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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Don't understand your post, Bank app scans QR code, then you check the amount and payee, and can pay the amount (PIN required) or not. There are no links involved. How can this be abused or scammed in any way?
  2. Stop the locals lighting the fires would be the obvious solution.
  3. I have a TTB 'all free' and a TTB 'no fixed' account. If i make 5 transactions a month on the 'all free' it gives me an additional 0.5% on my 'no fixed' account. No ATM fees for using any ATM in Thailand. Debit card costs 250bht/year.
  4. Thought that was Dick Emery.
  5. MIne started divorce proceedings and had me removed from my home. Wouldn't let me see the kids again. I just moved to Thailand without telling her, and never had contact with her or the 4 kids again. I don't really do confrontation, just slip out the back Jack.
  6. You report the postman to the police for theft. He has clearly stolen your parcel. I see from your later post, he decide to hand it over, rather than have you persist.
  7. Yeah, but Bob has posted many times about not being happy with her. And he also boasts about cheating on her with hookers.
  8. Any foreigner with money to spend is the right type of foreigner.
  9. Why mention just here, this is a worldwide female attribute.
  10. Not all that useful as you can retire in many Asian countries without a special retirement VISA. Take for example the expensive Philippines SRRV, why bother when you can just fly in at any age and stay for 3 years. Thailand, they only talk about the restrictive O-A VISA, and I've never encountered anyone that uses that. I would suggest expatriateconsultants only discuss VISAs where they can make money from selling/assisting you and are not to be trusted for real advice.
  11. I don't think 160x a year is much of a boast. My first live-in Thai gf wanted to do it 5x a day (I could only manage 4x), so in our 9 months together that was 1095x. Then my Thai wife insisted on 2x a day to ensure fertilisation, that year was around 700x At 67 I'm still managing 2-3x a week, so 100-150x. Back in the UK aged 22-52 my Brit wife would only put out 1x a month =12x Can't say I care if they enjoy it or not, if they don't enjoy it they should have stayed single and bought a few cats.
  12. Most inverters are very sensitive to leaks, and will shut themselves off if what goes out the live doesn't return to the neutral, so no need to have anything (apart from simple fuses) after the inverter. I don't have the o/p of mine earthed either, it's supposed to sort itself out. I know as my daughter managed to short it out through her hand. It had turned itself off before she even felt it.
  13. I would have just paid a Thai (or 10) to deal with you. Guess you're lucky in your choice of victims.
  14. What are your odds of scoring a 25yo Asian woman with no income? I just tried 30-35 with no income and it says 7.5% In Thailand it would be 100%.
  15. I had a wife for 30 years too, sadly I wasn't lucky.
  16. Presumably all these women would be super hot swimsuit models in their early 20s, else why would they be expecting to score such a guy.
  17. I wouldn't want to deal with a bank that claims it's an EMI on it's own webpage. If you're too stupid/ignorant to follow the link, or read the quote from their own website I posted it's probably better I put you on ignore. No need for any discussion.
  18. No it isn't ....... Revolut, as an e-money institution (EMI), protects your money through “safeguarding”, which differs from how your money is protected by banks in the UK through the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). It is important to know this difference and we have put together this blog on how your money is protected with Revolut through “safeguarding”, and not through FSCS. https://blog.revolut.com/how-we-keep-your-money-safe/
  19. Bob doesn't seem all that happy with his educated wealthy respectable Thai woman (according to previous posts). Maybe it's time for him to try a bar girl?
  20. No woman is ever satisfied with anything! If Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp & Prince Charles can't satisfy their wifes ........ what chance do we have?
  21. Still cheaper than a western wife/gf. 120kbht = under 3,000 pounds.

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