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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. ......... and people fighting for their country are generally stupid!
  2. "Can Thailand’s political parties take us out of the middle-income trap?" Shouldn't the title be 'them', as most of 'us' aren't allowed to work here?
  3. County and Western songs are more realistic than most pop songs.
  4. Nice guys don't cum last, they cum on their own.
  5. Abortion is murder, end of. No need to explain further. Not sure what Trump thinks.
  6. That's what I thought, 40% of the electorate would elect most candidates in any election. I would laugh so hard if Trump won the next election.
  7. I married the 10th girl 'I was with' in Thailand ............. she wanted me to live in rural Petchabun, no thanks, big city for me. Don't see what's wrong with looking after a woman and her kids. Fairly normal these days, everywhere in the world. Someone in the UK was good enough to look after 4 of mine.
  8. I never use a condom, and have no diseases so far, not even herpes. Fear of STDs is mainly western antisex propaganda IMHO.
  9. I've never found the drops on the neck much good, drives the mites to the extremities. I always get the injections as it reaches everywhere.
  10. How many solar panels have you installed?
  11. If you've been married for 2 years (or 1 year + baby) just apply for Thai citizenship.
  12. We should install solar panels. Oz and Thailand are sunny, no excuse not to! Why wait for other people to sort the problem out.
  13. Skin mites ......... Ivermectin injection 100bht.
  14. Isn't this a good thing? I like trees. Presumably farmers crops will all be growing an extra month as well. Increased farm yields all around.
  15. Register your daughter/wife/MiL as the grower. Or don't register at all, it's not as if they can find you.
  16. She flew in for a holiday, immigration forgot to stamp her passport, no thinking required.
  17. All the pro-male movements have been disenfranchised by the wokeness of the internet platforms. I did play with MGTOW for a while, but lost interest when they allowed homosexuals to participate. How can a movement preaching self-denial of women allow members who had no interest in women in the first place? Then there was the foolishness of the red-pillers, all wanting their young Christian virgins from good families. I pointed out to them that Muslims already had all they wanted, but they appeared to hate Muslims. It made no sense to me. Still RooshV and his lot all gone too, income and advertising removed from all their sites. Although Return of Kings always had the most fun 'readers letters'.
  18. Women are naturally wired to breed with the most violent and thuggish men they can get. I tried violent and thuggish, and it really worked ..... but it wasn't worth it. Easier just to pay cash than to pretend to be someone I wasn't. Not to mention women are also wired only to have enough sex to get pregnant. Then for the next year, no sex, which is exactly what happens in a western marriage.
  19. Would point out under modern law a drunk/drugged woman is incapable of giving consent, therefore rape.
  20. I was always too busy making money to bother with all that nonsense.
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