I'm not sure global warming
1. is caused by human activity
2. is undesirable.
3. can be changed by human activity
If I were the government, I'd prefer to spend money on housing the homeless than paying billions to carbon traders. Anyway IPCC doesn't seem to think sea level rises are a significant risk.
I'm hoping Natwest/Coutts aren't going to cancel my bank account for this post.
I don't really believe in insurance either, beyond government regulations.
I have minimum insurance on vehicles, no house insurance (beyond mortgage requirement), no health insurance.
As for drinking, first wine cooler of the day already half finished.
By the way I live in a home mainly powered by solar cells (PEA bill usually around 200bht), and drive a Honda Click 160i (53Km/ltr) which I'm guessing is far beyond any conservation you do.