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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Says a millionaire! I think this interview sums it up nicely ..........
  2. You forgot fame and danger, dangerous/famous men also attract women for sex. I on't agree they have any interest in intelligence, as I'm one of the most intelligent men in the world and it got me nothing. Can't really say about looks, as I don't have them. All the good looking white guy tourists I've seen appear to be dragging around very average (polite term) white women.
  3. Post a link to one of them and I'll tell you if it's legit. I doubt anyone waits 3 months to post a review of a grow lamp. Which is the only way you could know if it was likely to work as a newb. Even the 5000bht lamp I linked is a bit small for 2 plants.
  4. I used to participate in a male supremacist (aka red pill) site. The expert 'pick up artist' book writing guru in charge boasted of many western conquests. But the photos he showed never exceeded a '5', and I wouldn't have chosen any of them. But in the west, you took what you could get. It's only here our western financial leverage (and local lack of welfare) puts us into the 'super stud' status. Most men are completely delusional about their ability to attract women. In reality a nice car, house and income are far more attractive to a women than youth, looks, or personality.
  5. It's about 5,000bht for a grow lamp LED that works (2ft x 4ft grow area). I use HLG240+ Quantum board and it's good for 1-2 flowering plants, 2-4 vegging plants, or 15 seedlings. Assume a 1oz (or less) harvest from a plant. About 95% of the ads currently on Lazada appear to be for fake products. This is one that appears legit. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/folux-plus-v3-240w-i2920363109-s10707223924.html
  6. I'm guessing you had a nice house, car and income ......... and the virgins didn't! You can also get a ONS in the west from a drunken club slut ....... but legally that would be classed as rape, and you could be convicted entirely on the evidence of her testimony + your bar bill (if it showed she had more than 2 alcoholic drinks in the evening).
  7. I would recommend never allowing a solo homeless woman into your western home at any time. If she has her own home still no solo entry unless all areas covered with full video and audio surveillance. Of which you should inform her before her entry. You always need a witness (her friends don't count as a witness). This advice also applies to department store dressing rooms. NEVER be alone with a woman in the west!
  8. And staffing costs ......... Green energy requires between 10x to 100x the manpower/staffing to produce than coal/oil generated. When people ask why is electricity in Thailand a fraction of the cost of electricity in the west, the answer is green power costs a lot more (x10) to produce.
  9. No such thing, most Thais can't afford international travel. To them, those that fly appear wealthy, and they'll risk a few 'free ones' to find out for sure.
  10. There is no wise choice to be made. People can change completely in very short spaces of time. Best not to base your future on the grace and favour of another person. I'm buying a house for my woman, costs me 10kbht/month, about the same as I would spend in rent. By the time I'm 90, the house will be hers, no hard feelings from me if she wants me out before or after that time. No further legal obligation to her on my part.
  11. I've found completely the opposite. Once a woman owns you emotionally, she'll stop the sex.
  12. Best to avoid situations where the legal outcome is unfair.
  13. But the paperwork only needs to show an income of 40kbht/month. And no Thai language requirement. PR is intended for corporate employees/NGOs/factory owners on full expat packages. Not foreigners eking out a low paid teaching wage.
  14. Not outdated but destroyed by laws that give the woman the man's home, children and pension.
  15. Get a second bank account! As another poster already said, forget PR, go straight for citizenship after marriage to a Thai as it's much easier.
  16. Could the answer be that 'corrupt crooks' are the only choices offered on the ballot papers? (and not only on Thai ballot papers)
  17. I think it's the Laos and Central languages that really mark the divide in the Thai people. (you could also add Arabic as the 3rd division)
  18. We wondered how well the head was attached to the wall ............
  19. My current PEA grid electric is 3.7bht/unit.
  20. I assumed it's based on the Dust Silo series of books written by Hugh Howey. The books were good!
  21. I've got a cycling helmet in my room, but I don't do any cycling in the room.
  22. I drink the tapwater in CM, and have done so for the past 10 years. No problem so far. Make my ice from tapwater too.
  23. I tell my woman grandma has 3 children, so she is OK to stay with us for 4 months a year. After that I'll be in Pattaya, with my wallet, until she's gone. Works every time!
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