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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Twist neck, pluck, eviscerate and then cook
  2. Some of the allegations are just silly. 1. Allegation "He exposed himself to me" 2. Q: "Were were you at the time", A: "In the toilet with him" Hard to go to the toilet without getting it out! And why was she in there with him?
  3. Have you thought of using a walking frame?
  4. Use the last address you lived at in the UK. The credit check doesn't know you've moved. Works for me and I haven't lived there for 14 years.
  5. Skype sell UK landline phone numbers for $22.5/quarter. Giffgaff provide UK SIM cards free to any Thai address. £10 call credit lasts years.
  6. Best not to share such information with your bank. Nothing they need to send to you.
  7. They are closing accounts because the UK government wants them to close expat accounts. https://leftfootforward.org/2023/07/questions-surface-about-whether-nigel-farage-complained-when-uk-banks-shut-british-expats-accounts/#:~:text=In November 2020%2C research by,the banks to announce closures.
  8. Agree. loose investments are to be avoided, along with loose shoelaces and loose pants. I'm OK with loose women though!
  9. Looks a bit bonkers with all the head twitches.
  10. Due to local deforestation IMHO.
  11. Mainly anti-sex propaganda from the western world. The reality is, that in a country where everyone takes antibiotics 4x a year, available over the counter, it's not much of a risk. Obviously it's much worse in the west where access to antibiotics is limited by government restrictions.
  12. My great grandparents were born in the 1850s ....... not much chance of me remembering them. My parents were born in 1910 and 1914, they've been gone a while. But I have photos. As for anything mattering, you're right nothing really matters.
  13. I can't say I really care about other western people's health/mental problems. None of them ever cared about my well being. If you want to chuck your money around, why not spend it on starving kids in Africa and India?
  14. My FB is full of cute rabbit reels! FB shows you what it thinks you want to see.
  15. That's a bit harsh, chap lives in rural Issan, 8pm is bedtime out there. Nowhere to go, nothing to do, and nobody in 100Km that speaks English.
  16. Clampdown = doctors certificate. 200bht/year from any doctor, no illness required.
  17. Alternatively, there was no evidence at the time, because it didn't happen or was consensual. But now, with no evidence required and just pointing the finger and accusing evidence enough, why not accuse?
  18. Not interested at all, Report within 14 days or no case to answer IMHO. There really does need to be physical evidence and witnesses else it's just 'Believe women'.
  19. UK law doesn't consider inheritance or time of purchase. ALL assets are vulnerable from your birth until 19 years after divorce. She can go back to court at any time (until the kids are 19) and ask for more.
  20. Wouldn't have been worthwhile for me, I would have lost them in the divorce. For guys that cohabit with women it's best not to purchase property in the west. What saved my butt was pensions, and the government even gave me 40% tax relief on buying them.
  21. Why would you need insurance on a bare bit of land? And why would poor people need to pay property tax? But assigning the homeless a free bit of land that can't be leased, rented or sold is the obvious answer to the homeless problem.
  22. Redistribution of land from the wealthy and the state to the poor is the answer.
  23. Me too! The divorce judge took care of everything I owned in the west.
  24. My opinion, Biden groping the little girls was far worse, why hasn't his ability to earn been removed?
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