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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I earned a load of money in the city after getting a degree and postgrad. My team mate left school at 16 and then worked on the markets, earned almost the same as me.
  2. Britain should forget the USA and forge some more links with China and Russia.
  3. I've always noticed in a healthy economy the interest rates are higher than inflation. Without a return on investment ......... there's no point in investing. As a Marxist I believe the state should own and distribute the use of all land and housing, so there wouldn't be a mortgage rate or mortgages.
  4. My son is 12 and I'm 67. Why worry about what other people are doing? MYOB!
  5. Too old, Huawei was banned from Google play from 2020 on. My 2022 'Mate' can't use Google play, my 2019 Y9 is fine with Google play.
  6. If you go to any of the m/c markets in CM, Ruam Chok, Saturday Buffalo market there are people there who do this for a living. Usually they want a couple of hundred baht for driving out of town. Alternatively, Don't bother, if you've got the green book you can tax and register it no matter what name is in the book.
  7. Not at all true, I went to an awful secondary modern school in the UK, Ended up earning so much money I couldn't spend it every year. My UK daughter attended one of the worst schools in the UK is now primary pharmacist at a top London hospital. She earns a shed load of money. My Thai daughter who attended a Thai government school (now 24), has a decent career in logistics 20k + accommodation. My niece who attended government school in Nan (now 26), is regional manager for Lotus, 25k + car. If you had children you would understand it's the kids drive and desire to achieve that earns them money. If they have no drive and desire, they will drift, get pregnant, take drugs.
  8. Plenty of rain in CM the past couple of nights. Smog nearly all gone, temp down from 40c to 32c, mountains are back.
  9. I watched the video, I saw 4 policemen murdering a handcuffed black man while he pleaded and begged for his life.They all need to be in jail for the rest of their lives.
  10. Ex-PMs have a large amount of public money available to spend (115,000 pounds/year for life). Foreign travel with the occasional speech is considered a legit way to use it. https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/article/explainer/former-prime-ministers-what-support-do-they-get-state#:~:text=The PDCA allows a former,prime minister as an individual.
  11. But it reduces the opportunity of the bar to inflate the bill. Which is why they use a tab in the first place. Easy enough to stop, Make all business have CCTV pointed at customers. Then the police can work out the correct bill without any input from customer or business. No CCTV then the business is prohibited from operating.
  12. My youngest boy is 12 and I am 67. I wouldn't mind another 1 or 2. If its good enough for Bob DeNiro.......
  13. Sounds to me like a golden opportunity to get a new younger one. The trick is never to part with your assets. Don't get me wrong, I love my woman. But I also loved the previous one, and I will love the next one.
  14. If you're so great, why are you in Thailand (Land of easy women)?
  15. Had 5 biological kids, cared for 2 that weren't mine. 4 biological kids ...... worthless ingrates 1 wasn't mine ....... total nightmare. 1 biological son is great, 1 daughter wasn't mine also great. Don't think DNA matters that much. If I had to choose just one out of the seven it'd probably be the daughter that wasn't mine.
  16. Off topic, I cycle to a temple at the top of a hill 2x a week. The Monks always put a bag of food on the table while I'm trying to get my breath back. Tea, coffee, cold water all there for the taking if you wanted or needed it.
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