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Everything posted by eisfeld

  1. If not taxed for more than 3 years and if not reported as stolen then maybe lucky as registration expired and a new one could be attempted without needing proof of sale and greenbook from previous owner. I'd ask a local motorbike shop or mechanic if they could assist.
  2. Haven't felt anything in Phuket. Glad that also no danger of tsunami. Not so worried for quotes under 6 that are couple hundred kilometers away. Keep in mind richter scale is exponential and not linear. @georgethe screenshot of yours says "Depth 90.7 miles", that surely can't be right?
  3. No you don't need to be registered in the local province.
  4. A lot of tourism to Britain is rather short term to London for a cultural visit. For example a lot of school classes make trips for a few days to there. A good number of these students don't have passports because they are used to being able to travel to all these other countries in the EU without one. Some are not even EU citizens but have Schengen visas which wont help them to visit the UK so would have to obtain a new visa. And if I wanted to do a weekend trip to London to do some sight seeing but have to get a passport or spend time at immigration then that might sway me to go somewhere else that does not have these hurdles, even if they might be low. It's not like people go to Britain for the lovely weather and relax a week or two on the beach. It also doesn't help that the UK government was complaining about the EU a lot. After a divorce interaction is reduced, no surprise there.
  5. It was mentioned already a few times in this thread.
  6. If you want your new address on it then move first, get the certificate of residence from immigration in Phuket and do a day trip to another DLT like Phang Na to get the license.
  7. Now you hopefully learn to not allow delivery while no one at home. Even so the delivery guy can put the package in the mailbox, take a picture and then take the package back again. Unless there is CCTV it'll be hard to prove any wrongdoing. If it wasn't COD then at least he could try a chargeback or dispute.
  8. Next you'll tell me the 70% off signs are not really letting me buy stuff at a bargain. I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!
  9. I highly doubt that all banks in CM apart from BKK Bank told you foreigners can't open accounts with them. They just refused *you* and due to miscommunication or whatever you are thinking it applies to every foreigner. Bank clerks have some discretion over if they open an account for a potential client or not. They can refuse you even if you meet all formal requirements. They might also wave some requirements. There is a multitude of factors that come into play. My company had a hard time opening a business account in BKK until we mentioned a prominent law firm which we work with recommended this branch. This established some kind of trust relationship. Not everything is black and white and not everything can be generalized. I know plenty of banks around the world that in many cases wont open an account for someone that just walks into the branch unless they have some convincing facts. As a foreigner on a tourist visa you are starting with some handicap.
  10. If you mean the certificate of residence then that depends on the location. And even the ones that "require" it usually have ways to get one without waiting 90 days before the first report is due. As usual the answer is "it depends", unfortunately.
  11. I never told anyone to use an agent and I've never used an agent myself so I'm not sure what you are on about. I've opened both personal and business bank accounts in multiple banks. A good friend of mine opened a bank account with Krungsri on a tourist visa just a few months ago - no agent and no letter from immigration, just a nice introduction from an existing good customer.
  12. It's just the banks internal rules. Sometimes not even that but just the local branch or even the clerk of the day that makes up their own rules. There's no law to my knowledge that prohibits tourists from opening bank accounts. And if you don't know if it's the law then better not claim that people are breaking the law. Privilege Entry visas are tourist visas and the government actively supports opening bank accounts for those.
  13. Exactly my point. It's going to get worse. Not just in terms of water supply but also traffic. There are traffic jams every day on the main roads. I don't see any serious efforts to eleviate that. Interesting, do you have some more information about it?
  14. Yes that is what I ment ot say. Thanks. But I disagree with this case trying to prevent him from running - it's just not. He is free to run again. These are two totally disconnected matters. There's even the completely contradictory opinion of some supportors that this case just strengthens Trumps political position.
  15. Not a new problem. We are not even back to pre-Covid tourist numbers and the water is already running out before Songkran. I am not aware of any new dams being built. It can't be a solution to always urge people to not use so much water. It is only going to get worse and worse. How about a pipeline from Phang Nga?
  16. 1. It can be a felony as you seem to be aware 2. Do you honestly believe the District Attorney doesn't know how statute of limitations work? 3. Yes he will tell the judge, obviously. The court is not a kindergarten. 4. Because that's not what will happen. See 3. 5. Why are you repeating the same points just worded differently again? See 1. and 2. 6. Whataboutism. Someone else doing something does not make or break Trump having commited a crime. 7. Any source for this outrageous allegation? 8. Your reasoning for that being? Why would it go federal if he broke New York state laws? And if so why would it get thrown out by a federal court? If what you said were true then Trump and supporters were not so angry about it all.
  17. Because in many trials a hung jury means the evidence is really not that convincing or the situation is just not clear. But if the judge sees someone from the jury just going on his own for no apparent reason then he wont take it and call a mistrial. The prosecution in most cases also doesn't lose much by giving up the case and are not sure a new trial would end any different. This is not the situation with this trial. Giving up the case would give Trump a lot of amunition to go after them. With extremely high profile cases you are kinda all-in. A plea bargain would be the only possible solution then imho. Chances are also that the first verdict will be appealed from either side anyways. But yes, if the trial runs so long and Trump gets re-elected things would get very strange. He might then try to pardon himself which again is uncharted territory.
  18. If one person was to not go with the rest of the jury in deciding guilty on a charge resulting in no unanimity then these charges would cause what is called a "hung jury". Trump would not win the case if that were to happen. It would result in a mistrial at least for these charges and given that there's about 0% chance that the prosecution would drop them a new trial with a new jury would begin until there is either an acquittal or conviction or plea bargain.
  19. The DLT itself does not issue insurance certificates. That's done by third party insurance companies - which might be working on the premises of the DLT though.
  20. You said "while vehicle not insured". Which obviously makes no sense and is what everyone has been trying to point out to you. You probably ment to say "while vehicle not taxed".
  21. The inspection does not check if the car is registered. They are not making the tax sticker. They do the inspection. The process goes like this: 1. Vehicle is brought to the inspection place. This can be either at the DLT or in one of the smaller shops. 2. DLT issues a new tax sticker under the condition of seeing the paper from the inspection place plus the green or blue book. If one of the small shops did the inspection then they usually bring the book and their certificate to the DLT to obtain the tax sticker.
  22. It's not that easy because after 3 years the registration is supposed to be cancelled and you'll have to get the vehicle registered again. I am not sure if they actually are strict about this and even then it could as usual depend on the specific DLT. I think it's 5 years.
  23. Now Trump calls his republican allies to defund the Justice Department and FBI in order to pressure them to drop the cases against him. Obviously not going to happen but talk about making the USA a banana republic. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-facing-criminal-charges-calls-defunding-fbi-2023-04-05/
  24. All this drama around the case is so ridicolous. The situation is quite simple: Rule of law means no-one is above the law. It means you can get accused of having commited a crime. You then get the chance to defend yourself. If you did nothing wrong then you'll be acquitted. If you did do the crime then you get punished. If Trump is truly convinced that he did nothing wrong then he has nothing to fear. He'll be able to present his defense and get acquitted. In fact it would put him in a pretty good position because *then* he can claim it was politically motived. But why the outrage before the trial even started? This is a rhetorical question. I also find it funny that a few people who are defending Trump seem to think they know all the facts and the law better than a top ranking law enforcement officer of New York.
  25. A friend of mine at the beginning of the year tried to get his license in Phuket. Got an appointment two or three months down the line even though he had all paperwork ready. He went to Koh Samui where he could just walk in without appointment and do it all in a few hours. You can also consider a few other DLTs in the vicinity of Phuket. The DLT in Phuket is totally overloaded in terms of issueing licenses and it does not seem like they are even attempting to realize that several months waiting times are not acceptable let alone fixing the issue. It's not a new problem either.
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