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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. I'm the only source worth believing. No need to fact check me!
  2. A survey in the UK found over 80% of women married up. If they wanted equality, the survey would have been 50% married up and 50% married own. How many women have you known that married down? I've met none.
  3. Sex with the craziest women is always the best!
  4. I don't think there's a single Thai that didn't hear Anutin say any officials arresting people for having cannabis would be severely punished. That was right at the start when 4 police tried to extort a little old Thai lady, ZERO arrests since then.
  5. I've paid 2 different womens mortgage. The bank didn't care who handed them the money. I have a card with the mortgage details on it, I just hand it to them when I make a payment and get a pink receipt showing interest rate, payment, and outstanding amount on the loan.
  6. According to my link Thailand never ratified the 1968 UN Treaty. https://unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trans/conventn/CP_Vienna_convention.pdf But it shouldn't matter as both treaties allows use of your home country licence, and the IDP was only ever required when your home country license was not in English or not in the correct format.
  7. I've never found much difference between expensive an cheap. Nearly all the expensive Samsung electronics I have purchased failed very quickly.
  8. First thing you need to go is get your wife (the homeowner) to go to the bank and say she's selling the house. The bank won't care what you say as you don't own the house, and you don't owe them money. The bank also won't care who is buying the house, they just want their money.
  9. If she does disclose it she will never get a VISA for the UK either. So nothing to lose.
  10. Not lucky, I refuse all deliveries I didn't make unless ^^^^^ I've had 2 or 3 attempts this year ranging from 67bht to 1,999bht.
  11. I always refuse to pay for deliveries from other people ......... unless they left the exact money and a note.
  12. "I was a bit <deleted> to be honest. I wanted to be there.... " Looks like consent to me.
  13. No fees and plenty of space. Just park it with all the other bikes in the car park.
  14. Way too expensive, assemble your own 48V 250AH will set you back around 38,000bht. Buyer beware, lots of Thai sellers using 10 year old recycled batteries in their builds.
  15. Expat stores make my life better ....... today's delivery (mostly from Food Variety).
  16. 5 years in jail for burning at the moment. Please provide us with your name and address, so I can report you to the relevant authorities.
  17. Well, 1. the buyer will need to provide documents showing he can pay the mortgage. 2. he will need to buy a 20 year life insurance from the bank, 100% paid up front (usually around 100kbht). 3. your wife will need to complete all the paperwork at the land office (her house, not yours). Can't see it happening myself.
  18. She's 57, could have probably avoided it all together. Let's say 10 years for the federal rap, hardly worth any 'favorable' sentence. Doubt Thailand even has an extradition treaty with the USA for motoring offences. Most 'proles' assume an extradition treaty is for all offences, but in most cases it's restricted to specific crimes only.
  19. What if it's his house? Most couples this age have little or no positive feelings for each other, they just co-habit and share housing costs.
  20. She's just daft to return without extradition. She should have fought to stay here until the bitter end. Would have taken at least 5 years, if they manage to o it.
  21. I think it's the woman at fault, and the British marriage vows. In England women generally stop having sex with their husbands at age 40. But all my male English pals still wanted sex until at least age 60. Why is it men are required to obey all their marriage vows, but women get a free pass?
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