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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. But what really amuses me is a guy that has God looking out for him personally, suffers 3 disastrous marriages (women's fault not his), never pays for sex .... but is an expert on both marriage and prostitution ............ beggars belief really.
  2. I don't see much 'easy money' to be earned in India. Korea and Japan, maybe.
  3. Us retired an fully funded folk all have way too much time on our hands. Which is better than having to scrabble around for every penny.
  4. You think a 0.2 error is significant? I think it isn't.
  5. = my love. Te Amo = I love you.
  6. Nearly all sex is transactional, only the payment plans differ. Briffault's Law. As you've made it personal, How successful were your 4 devout Christian marriages to 'normal' women?
  7. I've lived with 3 bar girls, they are all now married at ages 40-50+ and have normal 'middle-class' lives in nice houses.
  8. I changed GBP at 45.1 yesterday. Long may the unrest last!
  9. Most work available to the uneducated pays 6-10kbht/month. That's probably a harder life than working in a bar. Not too sure on the 'extra' health dangers, mostly government anti-sex propaganda IMHO. I certainly never caught anything and neither did any of the three Thai bar girls I've lived with, they're all OK, married and living normal lives now at ages 40-55.
  10. X is right about the work, not much to be had and an extra 3 years of high school + 4 years at university (that all involves significant fees and living expenses at least 300kbht+) might get her a job earning 20kbht/month if she's really bright. Or in Pattaya she can earn 20-60kbht a month ............
  11. Whatever is in the fridge, it all has the same ph of 6.5-6.7.
  12. You think the dead guy might have given birth sometime in the past?
  13. Surprised the pickup driver didn't pull a gun and shoot both motorcyclists dead. Road rage is a game more than one can play at the same time!
  14. Probably not in Thailand. And you would need to know the victims DNA in advance.
  15. You think women know why they do stuff?
  16. I always considered it a form of self harming, to show they hate themselves for the life they are leading.
  17. PH is more important than nutrients IMHO. Teaspoon of nutrient in a washing up bowl of water, then stir in citric acid (very cheap in all bakery suppliers) until pH = 6. I like this pH pen, calibrate in a glass of fresh milk until 6.6. (every 3 months) https://s.lazada.co.th/s.QLpL5
  18. Dental records ..... teeth don't decay once dead. You need to pull them out and crush them with a hammer.
  19. You remove the head and hands to avoid the body being identified. Then you can burn & bury the head and hands which are much easier to carry around an dispose of.
  20. I just use this ...........Peat Moss + Perlite Peat moss https://shopee.co.th/พีทมอส-125-ลิตร-(Greenterra-Professional-Peat-Moss-Substrate)-วัสดุเพาะปลูกพืช-เพาะกล้า-เพาะเมล็ด-ปลูกผัก-i.193303481.3705341483 Perlite https://shopee.co.th/Perlite-(เพอร์ไลท์)-บรรจุ-1-ลิตร-พิเศษ10ลิตร-99บาท-วัสดุปลูก-ล็อตใหม่ฝุ่นน้อย!!-เเถมฟรีปุ๋ย16-16-16-i.46181899.5396479161 Nutriants 30-20-10+TE for veg https://shopee.co.th/ปุ๋ยเกล็ด-สูตร-30-20-10-TE-(ผลิต-220223)-สูตรบำรุงต้นและใบ-ตรา-เวสโก้-จำนวน-1-ชิ้น-i.69258080.3931798517 0-52-34 for flower https://shopee.co.th/ปุ๋ยเกล็ด-สูตร-โมโนโพแทสเซียมฟอสเฟต-(ปุ๋ยเกล็ด-สูตร-0-52-34)-ขนาด-1-กิโลกรัม-ตราเวสโก้-(ผลิต-280323)-จำนวน-1-ชิ้น-i.69258080.6531715034 Nothing special required, no need to buy special (x5 price Fox Farm) cannabis nutrients, it's just another plant. When you talk about 'teas' it sort of marks you as a total n00b/amateur.
  21. Tastes slightly sweeter than SangSom. I prefer it, good for making fake Bailey's.

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