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Everything posted by natway09

  1. I could use marriage but have chosen retirement since coming off a 22 year B & work permit. Just feel it gives me that sense of "doing it my way"
  2. How many go back to the horrific gas tanker explosion on Phetchaburi Rd. What a tragedy that was with so much lose of life & what a mess
  3. The lack of longterm planning & infrastructure spending on the right things is epitomized here in that the tunnel has not been completed years ago, it really is a no brainer but the only 2 reasons I can logically think of why not built is that they do not have the knowledge to do so or if a suitable contractor who can has not been found that will play the illegal "commission" game
  4. I know that Japan has orderd some bananas (yes, they are a herb) but how many ?????
  5. The more driving in cars & motorbikes will push the Chinese injured, maimed or killed up & bad publicity will kill (excuse the pun) this way of travelling around Thailand. Now, back to the airport........
  6. Never mind, next year send them over to Aceh, then there will be fireworks
  7. I note that some Thais can read a little but no chance of speaking it. To have any chance of taking tourism to the next level this needs to be addressed but doubt will be. This will all go away about Christmas until next year when the index comes out again
  8. They had a great opportunity during Covid to clean the place up, put tourist infrastructure in place, reeducate the taxis & get the taxi mafia & other rip off merchants sorted. The quality of spoken english could also have been improved during this time for the tourist areas along with the police needing to somehow make the roads safer on the vastly improved roads. They blew it. The tourist industry will roll along but the opportunity to have really top quality tourism in lesser numbers but really high spending has gone as although there are many really good quality hotels the amenities outside of their establishments just does not stack up
  9. For good fish & chips that is cheap
  10. Always after the event !!!!!!!! Amazing Thailand
  11. Should this have not been done as a matter of course ?
  12. What could possibly go wrong ?????? Fire brigade, all leave cancelled & on duty please
  13. Yes, agree with the original poster, they can be dangerous, Witnessed a taxi who thought he had the "street covered" & after a lady refused to pay the extortionate price requested hailed a passing cab. Within seconds he had a long sword out & was about to attack her. The hotel security guard intervened...... I went to park my pickup on Sukhumvit Soi 11 in a normal parking spot & was told on no uncertain terms "NO, Taxi only. So moved 50 yards down & parked with this guy running after me No, No. I just walked past him & got bumped & a "cutthroat sign" When I returned 20 minutes later I had 2 front cut tyres & the brand new spare had been unwound & stolen. They are a mafia & dangerous. Some of you must lead a very sheltered life here
  14. Been in the business for many years. Your question is impossible to begin answering without a lot more information as is a very complex business, not only decibels but frequencies need to be considered along with flanking. You will not "soundfroof" a house or room without considerable cost but can reduce significantly
  15. The checking of patrons has & is done by many bars. Having owned & operated bars in Bangkok for 25 years we have taken more keys to motorbikes & cars off people than I can number. Our bar in lower Sukhumvit was open till 4am on a regular basis. And "Smokey & the Bandit" refused drinks to many.
  16. Now he is the "big boss" he has to say that. But on his way up the tree he would have been a benefactor to some %
  17. He can do what he likes. If the shoe does not fit don't wear it
  18. Why not just have 8 beers & go back to bed ?
  19. What the headline should say is "Sukhumvit Soi 3 Arab quarter bars raided"
  20. They are not Beers". They are all lagers. No brewery seems to be brave enough to make a good dark beer
  21. The whole story is a lot of codswallap. Taken my wife to NZ, OZ & other countries maybe 18 times & she could have left her ID card at home. It means nothing outside of Thailand
  22. So the way it works is that alcohol sales stops at 2am. The local gendarme is slobbering at the mouth already
  23. Impossible. It is an ingrained pyramid which just has to be fed at all levels just like taking a chocolate & passing the box on.
  24. With a credit card you have pretty good protection. With a debit card very little (ask any Thai bank employee)
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