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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Snap, Mine thought she was Lady Chatterly and ran off with the gardener. What is it with British women and low class tradesmen?
  2. Better to use peat moss ......... https://shopee.co.th/product/193303481/6734133850
  3. No failed encounters for me, I achieve orgasm every time (unless I'm really drunk and fall asleep first).
  4. My wallet rented me the sort of Asian women I could dream about in the UK.
  5. Agree. And add most women have better sex on their own, they only need men for money.
  6. I'm already 80% solar powered and use less than 70 units/month from the grid. Not because I believe, but because the Thai grid power is unreliable, an it saves me money (maybe). I also drive a scooter that gets 55km/ltr and cycle a lot. So what does it matter if I believe or not?
  7. Most politicians seem to rely on whatever decision nets them the most bribe money/expenses/votes.
  8. Another definition of crazy, would be to obsess about stuff you can't change. I can't change the graph in either direction, so it's irrelevant to my life. Accept the world as it is and enjoy your life.
  9. As there's nothing we can do, one way or the other, why does it matter if we believe or not?
  10. I always tell mine any babies will be DNA tested. She can mess around if she wants, and so will I, but normally we don't (as far as I know).
  11. Never met one, they were all crooks in the UK as well. But at least the FSC made them pay me 30k pounds in compensation for a particular bit of naughtiness.
  12. Same for me in CM, but not as much cash lost. Ran the expats club and round table, ran the poppy day collection. Covered up by this forum that removed any negative posts about him as he was a forum sponsor.
  13. Yes, dice 800gm of chicken breast, stir fry until brown, add sauce and simmer for 15 mins. About the easiest and quickest cooking ever, 20mins from start to end.
  14. Not condone, but fail to act unless they see a profit for themselves.
  15. The Sauce jars (with chicken added) work out at around 40bht each for 5 x 250gm portions of curry (800gm chicken + 450gm sauce = 1250gm of curry). So 1/3 of the cost of your curry or 1/6 price if you exclude the rice. No comparison on cost really.
  16. From the OP, "The Patong Police continued their investigation after the incident and found that a Tuk Tuk taxi driver had picked up five Indian tourists from Bangla Road in Patong to bring them back to their hotel." What isn't clear to you?
  17. 5 Indians + driver in a tuk tuk must have been a bit of a squeeze.
  18. Just do start a poll, Who wants gg to stop starting new topics?
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