Good move by China,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
It will give them the opportunity to set up more "zero tours" to send any monies from the Chinese tourists back to China
I am in a rural area where there are thousands (literally) working in construction & agriculture.
Thailand needs these people that work for 5,000 Bht a month & a roof over their head (If you can call it a roof).
The Government has no idea of the numbers up here working in the fields, or do they & just do not want to rock the boat ?????
Very strange for a light aircraft to nosedive like this.
Glide & crash, yes.
With the impact destroying evidence & being under the size for black box requirement
I doubt that a cause will be found. Sad
Herein lies the problem. Apart from a few enlightened Uni' students & a few party members themselves the rest of the Thai voters just seem to roll over & accept the status quo.
I wish them well but fear will be another wasted effort as their cause is just squashed again, under tanks wheels if need be, sad day for Thailand
The damage will never end.
Almost impossible to eradicate the species now after the irresponsible action 14 years ago by CP who
must have had fisheries Dept approval & (or) a little commission paid at the port of arrival.
The amount mentioned is dwarfed by loss of production in having all these extra holidays
combined with all the tourist drinking establishments not even bothering opening or not
being able to serve alcohol due to Thailands archaic liquor laws
The Transport Minister has become a very rich man all of a sudden.
This decision to extend by 27 years is ridiculous & should see him accountable.
It is highway robbery,,,,,,,,,,sorry