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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. Lyva: A small fraction of the power of a Honda Click at higher price with only 2 year warranty on battery (bad sign) and under 100km range with long charging times and no dealer network. They still have ways to go before many people will make the switch to electric scooters, especially from new unknown brands. While we've seen a lot of improvements with electric cars the past years I feel like not the same has happened with scooters. Seen them for sale in many places but so far I've seen only 3 in the real world, one being a Grab delivery driver, a usecase which I think is actually a pretty decent fit.
  2. This would only be true if the team were never to grow and you'd also have to ignore all the supporting jobs that are not directly under that team. In other words what you said is not true in reality. DeSantis picked a stupid battle. He started a fight with one of the most important employers of his state and for what gain? He can make it a big theatre which puts him in the news all the time for a good while but the risk reward ratio is just idiotic. Just the legal costs for defending this will cost the state of Florida millions. And then you have the trickle effect on other companies who will think twice about situating themselves in Florida with such a vindicative Governor. Florida had a good name for being business friendly. Takes a long time to build a good reputation but it can be destroyed in a heartbeat. I say that as someone who disagrees with some of the content that Disney produced in recent years.
  3. This is not correct. The constitution does not need rewriting in that way. It already contains sections that deal with the selection of senators for the initial term with the NCPO involved in Section 269 and for the terms after the initial period in Section 107. I've linked the relevant Organic Act before that is referred to in the constitution. The constitution also contains provisions that the term of the senators are limited to one so the whole senate will be mass replaced. Section 108 b) (9):
  4. It actually covers what happens after the first term. What happens during the initial first five years is laid out in the constitution under Section 269. This is where they lay out the role of the NCPO in selecting senators. After the first term all senators will be replaced and can't run for a second term. Any law has to pass the house of representatives first and then has to pass the senate which can block it. https://www.admincourt.go.th/ADMINCOURT/upload/webcmsen/Publication/Publication_021220_132718.pdf This is my understanding of the matter after reading the documents. I'm not a lawyer or expert on the topic.
  5. The rules for the election of the new senate next year are laid out in the Organic Act on the Acquisition of Senators. There is an elaborate system on multiple levels of government from national to local to pick from a list of applicants. No change in the consitution is needed for that. Senators can't be member of any party and also can't have served as senator before amongst other requirements. https://www.ect.go.th/ect_en/download/article/article_20210806135906.pdf
  6. You do realize that the move to Florida was with the aim to cut costs compared to California, right? That's the opposite of your narrative.
  7. So you are suggesting shareholders would prefer the company move a part of their business into a state where the government actively fights the company? I'm pretty sure they'll have more sense than that.
  8. Yea those are old tricks they are trying to play to argument that they are not breaking the law. It's like saying someone sending canabis from Thailand to Singapore is not breaking the law because selling canabis in Thailand is legal. They are sending streams to Thailand, they are collecting payments in Thailand, they are advertising to Thai residents, selling hardware here etc. Crackdowns do happen sometimes: https://torrentfreak.com/thailand-arrests-brits-over-pirated-football-streams-170517/
  9. To me it seems like he is showing all the traits of a dictator that just doesn't have absolute power yet. Very strong populist agendas. Vindictiveness as you said. Focus on attacking something or somebody instead of putting the energy towards positive ventures and being an inspiring rolemodel. Trying to instill fear to suppress opponents. He shares a lot of these traits with Trump but seems even more aggressive and trying to properly hurt his targets. Scary to have someone like that in power. But as we are seeing people like that will try to tear each other apart even if they are from the same party.
  10. The same way that you can own your car even though it's currently not moving.
  11. Well any change to the powers of the Senate probably needs an amendment to the constitution and in order to amend the constitution at least a third of the Senate has to vote for it (Chapter XV, Section 256). I don't think it will be easy to make a third of the Senate approve something that strips them of their powers. A main role of the Senate in Thailand is to provide a counter to the elected Hosue for better or worse. And so the House can't just go and change the Senate. But as mentioned next year the Senate will end its term and will be filled with completely new senators. Those will not be selected by the NCPO as was the case the first time so the new Senate might act very differently. We'll have to see. What will happen until then? Not sure really. There is a bit of an impass right now.
  12. I'm not treating you like what you described and I don't know why you got that impression. I'm also not censoring or moderating anyone, I don't have the capability and even if I had I wouldn't do that. I'm offering an opposing view to what roietfortress presented. Talking like adults should include hearing what other points of view have to say. Note I didn't argue against you looking into canabis to help with your chemo therapy symptoms I was just argueing that smoking is probably not a good way and that claiming that it doesn't contain carcinogens which fuel cancer growth is wrong. If you don't want to hear more nuanced views and are set in your way then fine, it's your thread so I'll respect that. Cheers.
  13. I doubt that. Pretty sure it's illegal, just that enforcement is minimal. Case in point: I was sitting in an immigration waiting area once where a TV was clearly showing a pirated stream of the latest Marvel movie ????
  14. Never heard of it before but a quick glance on the website makes my think it might not be a legal streaming service. They could pirate the streams and resell it. That's why you wont find company info anywhere and for payments they use unsuspecting fools to use their private bank accounts. That only works for a while and then they have to switch to another one.
  15. Yes, though it speaks mostly of the transitory rules. The way I understand it after reading the constitution and the Organic Act on Installation of Senators is that the NCPO is only involved in selecting the initial 250 senators (section 269, which starts with "During the initial period...") and after that (5 years) the Organic Act takes over (section 107 in the constitution). PS: fun fact, the english translation of the constitution mentions a "Organic Act on Installation of Senators" while the actual law calls itself "Organic Act on the Acquisition of Senators". I wonder if the original Thai version has a similar mismatch? Probably just a translation issue.
  16. So I've went and read the Constitution of Thailand which refers to the "Organic Act on Installation of Senators" (Part 3, Section 107). In there, it actually lays out an elaborate system for Senators to apply and be selected on various levels from national, Amphoe etc. Interestingly enough a Senator can only ever serve one term which means next year the complete Senate will be changed. The new senators are not selected by the military. This has the potential to have a big impact on how the Senate will act from there on out. I highly suggest for interested people who want to understand more about the structures of Thailands state to read these two documents: Constitution: https://www.ect.go.th/ect_en/download/article/article_20210806135650.pdf Organic Act on Installation of Senators: https://www.ect.go.th/ect_en/download/article/article_20210806135906.pdf
  17. But that would mean the senate would have no members anymore and the goverment would halt to a stop because no bills can pass the senate if no one can vote. Surely that can't be the case.
  18. Why would a new term for the senate change something in that regard? If anything it's a chance for the military to get rid of any senators that didn't vote according to their wishes.
  19. They can write a new constituion but if the senate is the only one according to the constitution who can amend it then how would it be enacted? That's my point. The senate has a complete veto right on every bill and the constitution. It doesn't even matter who the government is. There are only two ways out of this: either they sway enough senators (highly unlikely) or somehow tople the senate, a civil coup which would be very very ugly. It's a very tough situation because the military enshrined their power through the senate into perpetuity pretty much.
  20. How can the constitution be rewritten if the senate is the one who has the right to do so? There is no way that the senate will dismantle itself.
  21. After the house passes a bill it goes to the senate who can reject it.
  22. Nowhere in the article does it say that Beyond Meat uses lab grown meat. They speak about other projects and explicitly say Beyond Meat are not doing it. It would be absurd because the whole thing of Beyond Meat is to not use meat but plants based organic material.
  23. I don't think reading again it will change the content. I've quoted it. Can you quote where it says otherwise?
  24. Your own article says Beyond Meat is based on plants and not lab grown.
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