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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. As Sheryl says, civil action won't get him jail time. And I'm not looking for money, don't need it.
  2. Did you follow him and try to kill him? When it happened to me, I picked him up and sent him on his way.
  3. Most women despise their spouse within 3 years of marriage. Think about your 4 previous marriages then try and tell me I'm wrong?
  4. When are you going to start acting like a decent person? IMHO anyone wanting to harm other people, or justifying harm to other people is not a decent person.
  5. You're absolutely right, in any trivial car accident the aggrieved party has the right to murder whoever touched his precious car. If I were sitting on your step, would you have the right to kick me to death?
  6. If I'd known he was following me, he'd never have caught up with me. My misses was at the police station when he was interviewed, says he was laughing and joking about running down a foreigner and telling everyone they couldn't touch him. Says the police whispered to her to let him carry on as they were writing it all down. His insurance agent was with him, before insurance claimed my fault, after that interview his insurance agreed to pay everything and then proceeded to do all negotiations direct with my wife.
  7. He admitted it was deliberate. Hit and run is normally an accident.
  8. I lack the will to do pretty much anything these days. I'm not really much of a gambler, do I bet my money on getting more back that I don't really need? .......... no way. Would I be a witness in a prosecution to get him 5 years in jail? .......... absolutely.
  9. Apart from him signing a confession admitting he did it deliberately. But agree with you on everything else.
  10. Did everything required at the police station, police said next step was the DPP (whatever they call that here). I have no further interest, apart from being in a position to be personally guiltless when he successfully kills his next victim.
  11. My frustration is about the 'doctor kicker' and the 'glass thrower' getting immediate fines for trivial offences against Thais. But Thais being able to kill, beat and steal from foreigners with impunity.
  12. No requirement to tell you anything. The police and insurance company have already accepted his guilt, and he signed a full confession, claiming 'anger' as extenuating. There's even a traffic light camera video of him running me down. He'll do it again, and I'd like to at least make the minimum effort to try and stop that.
  13. After the accident, there wasn't much I could do as I couldn't walk, it was bed or wheelchair for 2 months. At the start in hospital they told my wife I might not survive.
  14. My gov min insurance agreed to run a tab up to 30kbht at my local hospital 2 days after the hit. His 1st class insurance agreed to pay for everything the day after the police tracked him own (about a week after the hit), pay my m/c repairs, pay my medical bills, pay me a daily compensation until medical care no longer required. Not sure who picked up the hospital bill in the end, was only 13kbht, government hospitals are cheap. His insurance paid 25kbht for the m/c repair direct to Honda. Waiting on the daily compensation payment as I was only given the medical all clear 2 weeks back. Unlike the Thais, I'm not that interested in making money out of this, but would prefer to see a custodial sentence handed out just to stop him doing this to someone else. If he ain't punished, he'll do it again, and maybe succeed next time.
  15. I've never considered killing or assaulting a Thai that bumped my car, for any reason, from any position. When they squeeze between the gaps and bump my door or my mirror, I just wave them on. When a MaeJo university student rammed his m/c into my rear bumper at some red traffic lights, I picked him up and helped him on his way. No thoughts of harming him ever crossed my mind. No harsh words from me, small bumps and knocks are part of everyday life in the big city.
  16. MY point is, many male foreigners in Thailand are elderly people whom have no option but to let their much younger Thai partners stand up for them.
  17. Surprisingly, 4 months later, I'm almost back to normal health wise. Lots of scarred skin on my arm and leg, lost some movement in my shoulder, but I've just started my 20Km cycle rides again.
  18. Looks like many other Arabic and Indian people. Lots of Persians in London these days, and they all have noses like that.
  19. I'm nearly 70 ........... so not really in any position to stand up for myself.
  20. Apparently, my misses thinks things are happening but very slowly. (I've told her I won't be bringing anymore money into Thailand until this guy is in jail) It's frustrating that a foreigner speaking rudely to a Thai doctor gets instant court action. But a Thai attempting to kill a foreigner is not important!
  21. I don't believe anything I do will have any effect except to leave me with less money in my bank account. If I were Thai it might be different, but only if my family had more money/connections than his family. This is a deeply corrupt country with no rule of law or justice for locals, let alone foreigners. If you have enough money you can even kill policemen with impunity.
  22. It's more likely he paid the prosecutor. The police went to a lot of trouble to track him down and collect evidence. If he's important enough to pay off the court, he's probably important enough to pay someone to finish the job. Not my place to rock the boat any more than it is already.
  23. In any civilised country this man would have been in jail from the moment the police identified him. His anger is not anybody else's problem.
  24. I was unconscious and lying in a pool of blood, I'm sure I deserved all I got. From the police photos of his pickup, he must have done 50kbht of damage by hitting me.
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