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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Nobody said that 100% of MAGA supporters are bad. But in reverse just because some are good does not mean they all are good. That's just one more logical fallacy. Like I said, disingenuous at best.
  2. I don't think insulting people you don't know makes you sound credible to other readers. Maybe you do have some good knowledge to contribute. The fact about 0% capital gains tax on the SET for example is very valuable. The OP asked you for recommendations for sites to collect information. If you posted a few that for example would be much much better than throwing insults from a high horse.
  3. Well if you have actual arguments then please come forth. That would be much more worthwhile contribution to the topic than whatever that post was.
  4. I've had the pleasure of dealing on a corporate level with some public companies. What I saw on the inside was not what one would assume by looking at the stock or disclosures. I'm hence respectfully passing on the opportunity ???? Of course if someone is a sophisticated professional trader then I'm sure there are plenty of profits to be made on the SET. I'm not so I don't.
  5. Your oponents in the stock market are other stock market participants. In the US you have stupendous amounts of unsophisticated retail capital. In Thailand because there is so little retail capital you are up against mainly professionals. If you were a fish would you rather go swim in a pond with tons of friendly fish or in a shark pool?
  6. That's disingenuous at best. If I form a movement called MEH (Make Everyone Happy) which goes around and defrauds people en mass I can't ask why people are against making everyone happy when they criticise the movement for what it actually does. People who criticise MAGA are not talking about the name. They talk about the actions of the movement.
  7. It depends on the prices for install and inverter. Price per Watt in terms of panels is the same if you buy 6 or 10. But the price per W can be quite different for 3kW or 6kW. Sometimes it makes sense to buy the bigger one just in case you want to add more panels later. There are also efficiency curves. A 6kW inverter operating at 5kW will be more efficient than a 3kW inverter operating at 3kW. So better make two or three potential scenarios and compare them. If you were to register with PEA for the feed-in tariff it might even makes sense to put as much as reasonably possible. It'll take longer to brake even but it will eventually and once you cross that you might get paid every month instead of reducing the bill to close to zero.
  8. Only if going for the official PEA feed-in tariff which counts those seperately. If going rogue as I explained in my last post your production during the day will offset consumption in the night because the meter can spin backwards. Assuming that sometimes there is more production than consumption of course. If that's never the case then there'd be no difference.
  9. There is another dimension to private residential solar in Thailand which can be seen as "official" vs "DIY". If you were to follow all the rules you'd have to talk to PEA and apply for the feed-in tariff. That means that when your current energy production is higher than your current consumption you will feed back into the grid and the meter will count that. You will then be paid for this electricity but the catch is that the rate which they pay you is much lower than what you have to pay for their electricity. Opting for this will make them install a new meter that will count count consumption and production seperately. I didn't check recently but a year or two ago it was a bit less than 2THB per kWh vs. the more than 4THB that most people are paying. Now on the other hand if you go rogue and don't tell them then you will keep your old meter and it will just spin backwards, offsetting any prior or future consumption you might have at another time. Maybe easiest to understand via some example: Assume your net consumption on some Monday is 10kWh. On Tuesday you had much higher production than consumption because you were not home so have a net production of 10kWh. Rogue: the net production of 10kWh will spin the meter backwards to offset the 10kWh you consumed on Monday so you end up with no bill averaged over these two days. Official: on Monday you will be billed for 10kWh and on Tuesday you will be paid for 10kWh. Since the payment you get for the 10kWh of production is about half of what you are charged for the consumption, you'll have to pay the equivalent of something like 5kWh. Very rough calculation. And so going rogue will save people a lot more money but there is always the chance that PEA catches you and then either tells you to turn off your solar as it's not approved or in the worst case imposes some charges/fines. The chance of that happening will depend on the area and property. It's very easy to see if the person from PEA comes to read the meter and sees it spinning backwards. Some care, some don't. I've seen property owners turn off their solar on days where the meter is being read to avoid that. But you have to also make sure you don't run all the way to negative e.g. when leaving the house for extended periods.
  10. Happened too many times that some critter decided my shoes are a nice new home that I always put the shoes now inside the house. Flip flops can stay outside.
  11. It's one of the worst road constructions I've seen. Highly dangerous and guaranteed to collapse in the near to mid term. You can clearly see there were no efforts made to create a safe road. They just cut away from the mountain, put a thin layer of road surface on it and called it a day. It's a road with steep incline too. Absolute safety hazard. Not to mention the idea of creating a shortcut to Patong that starts at the water reservoir. One of the few places where many people can go to jog and exercise around the lake with little traffic. If traffic was to start because people want to use the shortcut then you can say goodbye to that nice workout area. That plan was an exercise in how to come up with the worst idea in terms of traffic management. And once they managed to do that they went on to the next challenge of how to execute the construction in the worst possible way. Operation successful, patient dead.
  12. I had good experience with Mitsubeshi service over the years. Much better than the Sansum I used before. But all the manuals are in chinese for some reason. ????‍♂️
  13. Thailands wildlife is less diverse than Europes because Europe has many different countries and climates. Thailand as mentioned has a lot more dangerous animals too. Snakes are very common. But Thailand has also less dangerous animals which can be very fascinating like the many sorts of tropical birds. There are also monkeys and elephants which are easy to find. Tigers are very rare. And insects... lot's of insects. In general I'd say it's less common for people to go into the jungles to look at wildlife. If not for the danger then for the heat and humidity.
  14. You need some info from a bill to get that set up though if I remember correctly. The OP could go to his local PEA office and get the relevant information. Or wait for the next bill ????
  15. The whole fundamental idea of a company is to make money for its owners - the shareholders. If a company does not have profits as its goal then they set themselves up as a non-profit instead. One has to have the right expectations. The big difference then comes from factors of wanting short term profits vs long term profits. For example a company like Apple will try to maintain a good image and deliver good user experiences because they want to be profitable for many decades and so the customers also win. But there are other companies that only want to sqeeze a product short term and therefore don't care much abouth the customers. Grab isn't even in the profit phase yet. They are reaching the end of the investment stage where they burn through money from shareholders to establish the business and the surrounding infrastructure. At some point though the owners will want to see some kind of return. But that's totally fair and to be expected. People risk their money so should be able to see some reward. That's what keeps the economy working. There's nothing bad about that.
  16. Haha I already forgot about that term, have been too detached from german for a long time. But yea that's kinda fitting ???? For everyone else: it means smart-arse.
  17. So what exactly did the shareholders do to earn your scorn? How did they get paid?
  18. Yea it's getting a bit much. So many threads in which GammaGlobulin tries to sound smart and attacks others but when it touches topics in which I am properly experienced like this one (I've developed software for over 20 years including work on kernels, I guarantee you you have used my code in some way or another) I just know he doesn't understand the topic apart from a very superficial level. He then always posts Youtube videos or links to pages that are vaguely revelant but usually miss some crucial point. Seems like his knowledge comes from this kind of content. In german we have a term which translates to something like "dangerous half knowledge". Just the right amount of knowledge to make one think one understands a topic but not really. There are tons of expats on this forum which are professional software developers so in a thread like this those "experts" get exposed very quickly - at least to people who are really knowledgable in the field.
  19. Neither the videos nor your reply address the point even in the slightest. You are just showing that writing to a ramdisk is faster than writing to permanent memory. Well duh of course. But thrashing/swapping happens when the OS runs out of ram and swaps existing pages out to disk to free up space for more recently used memory. Swapping ram pages out to a ramdisk (which is just ram) makes no sense. It would copy ram from one location to another which is useless work. And why are you always so rude as if you know everything and everyone else is clueless? Terrible attitude. A ramdisk only makes sense in very specific cases and virtually never for stuff like a browser.
  20. You mentioned this now a few times but it makes no sense to me. Why would a ramdisk help when running into swapping issues (context is thrashing)? You want to page out from RAM to.... RAM? You'd just waste your ram for no gain whatsoever.
  21. Google never supported the developing team. They had a sponsor deal with the Mozilla Corporation. They then had a period where Yahoo! was the sponsor for the default search engine placement but have since reverted to selling that to Google again. None of this has anything to do with the development of the browser though.
  22. Shareholders don't get bonuses. In fact it's the shareholders who have paid for all the losses. They have lost more than two thirds of their capital since Grab went public. Why is it that in 99.9% of posts on social media that complain about "shareholders" it's always from someone who doesn't even know the very basic stuff about how companies work. They paid 30 billion USD from which these drivers are paid because the delivery fee doesn't cut it but somehow are the bad guys?
  23. If he was doing a u-turn then he'd be turning right in Thailand. Chance are he's not parallel to the lane but angled to turn to the opposing side so wouldn't see much in the mirrors. But I agree he was probably focused on the oncoming traffic to see when it is safe to do the u-turn. RIP
  24. Complete nonsense video. Superbike tech? Superbike performance? Hahaha what bull crap. Its top speed is less than that of a 125cc Honda Click. Nice torque but 14kW power is 14kW. Even that it can only produce temporarily. It's sustained power is 5.7kW, again that's less than a Honda Click. Nothing exciting about that. Oh and of course it has no storage compartment plus can't even take a pillion. And for no reason! There would have been space for storage if they didn't want to make it look like a Z for looks/branding and they could have easily supported a pillion if the seat wasn't stupidly curved like that. Scooters are first and foremost about practicality - this is one of the least practical scooters I've seen. For good measure you'll also get splashed with dirt from behind. All that for a price that could get you a proper motorcycle that is supperior in pretty much every way apart from being electric maybe. Hard pass.
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