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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Mine got a house, car, scooter, high school and university education out of me. If anyone was exploited, it was me.
  2. Odd that, when my wife bought a house on mortgage the only documents I signed were at the land office stating the purchase was nothing to do with me.
  3. This photo of my rabbit got 130k likes on facebook ...........
  4. Me too, The only real change is access to unlimited sex age 52-70 Vs almost ZERO access to sex at age 18-52. Not to mention the ladies are 7-9s now Vs 4-6s then.
  5. Went cycling for 25km this morning including 2 big hills, I'm pretty much done for the day and will sit around drinking and fiddling around on the internet/movies/music while lazing on the sofa. Normal day for a retired person IMHO. Mu only further obligation today is to collect my kid from school at 4pm.
  6. Not relevant, before Brexit it was cheaper for me in the UK to buy from China than Germany. EU transport costs are extremely high.
  7. I have 10 year old calb Lifepo4 batteries in my home solar and they are at about 50%.
  8. That's what your mom told you. The reality is she drove him away and never let him have contact with you again. Seen it many times, same as happened to me.
  9. Got to say, us having money in our old age is more about when we were born (1950-1960) than anything else. We were born into a golden age never seen before and probably never to be seen again.
  10. Even Homepro has 10% off for online orders. Then they deliver free from the local store. I go along to the shop, select what I want, then order it then and there on my phone app.
  11. Brit state pension currently 870 quid a month = 39,150bht at today's exchange rate. I'm happy enough with that, it's much more than I ever anticipated
  12. I look nothing like my dad, or anyone in my mom or dad's family. My eyes are a different colour, hair a different colour, skin much whiter, he went bald and I didn't. But my daughter looks like my mom and grandma.
  13. I've always found women you take to dinner usually don't want sex, so it's a waste of your time and money. Those who are interested in sex go straight to it. Coffee and then a short time hotel is the way to start in Thailand.
  14. I'm guessing the women you listed are all in low paying jobs and need some cash. Accountant ........ her own company or just an office girl? All the others you listed won't be making 500bht/day.
  15. Thread title doesn't mention Thailand. OP doesn't mention Thailand.
  16. I'm guessing none of them have tried rice farming in the tropics.
  17. Definition very easy, Man is born with a penis and testicles. Woman is born with a womb. If a man is prepared to have his penis and testicles removed, after the op I'll be magnanimous and let him pretend he's a woman. Just putting on a dress and pretending to be a woman doesn't cut it though, that's mental illness.
  18. In Thailand, you just move to another country, nothing more to pay. Let her keep the kids and the rented condo, no longer your problem. Same for 'no sex', just move on, plenty more in the Thai single lady forest..
  19. Nope, before 1997 UK women had no entitlement to a husbands house or pension, and couldn't refuse their husband sex. I was married in 1979, so there was nothing for me to 'know better'.
  20. You got something against KFC? Their chicken burgers are great!
  21. You're wrong, the western world is full of women that managed to earn lots of money, and by the time they look around for a husband there is nobody suitable (earning more) for them to marry. The suitable men are all hunting for much younger (and poorer) women. List 5 rich women that married age appropriate men with nothing?
  22. Property can be very cheap in France. Plenty of rural farmhouse for sale at under $20k
  23. I've never known a married woman in any country that kept her looks for 5 years. It's amazing how quick they can go from HOT to NOT! PS. Real self made women in Thailand (or anywhere else) don't want men with less income/assets than them.
  24. Heterosexual women can broadly be divided into 2 categories, sluts and virgins. I tried the virgin route ....... 30 years of almost no sex, and huge expenses. Then I tried the slut route ........ sex whenever I want it. Slut is best for me, but you are welcome to my share of the virgins!
  25. ............ and yet the teacher can speak English and your daughter can't.

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