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Everything posted by natway09

  1. As many other Thai islands building it is the easy part. Operating & maintaining it is another. There are many plants on islands just sitting there totally neglected including two I know of donated by the French Embassy
  2. Short answer to your question is YOU. I know of 2 condo owners who had to replace ceilings in units below & lucky little other water damage. Ensure have drainers in kitchen & turn water off when away for any length of time in case of a pipe bursting
  3. Just in case you have not tried, I had bad migraines for many years with the whole box & dice, vomiting, dizzy, horrific headache, needed a dark suffer room for 24 hours etc. Went for a consultation with a forward thinking Dr & ended up having 3 sessions on a body stretching machine 4 days apart. Last 2 days extended stretch & all sorts of cracking in my upper back & neck. Never had a migraine since (26 years)
  4. We all know that the whole thing is one big pyramid system with a vacumn cleaner at all levels
  5. Just got my implant capped last week after human bone graft 3 months wait. Amazing process really, take out the rotten tooth, implant goes in straight away, no blood even & no pain. Korean implant, total cost 55,000 Bht. 4 visits, one a week after implant, just a check
  6. Bangkok Airways developed & opened Koh Samui 10 years before the Government would have got around to it & ran it as a boutique airport it is great. It's only expensive to you because we are spoilt in Thailand & maybe Indonesia for internal flying. Check out NZ or UK for internal airfares of that mileage. I rest my case.
  7. Looks like mainly bamboo construction so time to rebuild with some fire codes or am I dreaming again. Feel for the small shop owners though
  8. The Thai Bight is struggling to stay alive anyway. This just adds to the pressure. Must have recovered a bit though with 20,000,000 less Chinese poos being pumped in
  9. The massive Chinese tour groups before Covid made up mainly of employer sponsered employees & families left little money in the country, Airfares, accommodation & even some restaurants along with chinese transport companies made sure the majority of monies repatriated home. I am not talking about individual chinese travel for leisure or business, as they can spend well. I like the Indian response to this problem of repatriation (export) of monies, they are going to tax at 20%. Very good idea
  10. A worn tail rotor bearing, (good chance it was dry as well) but all maintenance up to date ? Something does not add up
  11. Had the same problem with the "Rats of the Sky" Got a couple of local lads to put wire netting in the shady areas & never had any mor problems until the following year when their offspring who had I believe had been born there really tried for hours to tear a hole to get in. High pressure hose sorted it all out.
  12. Well, I suppose I can say "I told you so" but the best or worst is still to come. Phuket could very well have a melt down. As to stealing work from Thais the police just consider any complaint as a nuisance unless there is pocket money in it. The Labour Dept presence in resort areas are not really equipped to confront the Russian mafia. The other question is how long can Aeroflot maintain their aircraft to keep them in the air for long haul ?
  13. Go have it done. Some comments on here are useful, seriously consider a colonoscopy. Get your heart checked properly & believe me worth it, big hospital in Bangkok somehow missed it but I live in the bush now & they picked up on the fact that I have aortic valve stenosis. Correct medication & diet will at least slow deterioration
  14. natway09

    Head or Heart.

    From what I have heard the "free" healthcare in the UK is not what it used to be & long waiting lists for just about anything. It must have been a very difficult decision to make, in particular if he has no family there. Cold, miserable & on your own, is there any sense to it at 88 ?
  15. I hope you have had more tests than just a PEA which can be highly dubious in finding anything until very late. Check out the BNH specialists.
  16. Depending on the quantity you are taking a letter from a pharmacist (with licence no) should suffice. Oz recognizes them as a proper person to certify documents
  17. Strike out 0 out of 3. You do not need 10,000 quid for a tourist visa. Your marriage certificate should be fine regardless of name as long as they match passports & her ID card. Very surprised about the land office giving very bad advice. I have dealt with them 5 times in the last 12 months & they could not be more helpful & explaining things correctly. Their advice to your wife is just absolute rubbish & has been for at least 14 years Are you sure your wife is "relaying" the truth ?
  18. This is all part of the masterplan. Bet the helicopter pilot knew all evening to "stand by"
  19. How would they ever know. "Muslim" is a reference to Islam. Nothing to do with race,
  20. The whole concept is flawed with EV,s still. The embodied energy & amount of fossil fuels used used to make the batteries just does not add up. Human rights also needs to be looked at in lithium ore mining areas. In Thailand 80% fossil fuels used to make energy to charge also neans you are just moving pollution from one place to another. Live in the country & need to travel over 250km, forget it for me
  21. Plenty of rain here in the upper west. Raining now & just had our first 2 days without in 3 weeks. Garden vegetables pretty much gone, just too much
  22. He also congratulated them on their financial situation. Had the pigs kept their noses out of the trough over many years there would be no need for rehabilitation
  23. Thai gold is all priced in Bht not grammes in Thai gold shops with the daily buying & selling price usually clearly marked. The buying price is for the weight & extra charged for making ornamental or jewellery which when you sell 99% chance it is just melted down & re used.. The answer to your question is that both ornamental or bullion should get you the same selling price as advertised after weighing. If they start telling you must make a deduction , walk away & go somewhere else. It can be a good long term investment, ie: I have many Bht purchased for less than 9,000 Bht a Baht Selling over 100 Baht is "notifiable" whatever that means. PP or ID needed at reputable stores
  24. After working here in Bangers for 23 years have retired to the country. My life style, house, amenities, land & relaxed style of living would just not be possible in my home country. Healthcare does cost but works here, many countries including the UK, Oz, NZ as examples the "free care" is diminishing in quality fast along waiting list for anything needing a specialist.
  25. Go enjoy your holiday, if you do not have any health issues have a drink if you feel like it.
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