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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. That seems unlikely as Lazada would never get their cut.
  2. I'm more of a bacon, sausages, roast pork, chips, meat pies and fried chicken (at home) type of guy. Last week went out to LK 3x to the Indian, had Chicken Madras, Butter Chicken, and Chicken Tikka Masala.
  3. Been like that since 2010, I used to enjoy exploring the abandoned areas of KSK back then.
  4. Pantrip Plaza, KSK or Promanada?
  5. It's biological programming, pure and simple. In the 'good old days' the most violent men were the best hunters and providers, and that's who they are programmed to want. Yeah, you might take a few licks from the guy when he's in a bad mood, but at least you and your kids get to eat every day. The guys that 'love and honour' all women get nothing, but like all wokes double down and still get nothing. The average number of sexual partners for men in their lifetime in the west is FOUR! Most of us have managed that (or more) in a week in Thailand.
  6. You missed out an 'r' from your last word.
  7. It doesn't make any difference to you, if he commits no crimes here live and let live I say. You're worried about some foreigner while the Thais around you murder their mothers and wives, and the Thai police run drugs, prostitutes, extortion and gambling. Not to mention the local drunk drivers mowing down women at bus stops and riding m/cs nearly every day.
  8. I met some Brit bank robbers in CM. They only returned to the UK when they needed money. They were totally legit here, just spending money.
  9. Don't know about Indians, but I only eat British and Indian food. Thai food is just not appealing to me.
  10. Me Too! Seller own fleet, packed for a week, China of course.
  11. I'm surprised more didn't go under. The COVID shutdowns probably did more damage than WW2. Inflation 10% and up almost everywhere, and entire countries bankrupt for nothing.
  12. Horrible! If you have to wait at the Thai roadside, always stand behind a concrete lamp/power post.
  13. More likely they were killed by Thai loan sharks and the foreign migrant workers blamed (as usual).
  14. The OP says he found them in his bedroom. The OP photo seems to suggest he found them at immigration. The reporting is so bad I'm confused. Anyway trivial offense, and excessive police response.
  15. I'd suggest a quick invasion of France, followed by a united Europe under British rule.
  16. Yes, I understand that for most western men, sex isn't an important part of a relationship (just as well really).
  17. Agreed, no will, no executor ..... marriage invalidated it.
  18. I agree with him. It's not the cost, it's the adventure. And my last 12 (mainly Thai) years have been one hell of a ride.
  19. I found so many attractive and available women in CM, I never needed to go to Pattaya or Bangkok. The ladies were also available in Saigon (but not Da Nang or Hanoi). And also plentiful in Phnom Penh, Siam Reap (Cambodia) and Barratto (Philippines). Was in Loi Kroh last week and plenty of young and attractive women available.
  20. I use it on pizza and it's great. Just grind 3-4gm onto the cheese, add any other toppings, then cook at 190c for 15-20 minutes.
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