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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. In my own country no woman (I wanted) wanted me, not even a prostitute. Here I have enough money that I don't need a roomie to help me pay the bills. One of the things I've noticed about posters advocating 'women with jobs' ..... they're all broke (or western women) and low quality men. And they can't afford to support a non-worker.
  2. I think I'm more intelligent than most women (and most men) because my IQ is 140+.
  3. Most Thai women I've encountered view discussion (aka mansplaining) as some form of violence/attack on them and are likely to pull a knife. Better IMHO to agree with everything that they say/want, but never take any action, this is the Thai way.
  4. Yes, but I started out as a lowly paid math teacher. Moving out of Math instantly doubled my salary. One of the things that really annoys me about many posters ......... They have no idea what qualifications are required for most jobs, and no idea about the wage those jobs bring in. India trains millions of STEM graduates, and they will all work cheaper than people from other countries. Hence most STEM jobs being very lowly paid. So you made all that study effort for nothing.
  5. Doctor and Dentist are the high paying jobs in your list, and you don't need much math for those. My kid in the UK went that route, Chemistry, Biology, Math, English Lit were what she required. The university was more interested in a broad education than math skills (hence the English Lit). Physicist. Chemist, Engineer, scientist would be lucky to earn 25kbht/month in Thailand. Better off studying Political Science to get a government job. Why make the effort only to be able to get a low paid job?
  6. Please explain how math is useful to 99.9% of the population?
  7. Unless you want to be a schoolteacher, math is pretty worthless in Thailand IMHO. I know posters on this forum love STEM, but all the jobs are low paid. My misses wants to send our 12yo son to private school, but I can't see him being all that keen on a 3hr van journey with a maniac driver every day.
  8. Entirely normal in marriages with children. Buy yourself some pets or get a girlfriend. It'll make you feel a lot better.
  9. I used to race my pals from Maya to Central through town. They had scooters and I had a road bicycle. Most of the time I beat them.
  10. FCA only covers people living and using financial services in the UK. OP is living in Thailand so not covered, and not entitled to use pension/investment/IFA services in the UK. Any UK IFA in Thailand is already working illegally (reserved occupation for Thais) and as a first step will try to move your pension offshore, Isle of Man is popular, or into QROPs. Financial crooks trawl this forum looking for victims. Beware of people in this forum PMing you with advice.
  11. I always choose under 35 years old and weighing less than 50Kg. Works again and again for me.
  12. Splitting up siblings merely because you want a VISA doesn't seem like 'doing the correct thing' to me. Anyway, kid will be 15 next week, so nothing you can do, or any Thai authority will enforce, after that.
  13. I've always avoided rocking the boat in foreign countries. You may think that's cowardly, but I always thought it was being sensible. I was always happy to look after and pay all expenses for kids living with me. But once out of my house they got nothing. Splitting up siblings just seems wrong to me. I'd find another way of getting a VISA or simply move to another country.
  14. Thailand has never been very big on enforcing its laws. Back in the UK, the police rarely enforced any laws involving mothers either. So all agreeing on the law doesn't make that much difference to any outcome in the real world.
  15. Probably because she was told never to be alone with a man. At 14 she should know better than to go to a guys room ....... for any reason. We taught our daughter not to even get in a songtaw if she were the only passenger. Conversely, When I was a schoolteacher in the UK, we were all told never to be alone in a classroom with a female student.
  16. It was supposed to be Is not In ...... predictive text or typo ....... who can say! Hard to tell what you're typing when 3/4 of your phone screen is obscured by adverts and keyboard.
  17. Would point out touching in public is frowned on by Thai society.
  18. All the Thai islands are like that. After my first trip (Koh Libong), I never went to a Thai island again.
  19. Yep, they're very friendly, I used to go there 3-4x a year. After few 2 weeks trips the lady at immigration said I should stay longer (unlike Thai 'you come too much'). If I hadn't already had a relationship going in Thailand, I would have stayed. Even the guys are friendly! And everyone speaks English. No racist slurs either, they all call you 'boss' or 'sir'.
  20. Stop giving her money is the obvious starting point.
  21. No visa for working EU citizens in the UK without submitting tax details after Brexit. Before brexit they could enter without a visa.
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