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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. This is the correct answer. The same setting exists in their mobile app. If I recall correctly the setting is somewhere near where you set which currency to show.
  2. Not true. The browser user agent still indicates which OS it is and even if it didn't it would be trivial to figure out. Anti tracking is about cookies, localstorage and other ways to track users over multiple sites. Easy to see by going to for example https://www.whatismybrowser.com/
  3. One reason Al Jazeera was created was to improve Qatars soft power against Saudi Arabia...
  4. Taking the tire off and back on on the side of the road still isn't as easy as just shoving a plug in the hole. You asked what the advantage of a tubeless tire would be. I think you know it.
  5. I had a tube patched more than once on my Africa Twin during travels across Thailand because they didn't have spare tubes at the right size (21inch front not so common). Was never easy to find someone who could do it when I needed it and the bike had to go to that shop. Nobody disputes that plugs are supposed to be temporary but at least it's quite easy to find someone with a plug and a pump no matter if it's a small scooter like a Wave or a 400kg chunk of metal. Tubes are preferable in some offroad scenarios where bending a rim is a real possibility. Other than that I'd take tubeless any time.
  6. A plug can be easily inserted on the side of the road within 5 minutes. Many people around who can do that. Good luck with a tube. First gotta find someone that can take the tire on/off and either patch the tube or has a replacement tube. While it's easier with a Honda Wave it's increasingly more difficult with some other bikes.
  7. A retrospective cohort study... is all I need to read. Not a proper clinical trial. Not a double-blind randomized control trial. Nice try but no deal. There have been multiple much more sophisticated and higher quality studies that have shown the opposite.
  8. Well lucky that you don't know anyone who died. A family friend lost both parents to Covid-19. So go ahead and stick your head in the sand as much as you want. Wont change reality.
  9. Aj Jazeera in this context is not an impartial source. Consume it with care. It's a Qatari governmental broadcaster. Qatar is very much alined with Hamas. The Qatari government immediately after Hamas killed and abducted innocent civilians blamed Israel for it. The president of Hamas operates out of Qatar and has ties to its ruler. Qatar together with Iran has also supported the extremist Hamas over Fatah or the Palestinian Authority as the force to control Gaza because they are the most hostile towards Israel and wont settle for anything apart from the eradication of Israel.
  10. Depends on how you see it. It's like a normal person donating 20 Baht ????
  11. Yea I'm sure with 1.3 billion Baht profit from the energy drink just last year, money aint what will keep them awake ????
  12. Yea it's tiny. The service charge is 8.19 THB if using less than 150kWh per month and 24.62 THB if above for the normal residential tariff.
  13. I heard foreigners can own bridges in Phuket. Someone is selling them on a platform for funny videos!
  14. A very big <deleted> YOU Trump! for abusing a tragedy like the the one in Israel for your own political gain. What a miserable low life you are.
  15. Thank you. I must have overlooked that part. Not common to be ambassador to multiple countries. And I'd expect him to put a Thai flag behind him when being interviewed by Thai TV.
  16. Why does the Palestine ambassador to Thailand have a Malaysian flag behind him?
  17. Now you know how I usually feel when trying to explain some mistake of yours and you not getting it, then me having to explain it several times, every time slightly rephrased or from a different angle. Then you usually disappear, never to show any acknowledgement of finally understanding what was explained. Case in point I am still waiting for your calculations that you said you were working on in the electric truck topic over one month later. There is a difference to what you just wrote though: I don't have the delusions like you of thinking of myself as a genius.
  18. Those are just recommended packages by installers that partner with PEA to get sales through them. You can have 5kW, 10kW etc. on single phase no problem. You do not have to use the PEA sponsoring installers afaik. 1kW is a joke and probably would take a super long time to recover the costs unless you go ghetto style super cheap components from the lazada special items bin installed by somchai the village "electrician" ???? A typical residential house should be able to get 10-20kW on the roof. Wouldn't bother installing anything under 5kW if you go feed-in as the cost per watt will be much higher with the smaller packages. Do you have the prices for each package at hand? Would be good if you posted those then. If it's just micro-inverter and optimizer as the difference then that's a clear no. Just go for one central string inverter. Less hassle and the efficiency wont be that different for you to warrant that price increase. Most likely. As I mentioned those PEA suggested ones are from companies that have a deal with PEA to get sales leads. 270k for 5kW is ridicolous. As you said for 5kW you should arrive at much less than 100k. A 550W panel goes for less than 5k, a 5kW inverter probably something like 25k so with 10 panels you're at less than 75k. Add a bit for cabling, mounting and this and that. Add installation and profit margin etc. Make it a bit more than 100k THB. Wouldn't pay more than 120k. Depends on the components and installer quality.
  19. And upon waking up tomorrow immediately take the same advice. Ad infinitum.
  20. Well I tend to believe people like that when they accidently spill the beans while ranting over something else.
  21. If we want to be pedantic then we should say convinced to jail. And yes he has been in jail, albeit briefly before moving to the VIP hospital for "treatment".
  22. Well he just openly confirmed that a jailed person can pick who gets to get a cabinet seat. That same jailed person also promised to not be involved in politics.
  23. Let's try again with a simpler sentence: what does not make sense is that you stated the average IQ will increase. It wont. It will remain 100 by definition. You did not say the average intelligence will increase. You said the average IQ will increase. Hope this helps.
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