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Posts posted by PepperMe

  1. How many days has it been and they have yet to identify the pills? How can that be when it only takes size shape color or even what's written on the pill to identify it online.

    The RTP are basing their natural death theory only because no break in or theft occurred. How does a pretty y good young woman die naturally. The picture here states it was taken a few days prior to her death and she doesn't look deathly ill.

    Maybe no break in because the perps have a key?

    Maybe no robbery of any of the 6 who died suspiciously because the perps have money?

    No robbery in any case tells me that it is not a poor migrant who is committing these foul acts.

    • Like 1
  2. If the indictment does proceed, she will be making another overseas trip.

    Doubt she would return this time, though.

    A few members are saying this..... "If they do decide to prosecute"....

    This is not the same setup as it is for the public... She is already indicted, and so she is definitely going to court over this. Her fate is sealed.

    This does not go to the public prosecutor, the OAG is the prosecutor in political cases, and is already lodged with the Supreme Court for Political Office Holders.

    The only thing that can create delays now is the legal teams stalling.

    This criminal case should be over in no more than 6 months, because this court has no queue of cases.

    No defendants will be in this country by the time of the trial.

    They should FREEZE all their assets with a confiscation order should they abscond. At least that way, there will be at least a financial reparation if not an actual punishment served.

    • Like 2
  3. "two weeks of solid drinking"

    Tip of the iceberg?

    I await the toxocology report (right)...

    2 weeks of solid drinking?... So that is your standard British 2 week holiday.... Just about every Brit and i suspect almost everyone in the western world will drink every day of their holiday.

    Toxicology report?.....I wouldn't even believe it.. I have lost ALL faith in every avenue of police and forensics in Thailand. Corruption is just too rife for there to be enough confidence in it.

    Thailand values one thing and that is its own interests. The rest can go to hell.

    This attitude goes right to the top. Money before justice every time.

  4. Just to be clear, this is not the 3rd death but the 5th in around a year. There was a British guy who mysteriously died around Christmas 2013. Lets not forget the french guy last month who 'hung himself' after tying his hands together.

    This is a small island and the probability of 5 foreigners murdered/ disappeared/died under mysterious circumstances must be fairly astronomical.

    You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to detect a pattern here.

    Ko Tao Death Toll (since Sep 2014)

    Witheridge/Miller (GB) Sep

    Woman (N) 22 Dec (boating accident: struck by propeller, drowned)

    Nick Pearson (GB) 1 Jan (fell off a 15 m cliff and drowned)

    Hanspeter Suter (CH) 10 Nov (Snorkelling accident/drowning)

    Dimitri Povse (F) 13 Jan (suicide with hands tied behind back)

    Annesley (GB) 21 Jan (pending)

    I hope no one accuses me of speculating, but one speculation I will make is that none of these people died of old age, that`s for sure.

    These numbers of deaths of foreigners still in the prime of their lives in a period of only a few months in such a small area is absolutely way beyond what can be described as just bad luck or by coincidence by any stretch of the imagination. Something has to be radically wrong there. I am not making any speculations, all I know is that this tourist destination has a problem, there is a cloud of evil hovering over that place.

    The old saying pertains: Be warned to all those who dare tread in those domains!

    There is something going on there for sure.

    You are not wrong or speculating.

    You are like the majority here...... they KNOW something is not right.

    This is just the next in line to be covered up.

    It takes a hell of a bigger stretch of the imagination to try to explain all these incidents away, than by simply and much more rationally declaring that foul things are afoot.

    I am with the majority on this one because the majority are always right.

  5. Does any one have the facts to this case, I think not, and thats why the headline is Mystery Death.

    Try and stay calm until facts emerge.

    A story will emerge, an excuse will emerge, a cover up will emerge, but the facts?..... no way.

    Too many mysteries and scandalously suspicious deaths happening in that tiny little place.

    The last thing to come out of that godforsaken place is the facts.

  6. Well I have been all over the world and have never been told I will have to pay for my suitcase to travel in the taxi with me.

    I can imagine all those tourists arriving and being met with this load of old boll***s.

    As if they haven't already got lots of things to criticise about Thailand, the taxi idiots have to add this to it.

    Discover Thainess, where we treat your luggage as passengers.......

    Discount for Thai luggage by any chance?

  7. Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwan yesterday criticised certain red-shirt leaders for having warned that a decision to impeach Yingluck could lead to bloodbath or riots.

    Just try it....... I dare ya.

    They will do jack sh*t.... I can guarantee that.

    She begged for justice from the NLA.... That is exactly what she will receive.... Be careful what you wish for. I don't think you are going to enjoy it if justice is indeed served.

  8. I am a member of a politics forum, and you would think that would be full of arguments and vitriol, but it has nothing on ThaiVisa for nasty minded and spiteful idiots who seem to be ever increasing in numbers. Not all the members, maybe 10% but that is more than enough to spoil a forum.

    I think Thailand does attract a lot of social rejects, and unfortunately this spills over into this forum, so I tend to spend a month or so away at a time, and stick with my political conversations with more rational people.

    But this forum is full of very useful information. Pity about the immature <deleted> element.

    Mods really need to come down with zero tolerance on anyone posting deliberate bile on a thread and banning them instantly, that way there would be many more quality members come onto the forum.. Just like has already been said, many members are wary about starting a thread, as the thread starter will ALWAYS get insulted eventually.

    • Like 1
  9. I know my numbers are way off...lol. minutiae doesnt matter. Only a fool think $80k will generate $6k a month in profits in a run of the mill korean bbq. A no-brain man....hahaha!

    3 months with a gimmick is not what i call a succesful proven business model. What a goofball op is.

    You really ARE brain dead.

    80,000 baht to you converts to $80,000?

    You have been getting ripped off mate.

    You call ME a goofball....... lol

    80K BAHT is nothing to me, and is worth a punt any day.

    Such is your obvious lack of business nouse, I think I will stick to the absolute opposite of what you think and I should be safely successful. This is my soon to be 5th business here in this town, and the other 4 are very successful.... I have lots of confidence in my abilities.

    So why are you teling everyone how to do it........I'd have thought your mouth would be completely shut

    ps I've just located the Tenants and back handed them a 100k........You're no longer number 1 on their list..........See my point

    Nobody on here even knows what town I live in, let alone the restaurant in question..... So your point is exactly?

    • Like 2
  10. Sounds reasonable to me, good luck.

    They will probably attempt to sell the fixtures & fittings / goodwill, etc for a few million Baht. If you don't pay that you might have a long wait.

    Fixtures and fittings are owned by the tenants of the venue.

    We wont be requiring them. We have all our own equipment, all we will need are tables. chairs and the charcoal burners which can all be picked up cheap.

    The owner of the venue owns everything else and is included in the rent. They will not be able to keep their gear there till someone buys it all, they would have to keep up the rent and bills.

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