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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Me too! The divorce judge took care of everything I owned in the west.
  2. My opinion, Biden groping the little girls was far worse, why hasn't his ability to earn been removed?
  3. If you don't buy your books from Amazon, Amazon can't take them away.
  4. They just want to collect tax from Thais working/earning overseas. Nothing to do with expats.
  5. This is your educated Thai wife that loves you for yourself and pays 50% of everything? Not like the Thai women most of us pay to live with us!
  6. What about the water problems! Water pressure so low that half the time the upstairs shower heater won't heat. Last night at 1am, went to the loo, water off completely. Water is off 3x a month for 2-3hrs. Guess we're lucky, water and power in Cambodia and The Philippines is even worse. I expect the western world will shortly be just as bad, when no sun or no wind.
  7. No media tells the truth, it's either entertainment, government propaganda or woke nonsense. I should know I worked for MSM most of my working life.
  8. Who would have guessed!
  9. Me too ........ here is 10, back in the UK was a 0 (last 6 months there), and a 5 for the 51 years previous.
  10. I'd cut the defence budget to nothing. They no longer have any purpose.
  11. Every sexual relationship is a financial relationship for women. How many homeless/unemployed men are getting married? Do you think there's a single woman in the world that got married expecting her new husband to lower her standard of living?
  12. I just realised the truth, and accepted it. Once you understand that their biology and genetics drive them in a different way to men, your life will be happier and your finances will be safer.
  13. Believe women? Not me! Everything they say is to manipulate you.
  14. I think all women are essentially untrustworthy. Thai women, if anything, are just more obvious about it and have less recourse in law to sieze your assets.
  15. Having to scrap my ICE car and install a heat pump in my house before I can sell looks like a personal cost to me. Around 20,000 pounds in personal cost! Then (in the UK) there's the electric bill x2 to subsidise all the windmills and solar farms. Then (in the UK) there's the x4 electric cost (Vs gas cost) because my gas powered heating is no longer allowed.
  16. I show them a photo of what I want on my smart phone. My last one ...........
  17. I've managed to make it to 67 without a seat belt or helmet. How much longer do I have to wait before I'm seriously injured?
  18. Women don't have hearts, not for sexual partners anyway, maybe some have hearts for their kids and mothers.
  19. You posted you already sleep in separate beds! Best to hire a hooker and get a room for the night, next morning you'll be sober. "Sorry darling, I was too drunk to drive home last night"
  20. Currency market rates = exchange rate with Wise, XE, Revolut, etc.
  21. If they brought it back it would be for middle class white men only! In the west there's hardly any laws enforced to punish women. And if they do, it's only a fraction of the punishment that men would get.
  22. I wasn't really thinking of people like you being rich. I was thinking more of people with a net worth of $10M+ as rich getting the excess redistributed.
  23. Same in Chiang Mai, 13+ years, But I now have solar power and batteries, so my home is no longer affected.
  24. I want property and wealth re-distribution, free education, housing, food and health care for all .......... Which politician should I vote for whom will support my 'voice'?

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