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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. I've driven motorbikes on Thai roads for more than a decade and never had any accident. Therefore it's totally not dangerous. I've explained earlier in the thread that "but I never had a problem" is not a good argument to extrapolate to the general case.
  2. When it comes to understanding legal matters I don't think ChatGPT which is prone to making things up and presenting them as facts is a good source. I appreciate that you in your last post disclosed the fact that you used ChatGPT to write it. Judging by the authorative tone and different writing style to most of your past posts I guess it was used for the prior posts in this thead as well? Anyways I'm ok if someone with knowledge how these concepts work in the law system of other countries than Thailand because maybe there are comparable mechanics.
  3. You can translate anything in any app with a bit of a hack. Take a screenshot and then go to google translate app. In there choose camera and you will be able to load an image from your gallery. It will then use google lense to translate text inside that image. This works well for Grab Food menus most of the time. And yes that menu language option is when you chose a restaurant and are looking at their menu. It is not available for all restaurants and the feature has actually been around for a month or so.
  4. Haha yes that's a fun next level weirdness indeed. I wonder what the profession of the journalists at Fox is ???? I'd be scared if an AI in their current very limited form already could do a better job than me in whatever I'm doing for a living. Doubly so if my employer is on the decline.
  5. I made an interesting observation: I can tell if an article is from Fox just by looking at the headline. It's always the anti democrat topics with sensational wording sprinkled with bad punctuation (e.g. space before exclamation or question mark). Try it for yourself, it's a fun exercise ????
  6. Usually the 10th character is the year of manufacture or model year (varies between manufacturers), the 11th is plant identifier. 12th is the start of the serial. There is no month in the VIN.
  7. You said the warrant entails all the facts of the case which simply is not the case. Also the prosecution doesn't need to present the warrant to the court, the court issued the warrant in the first place. And if the court already issued a warrant to arrest the person then why issue another one? That is the question. Are you saying without an arrest warrant they can't bring the person in front of court in a criminal matter? Is there nothing like a summons in Thailand? Will there be 10 trials?
  8. An arrest warrant is not presented to the court. Law enforcement / prosecution seek an arrest warrant from the court and once granted can actually arrest the suspect. The court does not need an arrest warrant to hear a trial. The facts of the matter or not written in the arrest warrant. So no, still doesn't make sense.
  9. We obviously need more guns. If everyone in the medical center was armed with heavy assault rilfes this guy would have thought twice!
  10. I don't understand. You are saying that no method has advantages or disadvantages over another method? That they are exactly equal in all regards? You then say one method works better for someone but maybe a different method is better for another? That's the exact same thing. They are not equal. They have pros and cons. But as the other poster put it: this thread was not about what works for *you* or trying to convert *you* to not use COD. It's about COD scams and how to spot or avoid them and with that comes how other payment methods can prevent the issue in the first place. Nobody is trying to tell *you* how to do it. Really nobody gives a flying fart. But we can still discuss the pros and cons in a factual matter. Just saying "but it works for me!" does not help others much. If someone describes a system like writing active orders on a whiteboard then at least that is a sensible contribution to the discussion but at the same time it's completely valid to ask "why not do it that other way?". We are trying via discussion to establish some pros and cons so readers might be better equipped to make their own decisions. No reason to get all defensive.
  11. Thank you, that was probably the first valid argument. Though I guess that situation applies to very few of the expats on this forum.
  12. The battery was not 4 years old at the time of purchase unless they swapped it out. The car was produced at the end of 2019 with some parts 2020 they said. The last part is dodgy but let's just say end of 2019. Then lets say in the middle of 2021 they bought it (registered). So about 1.5 years old at that point. They drove it 4 months at which point it broke down, most likely still in 2021. So what happened between 2021 and 2023? If we stretch it to them buying it at the end of 2021 then it broke down in the beginning of 2022. Still one year between breakdown and the recent complaint. Did they not notice the old manufacturing date during the first breakdown? The dealer said it was mentioned to them at that point. Maybe they overlooked that and had recently again issues at which point they connected the dots. A lot of guesswork to be done because the article isn't clear.
  13. Does it though? What if a criminal already is in custody? Would a case require an arrest warrant then? Honest questions, maybe there's some legal process to be followed. Or maybe it's 10 different police stations in different provincial juristictions because the victims were from there all doing their own thing? Just trying to make sense of it.
  14. Seems like you found a way to make it work well but my question is... why not just pay via card? That's what I'm trying to get from people who prefer COD and especially the ones that have established a system to work around potential COD scams.
  15. Sure. But we can still point out that some methods are superior in some ways (and maybe worse in others). This is not about feelings or "my money my choice" kinda ways of thinking. It's just dry facts.
  16. Scammer sends directly and not via Lazada. Or in some cases scammer sends something that wasn't even ordered in the first place. The first case is more sophisticated because it needs some actual order in Lazada and the second case is more easy to spot if one keeps track of things ordered but in a multi person household that's not so easy always if different people order all kinds of things regularily. For an example that this is actually happening in reality look at the opening post of this very thread.
  17. COD scams can mean money goes right to seller/scammer and not Lazada. You wont see a refund anytime soon in those cases. I pay by card and every delivery guy calls before and asks if I'm home. I can then tell him to leave it at the gate or come another time - same as COD.
  18. First time I hear there can be multiple arrest warrants against one person. Does that serve some purpose or is it the usual miscommunication by journalists?
  19. does not match what the topic title says Another oddity that isn't explained is how the car was registered in 2021, then 4 months later broke down but the complaint was recent? It's 2023.
  20. I dont doubt COD works just fine for some. And if you never needed a refund then either you have done a good job filtering sellers or got a bit lucky. Not everyone is so diligent and careful while online shopping. Evidently COD opens some up for fraud, not sure how "but I never had an issue!" is going to counter that. Putting the cash inside a plastic bag somewhere is fine but then again... why not just pay with card or better yet online banking and forget about all that? Haven't seen a good argument in this thread yet.
  21. You are the one advocating for COD on a COD scam thread sunny ???? Just trying to tell the interested readers about advantages and disadvantages and clarify a few misconceptions that might be flowing around. I don't think I'll convert you in your ways though there's hope for everyone ????
  22. With COD? Yea you better check before you accept the package. If paying by card you just get a refund or do a chargeback after opening it inside your home when you got time instead of outside with the delivery guy waiting.
  23. Trust with what exactly? They can't just take money because they know a bank account number. And the "no problem" is evidently countered by this very thread (and all the others). I've never given Lazada my "bank details" and I've never paid COD. What exactly is the issue?
  24. That may well be. That does not negate any of my points though. That you never encountered a bad seller that refused to refund does not mean others don't run into them. I've never used Lazada Wallet nor do I have any intention to. I've received refunds via debit card. Though the last time was a few years ago, had no reason to ask for refunds in the recent past. But even if you give them your bank account number, I don't understand the issue. It's not like they can debit money from it. And if you are using Lazada Wallet then how do you get the money out without giving them your bank account in there? Alternatively you just keep the money there for any future purchases I guess. Not to my liking all these hoops for no benefit.
  25. Because refunds are more hassle? Because you have to ensure you check the contents of the package *before* accepting it from the delivery guy? Because you have no way to force a chargeback to get money back if seller is uncooperative? Because you have to have an appropriate amount of cash on hand? These and other reasons have been re-iterated time and time again. Same as we are seeing the COD scam threads time and time again. And in those very threads we also time and time again see people spouting how great COD is and they'd never use something else.
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