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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Try, If you use your money to buy a computer, you can choose. If you use my money to buy a computer, I choose. It's really easy. In my home I choose everything I pay for (obviously items over 500bht).
  2. They don't know their own history either. But I suspect few western people know anything of Asian history either.
  3. They changed every time I went, but the bars you can't look in without entering were always the most fun. I always stayed at the Phuminh Hotel (was a different name when I went), nice rooftop swimming pool and cocktail bar. Right near the riverside park and entertainment streets. The Ohana also looks good (2 pools?) but I haven't stayed there.
  4. 130 and 136 street are full of bars with pretty girls. Near the top end of Riverside Park. Load 'Pass' app on your phone before you go, it's very cheap and they will collect from the airport.
  5. Now you've mentioned soapy, I think Sayuri and PingPayom are still open. Take your pals to have a few beers while watching the fishbowl.
  6. You can't, daily limit for electronic transfers is 50kbht, I know as I tried it with Bangkok Bank app today.
  7. Went along to buy a new m/c today (Click 160), needed to pay them 62,500. BKB app said NO. Transferred 12,500 to my other bank TTB, went for 50k transfer, 'You have exceeded your daily limit of 50kbht'. (Promtpay NO, bank transfer NO, transfer to my other bank NO). Next message, 'Please take your ID card/Passport, and bank book to a BKB branch' Had to walk to an ATM and get the extra 12,500bht out in cash. So there you go BKB have already restricted transfers to 50kbht.
  8. Smoke it straight, but I've not found it effective for back pain.
  9. I think it's an attack from an African/Arab refugee from a primitive country, granted asylum in a civilised country ........ same as most of the other stabby attacks. It's not to do with their religion, it's to do with where they originated.
  10. Who's the bloke in the photo? I'm assuming he isn't the beauty pageant contestant, but this is Thailand.
  11. I prefer real books, but digital are free and easier to find and transport.
  12. Meanwhile climate change has always been 10 years away from killing us all.
  13. Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall ...........
  14. IMEI number is written on the side of the box the phone comes in.
  15. We're all milked by our women, if you like her and want her and you can, you'll pay. Up to you!
  16. I've not found sativa works as medicine, I just grow Indica exotics. They're great as NSAIDs.
  17. To be fair, AA members are exactly the same about alcohol. And I've noticed the most rabid anti-tobacco crowd are often reformed smokers. Back to the OP, health effects ........ Smoking 0.5gm every night for the past 2 years has left me pain free in my arthritic finger joints, and even reduced the swelling to nothing. Amazing really!
  18. The correct procedure for finding a hanging body, is for one person to support the body and the second person to cut the rope,lower them, then remove the rope. Obviously if you leave them hanging and wait for the authorities to arrive, they'll be dead for sure.
  19. US or UK? Dress size 2 in the US = dress size 6 in the UK. I've always preferred women sized 38Kg-50Kg.
  20. That's just not true. All most people want is for them to operate quietly and not be 'in our faces' all the time. You don't see heterosexuals behaving as outrageously as this (outside of Pattaya obviously). I don't have much in the way of hostility to anyone, male, female or other sexuality, white, black, Asian, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, etc. But I really don't want to read about them as groups all the time, it just doesn't interest me (apologies to any group I didn't name that feels excluded).
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