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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. My problems only came from one side (hers). If it had been my choice I'd still be with her and my former kids. No need for my support (beyond the $1M she got in the divorce), the state will provide. Think the OP is in the same boat.
  2. Not really to do with the ladies, more to do with our governments outbidding us for their attentions with welfare and asset stripping.
  3. Got to agree, shortly after I first came to Thailand I moved in with a hooker. She was a real looker but couldn't pay her 10k/month mortgage. Usually managed 2-3 guys a week in high season, I know 'cos she worked out of my gfs bar. As for customers being perverts ........ She said 50% of her customers just wanted to cuddle her and cry about their home country wives doing them wrong (no sex), which sounds about right to me. Did know a go-go girl, she managed 2x a night (+ sponsors). After a couple of years she had a big car and a nice house all paid for up front. But she was an unusually hard worker.
  4. Back in Oman, men can divorce women very easily, but women can't divorce men. Result = no divorce, because men generally don't divorce women (unless forced). The OP has 2 choices, 1. He can be weak and submit to female blackmail by children for the rest of his life. 2. He can walk away and try again. Thought you were divorced 4x? As for loneliness, I bought 3 rabbits and I'm never lonely.
  5. I got that kind of story from marrying a Brit Christian Virgin schoolteacher. It's what women do to their husbands! I don't believe a woman's previous occupation gives any indication of how she'll behave when she tires of you. I agree with the Thai men on this topic, walk away never see your kids again, and never send money. If you get a child maint. award against you, just give up working.
  6. That's BS, my panels are very dirty now and I doubt I'm losing 5%. Batteries are still full by 2pm, I'll clean them when they don't fill my batteries up in the day.
  7. Most of the guys I knew in the UK finished with sex at age 40. Not their choice, their wife wouldn't do it (with them) any more, and if they wanted to keep their house ........
  8. My brief (who was very good) always used to tell me to say... I don't think I was there I can't remember And never to say anything when he wasn't there. Presumably the chap has the right to be represented by a British lawyer. Hope the police brought one with them.
  9. I've never encountered a happy TURP customer in Thailand. They all complained of incontinence and/or impotence. Guy own the road from me had it done (age 55), no problems as he was finished with sex anyway. Now he's 60, needs it done again.
  10. Cos the women are easy ........... obviously!
  11. I've encountered a few pros in Thailand and Vietnam. The cons in Thailand were mainly Brits.
  12. But the researchers questioning established knowledge aren't funded by governments or corporations.
  13. Was sitting outside 'Hom Coffee' (MoonMuang near Bikers Corner) earlier this week, many backpacker types both young and old passing by.
  14. Most watched Prime show, only one in the top 50 with 4M viewers. I'd say program makers would be fighting a bidding war to make future seasons if Prime don't want him.
  15. Almost every important discovery was made by someone that didn't it in the corporate world. IMHO corporate research drones don't add much knowledge of worth to the world.
  16. Always thought they were dull. Bit of a weird and pointless anti-black rant he had though.
  17. Very easily, you only have to read the posts from the 'protect an honour all women' brigade to understand the thinking.
  18. Looks like they changed their mind. It's their most popular show and they've just started filming season 3. https://www.bt.com/tv/entertainment/clarksons-farm-season-3-release-date-kaleb-cooper-diddly-squat
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