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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. How about a 90 day waiver on entry like you give the Russians! We get 45 days in Vietnam, so of course more long stay Brit tourists are going to Vietnam.
  2. You also need to understand the Thai people running the shops next door are happy to live on a fraction of the income you require. And can probably pay less for the consumables they use due to dual pricing.
  3. I always think people go about this the wrong way! Learn to conserve, fit led lights, learn to switch off items you aren't using, do you really need that chest freezer and air con everywhere? I built my own 10 x 340w panels 25kbht, 5k5 hybrid inverter 13kbht, 6kwhr batteries 45kbht. Shower heaters, air con and electric oven connected to grid, everything else on solar. This runs 80% of my house, leaving me with a bill for 40-80 units/month and no power cuts when it's windy or raining.
  4. Just before 3pm strong winds, thunder and a bit of sideways rain in MaeJo.
  5. Usually the buyer dismisses all the staff of the bought and uses their existing staff for both. Can I be the first to urge Thaiger to keep CharlieH, maybe even make him the boss!
  6. The original post on Reddit seemed to have all the information.
  7. At least confirm desperate Dan from Pattaya is gone!
  8. Let's agree (for the sake of discussion) I'm a complete piece of poop, especially where women are concerned. My LTRs were 30 years (4 kids), and 15 years (1 kid). and you (as a complete caring sharing compassionate person) have barely managed 8 years in your nearly finished lifetime. where is the logic in your posts?
  9. No woman says what she means, every word spoken to a man is in an attempt to manipulate him.
  10. Not that big a boast as I've been in my current transactional relationship for 15 years and we have a 12yo son. Here's a nice video explaining how 'romantic love' is purely transactional ... Obviously the guy falls at the last fence by failing to realise that to women no deal is final.
  11. Not worshiping women doesn't equate to hating them. As for here, we're all paying for their company, even if you want to claim you aren't.
  12. Not sure if it's the stinging nettle root or smoking cannabis every night that fixed me
  13. I would have just chucked the tea over them. It Songkran, so it's allowed.
  14. Who financed everything? No need to answer, we already know!
  15. Men are for conversation, women are for sex. If you confuse their uses it won't work. (Saying that, I've not tried sex with a man, so I may be partially wrong)
  16. That guy was a bit girly and mentally ill. Women generally don't want mentally ill men.
  17. And this is why all your relationships fail. Women just don't want what you offer.
  18. I've always noticed that no woman wants to have sex with a guy because he's nice. I've also known a few really nice guys and they were invisible to women, couldn't even bang a Thai bar girl. What women want in their bed is a thuggish brutal man that will beat and abuse them. Murderers, drug dealers, gang members all have their pick of attractive women. Nice guys, that are polite, treat women as their equals, and show women respect ....... not so much. Sure they'll marry a nice guy that will pay for everything, but they won't want to have sex with him and will avoid it at all costs.
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