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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. She's 57, could have probably avoided it all together. Let's say 10 years for the federal rap, hardly worth any 'favorable' sentence. Doubt Thailand even has an extradition treaty with the USA for motoring offences. Most 'proles' assume an extradition treaty is for all offences, but in most cases it's restricted to specific crimes only.
  2. What if it's his house? Most couples this age have little or no positive feelings for each other, they just co-habit and share housing costs.
  3. She's just daft to return without extradition. She should have fought to stay here until the bitter end. Would have taken at least 5 years, if they manage to o it.
  4. I think it's the woman at fault, and the British marriage vows. In England women generally stop having sex with their husbands at age 40. But all my male English pals still wanted sex until at least age 60. Why is it men are required to obey all their marriage vows, but women get a free pass?
  5. They tend to put a line through used VISAs. Nothing to worry about.
  6. Never met a woman with any of those attributes. Obviously your wife and mother are different, but neither of my wives or mother was.
  7. You're posting rubbish that has already been answered. IDP and home country motor cycle driving licences are covered by the same 1949 UN treaty + Thai law section 42-2, in which either is valid for tourists in Thailand. Unless you're German, neither a German driving licence or German issued IDP is valid in Thailand as Germany didn't ratify the treaty. German tourists and anyone intending to live in Thailand need a Thai driving licence the moment they enter Thailand. Section 42-2 MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY ACT (Thai Law) https://driving-in-thailand.com/motor-vehicle-act/ Section 42 Anyone who wishes to drive a motor vehicle on public roads must possess an appropriate driver licence. The driver must carry the driver licence and a photocopy of the registration book and show them to competent officers upon request. This does not apply to those who are learning to drive a motor vehicle according to the provision of Section 57. If the driver is an alien who doesn't have an immigrant visa, he may drive a motor vehicle with a driver licence specified in the Section 42-2. In such a case, he must carry documents specified by the treaty between the Thai government and the government which issued such driver licence, and show them to competent officers upon request. Section 42-2 In case there is a treaty between the Thai government and a foreign government regarding mutual acceptance of driver licence, an alien who does not have an immigrant visa may drive a motor vehicle with a driver licence issued by such a foreign government, or an automobile association authorised by such a foreign government. Once you obtain a non-immigrant visa or establish you are a resident (such as enrolling kids in school, buy a car etc,) and are no longer a toursit, you need a Thai drivers licence as your national license and international driving permit is only legally accepted if you are a tourist. Several insurance companies have fine print stating that the driver should hold a valid Thai driving licence to be fully covered after a certain amount of time in Thailand. And this is the 1949 UN treaty ratified by Thailand in 1962, and the UK in 1957 (and Norway in 1957) https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetailsV.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=XI-B-1&chapter=11&Temp=mtdsg5&clang=_en
  8. What he means ......... Pattaya beaches aren't very nice and the sea is disgusting ........ Hua Hin beaches are much nicer, and you can swim in the water, when it isn't jellyfish season. As for cost of living, I'm living quite well as a family of 4 on 50kbht/month in Chiang Mai. No good for you as you want beaches.
  9. I have this one, worked perfectly for 6 months so far, 12,500bht. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/anern-35kw55kw-pure-sine-wave-solar-inverter-100a-mppt-hybrid-inverter-24v48v-500vdc-pv-input-220vac-240vac-converter-hybrid-off-grid-inverter-i3854368933-s14717301912.html?
  10. You understand wrong. Lazada chooses the delivery company, not the seller.
  11. Because it isn't marked 'shipped' in the Lazada app.
  12. If it isn't 'shipped' in the Lazada platform, why would you accept delivery?
  13. Lazada chooses the delivery company. The seller has no choice in whom to use.
  14. Get your gf to make the booking! No gf, go to a bar and get one of the ladies there to book for you.
  15. Seems a little unfair as he hasn't been convicted of anything. If I were him I'd write a book slamming the Royal family, seems to be quite profitable.
  16. ONE, Ordered a black bicycle front bag, and a pink one was delivered. Returned and refunded.
  17. Too woke for me, ep6 threw in the deaf/mute black kid (although he seemed to forget he was mute when running away from the zombies). Acting very poor throughout.
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