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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Give the guy a break, he's been waiting 40 years for his turn. Let him play King for a year or 5 before handing over.
  2. Would advise against POCO. Bought one, an it always had a problem with turning on after charging. After 6 months it no longer turned on, nowhere to get it fixed or replaced. Worst phone I've ever had.
  3. Nobody is forcing you to live there! As for sleeping, I smoke 0.5g of cannabis then sleep for the next 6-8hrs and nothing will wake me.
  4. I usually have coffee at 'Hom Coffee' on the moat of a morning. Loads of backpackers/tourists walking past until last week when there were none.
  5. Most people sell them very quickly. Bits drop off as you drive along the road. Better to spend your money on a s/h Honda IMHO.
  6. You have a completely false idea of biometric strips and the data it contains. There is no search run in the immigration computer when you enter Thailand, it just confirms it's your passport.
  7. But they might not look for your name under different passport numbers and consider this your first trip to Thailand. Back in the UK if you wanted to avoid police database searches, you just reversed your first and middle names on the form, or dropped one completely.
  8. Just had 15g Sour Diesel delivered for 250bht COD (my scale says 18g), smells OK, a little dry ..... not smoked it yet. This has got to be the cheapest non-brick on sale anywhere.
  9. You've confused schoolgirls uniforms with university students uniforms. The belt buckles are for university uniforms. I wear my Thai ladies university belt every day.
  10. When I was a youth I was too busy working to protest. Guess the current crop have a lot more time on their hands.
  11. How I view 'woke' Like every other totalitarian movement, what some call liberalism and others more recently often describe as Cultural Marxism has developed an ideology which its adherents use to justify the imposition of tyranny on the society they seek to overtake. The ideology of America’s contemporary totalitarian left can be called wokeism. The four intellectual pillars of wokeism are: 1. Anti-white racism disguised under the euphemism social justice. 2. Rejection of traditional morality, which is primarily carried out by the promotion of sexually deviant lifestyles such as homosexuality and transgender. In a truly surreal inversion of reality, they paint traditional morality as immoral by charging it with being homophobic, transphobic, and similar terms. 3. Environmentalism based on the notion that it is desirable and possible to arrest climate change. 4. Intense hostility toward Christian religion, which they negatively paint as patriarchal, intolerant, and oppressive. 4. is a bit of an odd one, 'cos the wokes love Islam even though it's more extreme and way more homophobic and anti-women's rights than Christianity.
  12. I've done QR at both my Local 7-11 and BigC.
  13. I always sa-kan at the checkout.
  14. Hardly any western guys wear a crucifix. Don't think I've ever seen one while in Thailand.
  15. Once you're a member iherb email you discount codes every week.
  16. This is nothing to do with Buddhism. Thailand is a primitive society that mixes animism and magic (+ a bit of Hinduism) with Buddhism.
  17. It's because they connected this little current measuring coil with the wires the wrong way round.
  18. It worked for Prince Charles, Rod Stewart and Paul McCartney, so why shouldn't it work for me?
  19. Dinosaur thinking! Interest rates are lower than inflation so no point in saving. Money in your bank is depreciating money.
  20. Video was completely worthless. It needs a warning, "Danger, Danger Will Robinson' comes to mind.
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