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Everything posted by BritManToo

  1. Don't rent from foreigners renting and working illegally in Thailand. Obviously he doesn't want to pay income tax or admit to working without a permit.
  2. I add a scoop of WESCO 0-52-34 occasionally during flower. All the cannabis aimed nutrients are a complete rip-off. It's just a plant, same as any other plant. Nothing special or expensive required. My plants look happy enough!
  3. I dislike Thais, so it's no good for me!
  4. Same for me, divorced and retired to Thailand age 52. I spent all my remaining assets getting from age 52 to pension age 64 without working.
  5. Yep, same for me, I have no assets, only income. As for home value, not really relevant if you're a married guy, it's her home not yours. As I already found out in the UK. As far as I can see a guys worth is down to his income and money in the bank, not some fantasy price his womans house may be worth if she allowed him to sell it and keep the money. And not his bitcoin collection, if he hasn't cashed out.
  6. Wesco 30-20-10+TE works fine. About 150bht (lazada) for a 1kg bag that lasts over 1 year for 6-10 large plants.
  7. They should have a national vote, with all those voting against agreeing to pay an extra tax to pay for the mentally ill they choose to live. Democracy with responsibility!
  8. I agree the flirting and romance is the important part of the bar scene. Sex I can get from the woman I live with.
  9. Doesn't really bother me. When I buy a coffee in a coffee shop I don't care about how many other customers she's served either....... As long as the cup has been washed its all good.
  10. Most of my (woman's) grow is outside now. (all clones).
  11. I thought the police weren't suppose to state the nationalities of foreigners any more.
  12. I doubt there's anyone wanting to invest $500,000 in Thailand to get a VISA.
  13. I completely agree with everything you say. I'm wrong, you're right.
  14. Would point out modern hybrid inverters are very quick to turn themselves off in the event of a problem. My kid managed to short out her bedroom socket shortly after I installed the system. All the electricity was turned off and alarms blaring before any breakers flipped.
  15. Nowhere near ready, another 4 weeks at least.
  16. That's not gonna happen, the USA always invades countries that try that.
  17. My pensions aren't frozen at all, looking forward to a 10.1% rise in April.
  18. I'd put my top 3 as Fight Club, American Beauty and The Unforgiven. I can't rate the movies I've never seen, as I've never seen them.
  19. My house in CM cost 1.8Mbht, 300k up front, monthly repayments over 27 years of 11kbht. The houses currently rent for 9-10kbht/month. If I'd rented I'd have 300kbht in my pocket and save 1kbht/month in payments. I see no advantage in owning, renting is cheaper and it's easier to move. Why do you want to buy?
  20. Someone pointed this out to me previously, UK makes nothing so it's currency is worthless. My reply was, Spain and Portugal grow most of the food for Europe, yet are the worst off financially (PIIGS). USA also makes nothing but rules the world and it's currency is king. China make almost everything for the world but is a financial basket case. So your theory that manufacturing/production makes a country rich appears to fall at the first fence.
  21. Wai-ing is a feudal acknowledgement of a master/servant status. If you don't want to be master or servant you should avoid doing it at all.
  22. I threw my mil out of our home. Nasty bit of work, she thought it was OK to order everyone around and shout and hit our children.
  23. Two possibilities ............ 1. They like the violence and are excited by it or 2. They are lying about the beatings.
  24. Not seen that, all the foreigners I've encountered appear to be on the same social level as Thai farm girls. Me too!
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