointless.

    You are dealing with Islamic insurgents, and they do not give in.

    You can get all the chiefs and imams and most of the terrorists to agree, but not all will sign up to peace. It is that element that will continue, and drag everyone straight back into the mire once again.

    Even if you give them the 4 southern provinces for their own little caliphate, a couple years down the road they will want the next 4 above it.

    Pleas show me a place in the world where there has been a successful end to Islamic extremism by mutual consent.

    I rest my case.

  2. Rock throwing should be illegal for all ... boy / girl / Arab / Jew.

    I get the "Palestinian resistance" thing, even though, rocks are not always thrown at armed soldiers, they are also thrown at unarmed civilians and cars causing deaths of civilians, and I get the "double standard" argument as far as enforcement Arabs vs. Jews ... but I don't get the complaint about why a girl should expect special treatment.

    It is illegal. The issue is more to do with punishment meted in a biased manner.

    Not having the proper facility to lock her in would be one reason for special treatment (different for male teens).

    She is already getting special treatment..... 2 months in the pokey where she will be fed and kept away from harm.... If she was under Sharia, for a civil disorder offence she would likely be handed anything between 50 and 100 lashes, which for a 14 year old female is a death sentence, that is.... if she can survive an honour killing from her father and brother for bringing dishonour onto the family.

    Yes guys........ The Palestinian Liberation Army who invaded Israels land as well as Jordan and Lebanon were exactly the same back in the 1970s as ISIS is today.... But the again the western media never tell you that do they..... They rely on 95% of the population not knowing the past history of the region so you swallow their crap..... and boy don't a lot swallow it.

  3. Quit playing the fool. You are very well aware that there was no country to "take over". There was a smattering of Arabs, Christians and Bedouins and plenty of empty land.

    Quit being disingenuous. You know very well that Zionist Jews in 1948 ethnically cleansed 750,000 Palestinians, then seized their land for the benefit of any Jew from New York to Johannesburg, but the Palestinian refugees who were actually born there are not allowed to return to their homes.

    And the Zionist Jews are at it again in the West bank, not content with having made Palestinians homeless twice already.

    Shame on them and you for defending them

    The Palestinians have a home, They can always move to Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait, or Iraq. You could move there and sing the arab version of Kumbaya with them just before they hand you over to ISIS or whatever other terrorist organization is doing the beheading's this week


    The reason the Palestinians will never move to one of the other Arab nations so they can live their lives in integrated bliss, is that they KNOW that they will be rejected, marginalised and then wiped out a shitload faster than by the Jews.

    The truth is.... They know their chances are better with the Jewish, and getting the Arab nations to help them take those (disputed not occupied) lands, and wiping out every Jew from the planet, or at least those lands in another anti-semetic genocide.

    They could have had a much larger state to exist in if they had not took the genocidal approach.... They took the risk and lost.

    This is nothing really to do with territory or politics, this is everything to do with religious hatred..... You lose you Islamic animals.

    • Like 1
  4. A word to the wise...... If you want to bring ANYTHING into this country, do it in your wife/gf name or any Thai.

    I had many things missing once it got into the ThaiPost system, when the parcel was in my farang name.

    Since then we put everything in my wife's name and never had a problem.

    It really works.

    • Like 1
  5. Stop Complaining and go with the flow

    Stop complaining?.... where is the complaint here.... apart from your own complaint?

    Is it so strange that this guy wants to look after his personal heath?

    I tell you what.... You treat your own health the way you want to, and if it ends up sending you to an early grave writhing for months in agony, then that will be your own daft fault..... But at least you went with the flow eh?..... And leave other people to judge how they want to control their own health concerns and destines without criticism from people like yourself.

    • Like 2
  6. As usual terribly one-sidedbah.gif Where is the justice in this?

    WATCH: Israeli police let stone-throwing settlers walk away


    So you completely ignore the fact that they were attacked first? Or is that ok? It is just Israelis that are not allowed to defend themselves?

    What the ?*!? ...are the Israelis doing there in the first place to get stones thrown at them ...they are illegally occupying Palestinian land as the world community via UN resolutions have told them umpteen times. Get the hell out of occupying other people's land, return to the 67 borders and these things wont happen

    What would you do if someone were occupying your land?... resist or roll over?

    You don't alf talk some one sided biased crap.

    The jews have been persecuted by the Syrians and arabs (Islamists) for the past 2 thousand years. It is not until after WW2 have they been able to return and this time make sure they are not persecuted any more..... I salute them.

    Look around you a the attempted islamification of the entire world and how many people are being murdered and persecuted every day all over the place.... One lot of people stands up to it and the whole world stands up in bigoted condemnation.

    Don't come on here spouting your bile in defense of terrorist, because that is what most of them are.... Radical lunatics wanting to take the entire world as their own and put anyone to death for stopping them.

    Call me racist if you want, I couldn't care less..... Maybe i am...... But I am not as dangerous to world peace as YOU are.

    • Like 1
  7. Rock throwing should be illegal for all ... boy / girl / Arab / Jew.

    I get the "Palestinian resistance" thing, even though, rocks are not always thrown at armed soldiers, they are also thrown at unarmed civilians and cars causing deaths of civilians, and I get the "double standard" argument as far as enforcement Arabs vs. Jews ... but I don't get the complaint about why a girl should expect special treatment.

    You are right of course. We live in times of equality among the sexes. Throwing rocks is anti social, dangerous and could lead to fatalities. It needs to be stopped.

    Moslem youths in UK stoned cars of white people driving through certain areas. Of course the response is to suggest people find a different route. rolleyes.gif

    Yep, and then you have what is called a "no go zone".... Which by the way the Muslims and the UK government and their PC media cronies are bending over backwards to deny the existence of.

    If I were in the UK, I could take you 4 of these places that I already know exist.


    A war veteran who eventually died from this attack for walking into an Asian community in Oldham..... Many more cases of Muslims attacking whites for straying into the wrong area.

    Yep..... drive around the area, let the Asians win.

    If this is going on in the streets of the UK..... Then imagine how bad the threat is in a place like the West Bank where the stakes are a whole lot higher.... Result: The need for tougher clamp downs.

  8. She's probably just practicing for the next adulterer who needs to be stoned.

    Racist bigotry. Take note folks of the Zionist mentality delighting in the shackling and incarceration of a 14 year old girl.

    That is not racism or bigotry, it was humour.... Go find a dictionary before posting.

    Ask yourself what would happen to a 14 year old jewish girl caught throwing rocks at Muslim cars in the city of Islamabad?.... Or what would happen to a 14 year old Jewish girl for just BEING in Islamabad????

    Yes indeed..... I think if anyone is being a racist, it is YOU sir.

    • Like 2
  9. Totally contradictory.

    But get your excuses in before your 4% prediction takes a dive.

    This QE is going to get out of hand, and I can see not only a global economic crisis, but a complete global economic meltdown.

    It has been long predicted. I don't like QE and it seems the US have started a trend that is going to backfire. The EU and Japan now going to get involved.

    Eventually many more countries will follow until the USA tells everyone to stop it, but who are they to lay demands?... The USA will default on their massive national debt, and with an impending collapse of the Euro, we will all be trading in the YUAN.

  10. Actually it is very helpful not speaking Thai... For example, when I get stopped at road checks I just start blabbering to the cop in my broad Geordie accent and just get waved through every time.

    I only know a little Thai and have no real compulsion to master it... I will just pick it up on the hoof as I go along.

    • Like 2
  11. One doesn't sustain extensive head injuries from a fall in ones home unless you possibly fell off of the roof of course. extensive head injuries would seem to suggest a battering of the head ,

    I have over the years years as a policeman seen such injuries, indeed there are reasons to suppose all is not as we have been told.

    Falling over in the shower, tripping up getting in or out of a bath, falling off a step ladder or from standing on a chair or table to reach something, tripping up on a loose mat and hitting head on the floor or hard object, falling down a flight of steps or stairs, slipping on a wet floor and the list goes on.

    All really depends if the injuries are a single impact or multiple ones, in which case you may have to add "Hung himself with elastic" to your list.

    Also if a fall is enough to kill someone with "extensive head injuries£ then it would not be too difficult to find the place where his head actually impacted, seeing as head injuries bad enough to kill someone will leave at least some blood, hair, skin etc........

  12. Sigh!.......

    I will give it till midnight tonight for this legislation to fall apart.

    You will find bars operating in Patts tonight well after midnight.. Just you watch.

    Most of the police are already "on the payroll".

    Bars in Pattaya, if properly licensed, will be operating as normal.

    It can't be repeated enough, this is NOT new legislation.

    But desnt it say clearly in the OP that

    "while entertainment venues which in the past were allowed to sell alcohol from 9.00 pm – 2.00 am can only do so up to midnight"

    So that to me means it IS new legislation.... Which directly affects bars in Pattaya being that they are the venues under the entertainment license.

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