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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. No idea, one opened up just outside my 'rural' MooBaan. I've not ever seen a customer in there since they opened. A new coffee shop opened up this week as well. To compete with the 50 other coffee shops within 1Km of my home. I did have my first and last coffee there this morning, a lukewarm Latte. I won't be going back.
  2. Yes, 'smoke smoking so much' makes perfect sense.
  3. Not that special IMHO, Never had the other 2. I like Critical Orange Punch and Tropical Punch.
  4. Double discount for me as well, this month my bill is 166bht.
  5. I would say owning anything significant in Thailand would result in you needing a Thai D/L. Ownership of the m/c you are driving being the obvious item the police should ask about. Next they would ask to see the VISA in your passport.
  6. How do you know the people arguing have white skin?
  7. Take it to a different testing place. I use this one in SanSai ........... and my pickup is a total rusty junk heap. https://goo.gl/maps/SN9qAhLhPfXr6DyAA
  8. No idea but it kills ear mites on my rabbits. And it kills aphids on my garden plants (Avermectin variant)
  9. We were always the goodies, bringing civilisation to the rest of the world (whether they wanted it or not).
  10. The Clintons need to go to jail first. And lets not forget Chappaquiddick. Trump never pretended to be anything he wasn't, not being Hillary was enough to get him elected.
  11. Research using Google/Youtube/Facebook/Twitter that censors everything. The idea you can research anything on a heavily censored platform is laughable.
  12. I actually had 2x COVID vaccinations based on false information issued by the CDC. Where can I apply for compensation based on their misinformation?
  13. The difference being Biden probably didn't know he was visiting a war zone.
  14. I followed all the rules and still caught COVID 2x, masks and vaccine totally ineffective IMHO.
  15. IMHO the 'you must take the vaccine and wear face masks' claimants have been far more vociferous than the anti-vaxxers ever were. Not to mention Google/Facebook/Twitter et al censoring the anti-vaxxers and promoting the vaxxers. Anti-vaxxers appear to have no wish in imposing their wills on pro-vaxxers. They just want to be left alone, their bodies, their choice.
  16. I had Polio vaccine, and never caught polio, tetanus vaccine, and never caught tetanus, whooping cough vaccine and never caught whooping cough ........ that's how I expect vaccines to work. Also had COVID vaccine x2 and caught COVID 2x. So I would dispute your claim that vaccines aren't expected to stop you catching the disease.
  17. You could same about the Americans Vs the Afgans, and the Americans Vs the Vietnamese. Well trained high tech Vs desperate low tech isn't a foregone conclusion.
  18. Up here in Chang Mai the sky is a dirty grey/brown. So it appears your facts are not everyone's facts.
  19. Yep, it's the season for bees to move. These arrived last week right by my front gate, hung around for a day here at head height, then moved up higher into the tree where they are happily constructing a large comb. Not sure what the old folk did to rile them up, ours are very calm and placid.
  20. Thanks for sharing those facts. I always suspected this to be the end result for many chancing a TURP in Thailand.
  21. Two pensions go a lot further in one house. Think of it as a house share. I always liked the old West German divorce laws. A communist official would enter the home/apartment and draw a line down the middle of the living area ........ this is your half, and that is her half. They didn't have enough resources to provide single homes for everyone. An example those in the west should follow. We don't have enough housing for everyone to live alone, make everyone share. Living alone is just selfish and wasteful!
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