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Everything posted by natway09

  1. Good move by China,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, It will give them the opportunity to set up more "zero tours" to send any monies from the Chinese tourists back to China
  2. I am in a rural area where there are thousands (literally) working in construction & agriculture. Thailand needs these people that work for 5,000 Bht a month & a roof over their head (If you can call it a roof). The Government has no idea of the numbers up here working in the fields, or do they & just do not want to rock the boat ?????
  3. ํYou ain't seen nothing yet. My first 8 months in Thailand I was changing AUD at 17.2-17 .5. Still here, it is swings & roundabouts
  4. Something here is not quite right unless they won Lotto or are very wealthy. 10 years from now where do they think the money stream is coming from ?
  5. The PM says Krungthep will not flood, so relax,,,,,,,,,,,,
  6. And why the hole left to allow the "rats of the sky" to get in under the roof in the first place. Bad building design or bad building ?
  7. I wonder just how many Thais are earning more than 60,000Bht & not filing a tax return ? I know of hundreds
  8. R & M is not a strong trait for Thais.
  9. There is just no way that his nose should not be at least two foot long
  10. Very strange for a light aircraft to nosedive like this. Glide & crash, yes. With the impact destroying evidence & being under the size for black box requirement I doubt that a cause will be found. Sad
  11. Herein lies the problem. Apart from a few enlightened Uni' students & a few party members themselves the rest of the Thai voters just seem to roll over & accept the status quo. I wish them well but fear will be another wasted effort as their cause is just squashed again, under tanks wheels if need be, sad day for Thailand
  12. Witch ? Very bad choice of words, she has no broomstick !!
  13. Once blooded, no way back, they have to be euthanized
  14. Who gave permission for the Myanmar Junta's plane to land in Mae Sot & not only pick up their personnel but a big bag of money which came from ??????
  15. The damage will never end. Almost impossible to eradicate the species now after the irresponsible action 14 years ago by CP who must have had fisheries Dept approval & (or) a little commission paid at the port of arrival.
  16. Buy a man a beer or teach him how to brew ????
  17. The smart money is on walking away from this deal. Only one of you but many more houses for sale
  18. I read that by 2028 40+% of the existing workforce will be out of a job or need complete retraining
  19. The amount mentioned is dwarfed by loss of production in having all these extra holidays combined with all the tourist drinking establishments not even bothering opening or not being able to serve alcohol due to Thailands archaic liquor laws
  20. The Transport Minister has become a very rich man all of a sudden. This decision to extend by 27 years is ridiculous & should see him accountable. It is highway robbery,,,,,,,,,,sorry
  21. U can head back to Oz now Darren
  22. Taxi drivers must be by far the worst here. Build some "french style" pissers
  23. Age old tradition. Why in this day & age one wonders why. All the Thais up here think that is a reason to drink more
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