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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. About 20 Thai cyclists were cycling along the hard shoulder. The car was driven by a drunk woman who had been drinking all night who ploughed through them all..
  2. I'd tell him to buy his own phone.
  3. You're suggesting men should only have sex with women of the same educational, social, wealth, intelligence and occupation? Do you view Bob Geldof as a sexual predator? Paula Yates was an office girl at the BBC. What about all the doctors that married nurses? Sexual predators?
  4. If I can use money as bait then they're prostitutes. If I can use fame as bait that makes them groupies. If they're offering sex for future advantage, they're gold-diggers. Neither method of banging women is a crime or morally wrong, hence no guilt.
  5. Thailand is way in advance of UK banking. Everyone here now uses QR codes to pay for everything. The UK is still stuck using debit cards. Here the banks hand you your debit card over the counter, back in the UK they want 14 days to post it to so criminals can have a go intercepting it and using it first. UK banking security is a bad joke!
  6. Levofloxacin, 250mg morning and evening for the first 14 days of 3 months. Results in first 2 days, but reduced symptoms came back at end of each of first 2 months. No exercise on days when I took the Levofloxacin, didn't want any tendon damage. After the 3rd month could wee normally all the time, still some blood in urine after exercise, stopped taking Doxazosin, gradually reduced the dose to nothing over a period of 3 months. 18 months later still able to wee normally and no blood in urine for past 12 months. I always wondered if the blood in my urine after exercise was a side effect of the previous 2+ years use of Doxazosin. PS. CIpro didn't really work at all for me on this problem, but it's always been great for treating infected insect bites and other skin infections (Fi lam tung).
  7. That's just because the liberal states just don't report petty crime any more. Any shoplifting below $950 is no longer a crime, and the big chains just move out. https://www.hoover.org/research/why-shoplifting-now-de-facto-legal-california "Crime is rising almost everywhere in California, including violent crime. Homicides in California jumped 31 percent last year, making 2020 the deadliest year since 2007. The 2,202 homicides in 2020 represent an increase of 523 over 2019. Homicides in Los Angeles rose 40 percent to 332, and they rose 35 percent to 285 in San Francisco. Both San Francisco and Los Angeles feature district attorneys who are perceived to be soft on crime, and both are facing the possibility of a recall election. Gives a whole new take on defunding police, doesn’t it?"
  8. American workers have less holidays than any other western workers.
  9. I took massive doses of antibiotics (the tendon snapping kind) over a 3 month period at the start of 2022, and all my prostate problems went away, symptom free for over a year now.
  10. I'm not a racist, I don't see anyone as my equal. But back to your OP, The 3rd world is a dangerous place, and more exciting than our home countries. If you can't accept the added danger that comes with living here, best to go home and live there. IMHO, sudden death is not a bad way to go, better than dementia, walking frame, diabetes, etc.
  11. The globalists can't stop predicting doom and gloom for countries that refuse to play their game. So far they've been wrong and the UK is doing better than Germany.
  12. I find it concerning that the Thai government proudly proclaim they've cut my costs by 10% when in reality they've increased my costs by 12.5%.
  13. Scenario 'A' is completely plausible. What you omit to mention is the security forces are now integrated into ALL UK media. Not as observers (circa Falklands War), but as salaried editorial/production staff (since the 1990s). How do I know this, In the Falklands war the security officer sat next to me in the studio control room (and whispered in my ear). From 1990 onwards, I was essentially sitting in both seats, and many of the journalists were getting two wages.
  14. It's fairly normal for gang members to live together, gives them more security/fire power when rival gangs come calling.
  15. They give with one hand and take with the other. All I care about is the final bill each month, not how they add all the extras up.
  16. I wonder how many guys on this thread wanting Russel Brand jailed/prosecuted, also wanted Johnny Depp jailed/prosecuted? I'm betting all of them!
  17. My previous unit cost was 4bht + 0.91FT - 0.9 FT discount = 4bht/unit. My new unit cost is 3.9bht + 0.67FT = 4.57bht/unit. It's actually a 12.5% increase in price for the vast majority of Thais (using less than 300 units). New rate Old Rate So a massive increase for the low unit users. If you're an elderly Thai living on 500bht/month, that 12.5% increase is a significant blow. Like everything from the Thai government, it's all lies, they aren't helping the people!
  18. I prefer to be called 'boss' or 'sir'. In Thailand they generally call me 'you'.
  19. Back in the UK in 2009, living in my own paid off house with Brit wife and kids total outgoings = 1,500gbp/month. Here in Chiang Mai 2023, living in her mortgaged house with Thai wife and kids total outgoings = 1,200gbp/month. My life is better in Thailand, and as a bonus it's also cheaper (for the same living standard), warmer, and includes a lot more sex!
  20. But I've seen many profiles with 'no English teachers', so there's clearly a certain type of white guy they don't want.
  21. What Thais say and what Thais do, rarely match up. Especially when their family makes a fortune from cannabis.
  22. If PT ban weed they immediately lose the 70 anutin party votes. It'll never happen.
  23. I have a Poco m3 with the 'dead boot' problem. Worst buggy phone I've ever purchased.
  24. But you're essentially unlovable (as am I), so always doomed to failure. It's taken your whole life and you've got nowhere so far.

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