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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. My misses pays 3kbht/month for police to patrol our housing estate 2x a day. Actually cheaper than the private security we previously used.
  2. I suspect everyone driving an EV sleeps on a bed of bank notes!
  3. So get them to pay the pension direct to WISE.
  4. Open a WISE account, pay from HSBC to WISE by free bank transfer. WISE charge 7 pounds for 1200 pounds to transfer to a Thai bank at XE rate, no other fees. As a bonus HSBC (and DWP) have no record of where the money is going.
  5. None at all or maybe once a month, just to string you along. White women in LTRs never put out much.
  6. How often do you have sex every week. You're a young guy, you should be getting a free one every night, right?
  7. When I were a lad I needed to fund 3x dates for 1x sex and I wanted sex 3x or more a week (but would have liked sex every day). So I would need to pay expenses for 9 dates a week, for my minimum needs to be met. Almost impossible to do for a guy with a normal sex drive and income. Obviously my pal had an easier time as he was quite happy with once a month. Bar girls cost less than a normal date, and it's a sure thing every time. IMHO it's the only way to go for guys with normal sex drives. I'm guessing you're a once a month guy.
  8. It's here Mike, and lists what they can stop, followed by what they can't stop. https://www.gov.uk/benefit-fraud
  9. You must have a lot of money if you think 200 pounds a week isn't worth having.
  10. Me neither ......... Worst case scenario, I get jail time in the UK, free health care, free dental care, free accomodation, and free food. Doesn't sound that bad to me, better than a old person's care home.
  11. If I owned hell and Australia, I'd live in hell and rent out Australia!
  12. Did someone pass a law making it compulsory to only have one bank account, and pay all bills separately through it while I wasn't looking? Do you think some pensioners may withdraw all their pension as cash once a month and just pay cash for everything? Have you ever met any old folk that live with their children or in private care homes?
  13. My bank account shows no overseas payments, ever! If my bank thought I lived outside the UK, they would close my account. Ps. A few years back I saw a report suggesting the DWP had no recent address details for up to 40% of British pensioners.
  14. I haven't been on the electoral register for 15 years, still getting my pension rises and winter fuel payment. A pal of mine hasn't been in the UK for 30 years, needed a UK address, I told him to use his last UK address and he subsequently passed the credit check. They have no record, and don't care. There is no reason to fear your government, they are barely competent at best. As for relatives, I have no idea who lives at my given UK address, and don't really care.
  15. My misses formed a committee, forced a vote and took the housing management from the original builders (250 houses). She gets nothing but they built a small office and employed a lady do deal with day to day issues. Fees are based on land size, nothing else, and have been the same since the moobaan was built 10 years back. We pay just under 5kbht/year.
  16. I'd encourage them to report it in time for DNA evidence, photos of injuries and witness statements to be taken (let's be generous 2 weeks). 25+ years later when they can't even put a firm date on their accusations, not so much. As for defamation, she's a nobody, $500 fine at most. Doesn't really matter as when he's elected President, he'll just pardon himself. And the more he's victimised, the more votes he will get from normal citizens.
  17. Only a fool cooperates with the authorities!
  18. Agree with you, All the surveys and inflation figures are nothing but government propaganda. They screwed up the world economy with pointless COVID lockdowns, and now they try and lie themselves out of the hole they dug.
  19. 2023 pension rise 10% = 800 GBP + 500gbp wf total 1300gbp. 2024 pension rise 8% = 800gbp plus 800 from 2023 plus 500gbp wf total 2100gbp. So the increase is certainly worth having, not sure why you need the PI bank though, UK bank +WISE is good enough for disguising your real residence. Mail drop maybe 200 pounds a year, making you a 1900gbp profit in 2024. Easier to just remain apparently living in the UK, use your last UK address, nobody checks you still live there and no proof of life forms.
  20. In any EOTW scenario the first to fail is the electricity and internet. If the internet goes down, what use your bitcoin? Shelf stable foods, an underground bunker, guns and ammo would be a far better investment than gold or bitcoin IMHO.
  21. My rabbits can also learn enough English to get by .......... that doesn't make them intelligent!
  22. Forget CBD, use high THC indica as it's more effective.
  23. Why? You weren't starting but changing manufacturer.
  24. Smoked North Thunderf*** last night, Fat Banana was better. My No. 1 choice from @ca08 is now Fat Banana @40bhtgm.

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