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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I don't understand this fear people have. What data do you keep that needs to be secure?
  2. Go to the bank with mobile phone, passport, Debit card and bank book. Hand all to the counter staff and let them hand it back working.
  3. Like most people, I don't think I have any data I need to protect.
  4. And yet ............ All your relationships still ended in failure, even God couldn't help you! I only failed once, and didn't have God backing me.
  5. Always use the same password for everything, then it can't be forgotten. I always use britman, if they demand 8 characters britman2, if they insist on 1 capital Britman2, if they then want a symbol Britman2? Couldn't be easier.
  6. Google usually offers to do it the first time you switch on your new phone.
  7. I've found relationships only ever go downhill after the 'moving in' date. Sometimes it takes years until the 'unhappy' totally takes over, sometimes only months.
  8. I have 5 children and 1 stepdaughter, and I disagree with almost everything you post. So clearly being a parent doesn't bring knowledge or understanding, at least for one of us. But I haven't managed to equal your number of failed marriages yet, so I think I'm ahead on points.
  9. Have you noticed there's 4-5 topics along the Thai woman gambling/unfaithful/violent lines. Normally there's only 1 ........ Has endemic marital unhappiness broken out, or have they employed someone to try and raise the slipping forum ratings? If the latter is the case, can we have some more 'bargirl' threads, they are much more entertaining.
  10. But you can't insure the van or get a driving license without an address,
  11. There are only 2 solutions to the Muslim insurgency in the South, neither of which require more democracy or any reforms. 1. Remove all the Muslims or 2. Give them independence.
  12. I think you'll find they're all political appointees.
  13. Odd that they never offered this option to my daughter that came 2nd in her year at government school in 2017.
  14. More likely she's visiting her Thai husband and kids.
  15. Forget what she's been up to, curiosity killed the cat.
  16. Her property not our property. I'd just leave without telling her, while she's at her 'remote village'. Chuck your sim and never accept contact with/from her again. PS. that's what I did with my last one, she went off for a week to nurse her sick mother, she even took her 'naughty nurse' cosplay outfit with her. When she got back I'd moved elsewhere and I never spoke with her again.
  17. But only 1 of your heads works at any one time.
  18. Financial services seem to make most money in the west, no particular qualification required MP/Senator in Thailand, degree of any kind, right family or being a general required.
  19. I thought their parents just paid a bribe ........... either to the school to give the top marks, or the university to overlook the bad marks. I gave my womans high-school teacher 500bht to take the high-school finals for her. Way easier than her studying. Bribes work for university places in the UK as well. I had a chat with my kids headmaster, the university course director and the university admissions officer to ensure her place. They were all very co-operative.
  20. I forgot Fourier Analysis and Laplace Transforms the moment I finished the exams.
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