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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Doubt 1/2 joint a day would have much negative effect on your lungs. Especially if, like me, you live in Chiang Mai.
  2. I always use the Chiang Mai gate branch, takes them about 20minutes to print and sign the letter. https://goo.gl/maps/EyGrxE7iDDNyEVd88
  3. Healthy life expectancy is 62 Disability free life expectancy is 63 Do you really want to live longer?
  4. My tap water is 40bht per cubic meter ......... also delivered free.
  5. I bought a cheap plastic grinder in 2020, it's still working.
  6. Don't think it's the pound (or any other western currency). Think it's the Baht that fell in the late 1990s, and has recovered since then. Previous to that it was always 35bht to 1gbp.
  7. Old is easily defined from the bible's threescore years and 10. Simply dividing the 70 years into 3 parts. 0-23 = young 23-46 = middle age 46-70 = old
  8. My optician in the UK, maybe Americans are different! I've been buying the same prescription since age 55, had a couple of eye tests in Thailand, no change. Looked at your link, it says looking for eye diseases. From the same site .......... https://www.aoa.org/healthy-eyes/eye-health-for-life/adult-vision-41-to-60-years-of-age?sso=y#:~:text=As you continue to age,changes should occur less frequently. "As you continue to age, presbyopia becomes more advanced. You may notice that you need to change your eyeglass or contact lens prescriptions more frequently than you used to. Around age 60, these changes in near vision should stop, and prescription changes should occur less frequently."
  9. All forums record your IP address, which mods and admin can view. You'd need to post using a VPN to have any chance of anonymity.
  10. I need varifocals/progressive, cheapest in Thailand 8,000bht. Price on Zenni $63. If you're over 60 no need for a new prescription, your eyes change very little after that age.
  11. Just logged into my Zenni account, seems to be no problem shipping to Thailand. Added my usual item to Cart and went as far as the payment page. My last email from them was dated 1st April 2023 (yesterday). Why would they email me if they no longer ship to Thailand? Please post a link to where it says they won't ship to Thailand.
  12. Bars aren't a public place. And some of the bars i enter advertise themselves as' cannabis friendy' with ashtrays on the tables.
  13. I pay 15bht/gm. And what I grow costs me around 40GBP for 10oz (+ a bit of my time).
  14. Would point out Solar Panels are 25% more expensive than 2 years back.
  15. More to do with pricing than anything else IMHO. Shops charging a 1000% mark-up can't possibly last long.
  16. I think it's entirely sensible that some bars allow smoking and some don't. Everyone should have the free choice to drink/socialise in places that match their needs. What's far worse is the bars insisting on playing 70s rock music, can't stand that.
  17. A sad day when someone worries how others enjoy themselves.
  18. You should get a hiv test. Mysterious and repeated skin problems are often an indication of a failing immune system.
  19. All advice is issued for the weakest and sickest members of society. I'm not part of that club.
  20. UK stats ....... Disability free life expectancy 63 Healthy life expectancy 62
  21. We're in the tropics, there's mould spores everywhere and we breath them in all the time ...... harmless.
  22. All smoking and alcohol tastes bad to me. If I want something that tastes good I'll eat a bar of fruit and nut!
  23. I certainly did, 30 years of 'once a month' when I was married back in the UK. Same as every other guy I knew. Then I discovered Thailand in 2009, and for 500bht I could take an attractive woman home with me every night (and sometimes afternoon) that I wanted.
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