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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Silly comment, I've brought up 3 kids here. 30 minutes school prep and delivery, 30 minutes collecting and feeding. The rest of the time they circulate around me with hardly any input from me required. Hardly a full time job.
  2. You think a Canadian restaurant could beat a food bill of 55,000bht? That's over $2,000CAN.
  3. Was in the centre of CM yesterday, didn't think it was that bad. My photo, taken by the river at lunchtime, doesn't look like the photo in the OP.
  4. Evidence, Milk made from powder doesn't froth, when you buy your Latte look at the milk the barista uses.
  5. Never let your wife participate in navigation!
  6. The only unexpected question in the online application ......... 'what date were you divorced?'. I just guessed a date, they didn't seem to care.
  7. No documents are required for online applications. No records of employers are required for online applications. Best to tick the 'not married' box.
  8. It's a bit smoggy today, but still nice eating by the river.
  9. The point being, he doesn't need any explanation. She left me. I don't remember anything, it was a long time ago. That's about the most he should say.
  10. CofR is free (14 day wait at CM), but many immigration offices want 500-1000bht for 'instant' VIP service.
  11. I'd refuse to pay a 50,000bht restaurant bill as well! Sounds like a Karaoke scam beating.
  12. Just put the ground flower on the cheese, it decarbs as it cooks. Last night 3gm of Lao brick on a pizza knocked me out for 4 hrs before I managed to stagger to bed. I've also tried decarb first, but it wasn't as good.
  13. Did a Transfer at 9am this morning (41.07). 10am the money was sent to my bank. ETA at my BKB account 2:13pm today, marked FTT.
  14. No woman wants a 'good guy' when she can get 'a real piece of work'. If you want women you have two choices. 1. Become a violent thug (they like them). 2. Earn enough money to pay them (they also like money).
  15. My advice to him, refuse to talk to the police. They have no evidence, so don't give them any.
  16. Many of the brands are reconstituted from powder. About the best are Meiji, ChockChai and Thai-Danish which appear to be real milk from cows.
  17. Me neither, Either a woman wanted the money I was offering, or she didn't. If I'd waited for a woman that 'liked me for myself', I'd still be waiting.
  18. The experts never seem that useful to me. They wanted the countries closed for 2 years, that didn't go too well. They told us all to wear masks, an get vaccinated 4+ times, but we still all caught COVID. Experts have agendas, usually financially motivated agendas.
  19. I always used to have English breakfast with my pals in Murphy's Irish Bar& grill.
  20. The EU is all white, so how can a vote to leave be racist? How many non-white countries have been allowed to join the EU? If the answer is none then the EU is racist, and the UK was non-racist by leaving a racist organisation.
  21. Who could possibly predict a country filled with cannabis, hookers and corrupt police would attract foreign 'undesirables'?
  22. Obviously, I wouldn't pay for a random COD delivery.
  23. Nope, but did go to China and didn't like the food there either. I only eat British versions of Chinese food.
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